My Pandemic Album: Pet Sounds

The Beach Boys, Pet Sounds (1966)

Luella Schmidt
Mirror In The Sky


The Project: Submerge myself in humanity’s best art in the form of the 100 Best Albums, Movies, and Novels. Pet Sounds is the #2 Album of all time according to Rolling Stone.

The Results: Improved mood, less fear and anxiety, and the strongest faith in humanity I’ve ever had. Join me, here!

Writer’s Screenshot of the #2 best album ever, Pet Sounds

You know, it is funny the lives we end up living. I spent over a decade building a small business and most of the time, I really loved it. But it was all-consuming. At least, it was for me. I tend to be one of those type-A people who really like to GET THINGS DONE and BE THE BEST. I mean, I’ve sold the business now and here I am already building something new. I like goals, what can I say?

So what does a person like that know about the Beach Boys? Crew cuts and teenyboppers and songs on the oldies station, right?


I avoid reading anything about an album on the Top 100 list before I listen to it, so this may not be surprising to you, but it was to me.

Brian Wilson quit touring and decided to do a bunch of acid and create the greatest rock album ever made.

And holy crap did he ever.



Luella Schmidt
Mirror In The Sky

Writer ✱ Creator ✱ Entrepreneur ✱ I write about history, politics, & justice ♥ and the Top 100 albums🎵, movies🎬, & novels📚 ♥ Peace ♥