Write for Mirror in the Sky

Everything you need to know about becoming a writer with Mirror in the Sky

Luella Schmidt
Mirror In The Sky


Mirror in the Sky is a publication that celebrates the 100 Best Albums, Movies, and Novels. The name was inspired by Stevie Nicks’ lyrics in Landslide. We look to the sky for divinity, but divinity lives and breathes in each of us. Art is where we witness each other’s fearful, brave, and beautifully twisted souls. Let’s spend time with our best art and see what happens to us.

We publish creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry.

The only requirement is that your story must feature one of the albums, movies, or novels listed below. You can use it as a theme in a personal essay. You can do a review of the piece. You can satirize the piece. You can feature an album, movie, or novel in your fiction or poetry. You can tell us about the year the piece came out. The sky’s the limit.






Luella Schmidt
Mirror In The Sky

Writer ✱ Creator ✱ Entrepreneur ✱ I write about history, politics, & justice ♥ and the Top 100 albums🎵, movies🎬, & novels📚 luellaschmidt.com ♥ Peace ♥