(New Fairy Tales) Fairy tale with Toys and a White Kingdom (Part 1)

(originally published on https://mirthfultales.com/)

Ionela Postolache
4 min readSep 1, 2017


mirthfultales.com — new fairy tales

The little girl went to the mirror, made a cheerful grimace and winked herself. Her brown hair was way more rebellious than mommy would have liked. She thought for a second, then she tapped it with her hand and, of course, ruffled it even more. But the chore was done, regardless of the outcome. So she rushed outside the room, slamming the door against the wall and ran down the spiral staircase, eager to get to dinner. The next day was Christmas and, in her haste, she believed she could drag the world with her, skip today and jump straight into the magical night.

In the dining room the table was already set and her sister was waiting patiently, sitting straight in her chair. Tina tried to calm her agitated breath and adopt an elegant bearing. As she took her seat, she threw an accomplice look to her sister. ”She didn’t comb her hair, yet again”, Ella thought to herself. But, despite the expected rebuke, dinner unfolded without incidents. Perhaps the parents were also caught up in the excitement of the following days and were either too busy or too amused.

Later on, the little girls were sitting tight, against each other, on the large, beautifully set bed in Tina’s bedroom. They were whispering, although nobody could hear them.

‘Do you believe Santa is watching us?’, Ella asked, glancing furtively at the big, bright window.

‘Not sure’, said her sister, unwittingly imitating Ella’s glance.

‘Think they can tell we’ve been going through the sweets?’, Ella said in a firm voice, suddenly preoccupied with more practical concerns.

‘Maybe we shouldn’t do this when they’re out .’

‘Riiiiight’, Tina chuckled, ‘It’s not like we’ve been doing it every year and they haven’t got a clue!’

“Remember when we used to keep watch to see Santa coming with the presents?’

‘Yep. Me five minutes, then you another five minutes for about half hour. After which we’d fall sound asleep. Only to wake up to find the presents already under the tree.’

‘Time passes sooooooo slowly’, Ella whined. ‘Couldn’t today be tomorrow?’

‘Wouldn’t that be nice? ‘

‘Can’t WE make it tomorrow?’

‘How?’, said Tina; her eyes bright with the anticipation of the game she was sensing being invented on spot.

‘Let’s put a dot to it.’

‘A dot?’

‘Yes! Let’s put a dot to this day. Make it finish!’

‘Yes, yes!’, Tina enthused, clapping her hands. ‘And how exactly do we do that?’, followed a grave question on a deliberately serious tone.

‘Well.. easy! We just put a Dot to it. Like so’, Ella said and stood up. She gathered her hands above her head. Then separated and lowered them in an ovoid shape. Then gathered them again, just above the bed. She straightened her back with her face flushed, smiling at her sister. ‘Like that!’

‘Yes, but it won’t work unless we put it together!’


‘Absolutely!’, Ella continued enthusiastically one of their favorite games.


‘No doubt!’


‘Beyond question!’

‘Nooo, not fair! That doesn’t count! There’s more than one word in it!’

‘And „no doubt” is one?’

‘Let’s just put the dot’, Ella gave in.

‘Yes, but no good on the bed.’


‘On the floor. So it can work’, the little girl exaggerated, with that specific emphasis that children often put into their games.

That said, the sisters rose from the bed and faced each other. They joined their hands and drew a circle of sorts in the air. Then they sat back, satisfied, after a job well done.

‘So, what do you think you’ll get this year?’, Tina retook the conversation.

‘I hope for a pretty doll with long hair, so I can try fancy hairdos every day! And you?’

‘Emmm….no dolls. Especially not with long hair. I wouldn’t have the patience to fix it. And I’m no good at it.’

‘I would do your’s too!’, Ella rushed to solve such an insignificant detail.

‘Nooo… I want an interesting game. Something that would really captivate my imagination’, Tina explained in words that she didn’t fully understand, but heard ”the grown ups” use. ‘Anyway, let’s not rush with the discussions. No way to know.’

‘I want a fairy costume’, Ella went on, ignoring her sister’s call to reality. ‘A full costume, with a dress and silver shoes…’

‘Yes, yes! And with a magic wand and… and… magic stardust’, Tina got carried away.

‘One that can cast spells!’, both girls said as one.

‘Hmm, but a princess one would do too’, Ella amended reasonably.

‘Yes. But still, a fairy one is nicer!’

The discussion must have went on, sliding on the miraculous slopes of assumptions and guesses. For how long and what turns it may have taken, that we do not know. But, a while later, in the bluish evening, two little girls were sleeping in the large bed of a warm bedroom, surrounded by the sweet mystery of dreams.

mirthfultales.com — new fairy tales. The White Kingdom

(Part 2 and Part 3 here.)



Ionela Postolache

COO at Varrando.com Between client negotiating, researching, brand positioning, and PM training, I write. I write for my company, and for myself.