Gender Recognition from Facial Images using Local Gradient Feature Descriptors

Olarik Surinta
Published in
2 min readFeb 29, 2020

Olarik Surinta and Thananchai Khamket


Local gradient feature descriptors have been proposed to calculate the invariant feature vector. These local gradient methods are very fast to compute the feature vector and achieved very high recognition accuracy when combined with the support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Hence, they have been proposed to solve many problems in image recognition, such as the human face, object, plant, and animal recognition. In this paper, we propose the use of the Haar- cascade classifier for the face detection and the local gradient feature descriptors combined with the SVM classifier to solve the gender recognition problem. We detected 4,624 face images from the ColorFERET dataset. The face images data used in gender recognition included 2,854 male and 1,770 female images, respectively. We divided the dataset into train and test set using 2-fold and 10-fold cross-validation. First, we experimented on 2-fold cross-validation, the results showed that the histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) descriptor outperforms the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) descriptor when combined with the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. The accuracy of the HOG+SVM and the SIFT+SVM were 96.50% and 95.98%. Second, we experimented on 10-fold cross-validation and the SIFT+SVM showed high performance with an accuracy of 99.20%. We discovered that the SIFT+SVM method needed more training data when creating the model. On the other hand, the HOG+SVM method provided better accuracy when the training data was insufficient.

Keywords — gender recognition, face detection, local gradient feature descriptor, support vector machine


Face images after applying Haar-Cascade Classifier

Experimental Results

