Miscellaneous Meditations: A Brief Introduction

Miscellaneous Meditations
1 min readDec 31, 2019

My brain seems to be hardwired for the generation of several thousand ideas per day, but I’ve never taken the time to write most of them down. Human memory being more fallible than we might like to admit, I thought it might be worth publishing the best of those ideas in a more tangible form, leaving me something of a paper trail of my thought process over the years. I could, of course, just write these down privately, but like many creative minds, I also have a habit of starting more projects than I finish: with a goal of one coherent post daily (concise, perhaps, but finished and fully readable), I aim to thoroughly curtail that habit from 2020 onwards.

This blog is thus more of an exercise in productivity than an attempt at public discourse — but should you wish to follow along, I’m sure you’ll find something to stimulate your mind all the same. For posts with a little more polish, you might enjoy reading my other blogs: many of the essays published there are revised versions of what you find here.

In either case, thank you for joining me in the pursuit of wisdom. Without further ado, let us begin!



Miscellaneous Meditations

Bringing a philosophical lens to film and literature. Currently writing an MA thesis on historical trauma and the atomic bomb in Japanese animation.