Mirian: Social Finance on Ethereum

Unveiling Mirian: your gateway to Finance with your friends

Murat Akdeniz
Mirian Tech
6 min readMay 7, 2018


Showcasing Mirian at EDCON

Dear next generation investors, finance consumers, and most importantly my fellow millenials:

I’m happy to share with you that Mirian is actively working on bringing you the ability to invest together with your friends. Our mobile app is under development and our web application is being polished to give you the best social investing experience. Here is what you can expect to easily do:

  • Bankless, Borderless Investing: Invest for your future without a bank, no matter your country of residence
  • Invest Socially: Start an investment and invite your friends, family, or coworker into it
  • Receive invites from your friends into shared investments, all you have to do is approve and send funds!
  • Earn cryptocurrencies from your investments
  • Seamlessly use Blockchain Technology without having to understand any technical details
  • Invest into any asset such as Stocks, Real Estate, Crypto, or ETFs in tokenized form

Sound fun? Keep reading for details below. If you’re already with it, do signup on our website Mirian.tech or join our Twitter or Telegram.

Why are we doing this? Because investing today sucks, is boring, and requires some sort of financial or technical literacy. And this is a problem if we want to move towards a more prosperous society for the coming and next generations.

Me when someone says millenials don’t save or invest because they buy Avocado Toast.

Millenials aren’t investing, and it’s not the Avocado Toast.

My generation is right at the age when we’re earning and saving some money, thinking about or starting a family, and planning for our future. Unfortunately, for most of us this is hard. CNBC says a third of us don’t know how to go about it, and this is true. Partially because the previous generation spent more time educating us how to handwrite (what a useless skill btw in this day & age) than to teach us how to do financial planning. But a specific set of us went to receive education in Finance, Economics, and other fields that allow them to be good investors and financial planners. The Jim Cramers and Warren Buffetts of our generation. Should they be the only ones to receive the benefits of investing?

We all have a friend like this.

No. But the rest of us know these people. They’re in our network, they’re our friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, and contacts on social media. Today, there’s an increasing gap with investment discovery for our generation. That means your finance friend finds out about the Spotify IPO way before you do. By the time you find out and decide to invest, he’s already up 10% and now you’re not sure if it’s going to go back down. Moreover, many of us find out and do decide to invest, but don’t take that initiative. We tell ourselves we’ll do it tomorrow, it has been a long day of Fortnite after all.

Mirian Peer Wallets lets you invest together with your friends!

It’s not just that, we are also super skeptical of what we see here and there. Years of exposure to popup ads and autoplayed videos have trained us to be. Forbes says millenials trust the word of their peers a lot more than advertisements. This is why Mirian is building Peer Wallets, because all you need to start investing is the word of your friend; that aspect of social initiative and comfort.

Why Blockchain? I don’t understand it.

We’re working very hard to make sure you don’t have to. We’re even integrating Biometrics on Mirian so you don’t have to worry about what‘s called “Private Keys” in Cryptography. Due to the bankless and borderless nature of our product, Blockchain tech makes a great choice. It would be a shame if only some people could access amazing investment opportunities with their friends due to their location or inability to afford wire transaction fees. We want to live in a world where finance is seen as a friendly industry that helps you plan for a better future, not a predatory one that pounces at your wallet on every opportunity.

A bank waiting to charge you an overdraft or a wire transfer fee.

Not only that but if we were to use other technologies to do it, someone would have to manage you and your friends’ money, and take a fee. With what’s called Smart Contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain, it automagically happens. So you and your friends’ investments can get managed by computers on Ethereum worldwide. This is a benefit of decentralization, and we want you to gain the most out of it.

Blockchain also unlocks many other financial possibilities for you and your network. In the near future you will be able to take out a mortgage with your friends, put a downpayment on a summer house together for example. Don’t have enough to buy a house? Source the remaining funds from your network for cheaper rates. We’re building Mirian to be a platform that allows you to do all of these in due time, because finance is due for a change, and our generation won’t take no for an answer.

You jumping into a mortgage with your friends.

Ok great, I have questions. Also, how can I be a part of this?

We know you have questions, and we’ll answer them! Best way is to ask on our Telegram for an open discussion, so others in our community can also see it. We promise to keep you updated leading up to and after Mirian’s release. If you’re really craving some more details, you can watch my presentation from EDCON Ethereum Developers Conference 2018.

After you use Peer Wallets to invest with your friends.. The future is together!

But the greatest thing you can do to take part is to join our community and spread the word. You see, blockchain has been a thing for 9 years. But the community has only been recently coming together and pushing its agenda, which compels nations and institutions to take action. Now we have the largest companies in the world and governments looking at it. They used to say “Bitcoin is for criminals”. They used to say “Blockchain has potential, but not cryptocurrencies” when people like us wanted to advance cryptocurrency use. Now they call people like us and ask us to help with their blockchain strategy. Not because we’re great, but because you, the members of a global community have spoken and empowered us. Only with a great community can we achieve great things, and this is why Uncle Satoshi wants YOU to join the cause! So hop on over and join the revolution, for it will not be centralized.

Many thanks for reading,


Founder @ Mirian.tech



Murat Akdeniz
Mirian Tech

Founder @primev_xyz // Prev Product @blocknative