Want to share a story of Misogyny with us? Read these Submission Guidelines

MisogynyLeaks HQ
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2017

Anyone of any age, sex, race or nationality can submit a report of sexism to MisogynyLeaks for publication. While our focus is on workplace sexism, your story could have occurred anywhere and with anyone as long as it is connected to a professional setting. Depending on the incident, we may accept stories from outside the workplace as well.

Misogyny, sexism, machismo — call it what you will — but we make a strong commitment to protect the identity of whistleblowers who expose mistreatment and toxic behavior in the workplace. Unless you choose otherwise, you will remain anonymous. This platform is a haven for women and their allies who are pressured to stay silent about the way they are treated for fear of retaliation or ruining their careers. We say it’s time that the sexists had to worry about their own behavior reflecting on their careers for a change!

This is not an elite space, reserved for experts, thought leaders, or professional writers. This is a space for real people who are willing to share candidly and truthfully while remaining anonymous. Every submission will be vetted for accuracy. Make sure to submit any communications (emails, texts, chats), photos, screenshots, eyewitnesses (with contact information), etc. that can corroborate your story. Only reports that can be verified to a minimum standard will be published.

Writing Guidelines

  • Share as many specifics about the incident(s) as you can (names, dates, places, exact words or actions)
  • Focus on the facts, including the aftermath of the incident(s), i.e. work or social consequences, if any, retaliation, HR involvement, etc.
  • Aim for length of 500 words. If reporting more than 1 incident, then it can be longer
  • Explain any internal company rules, structure, or context where necessary for clarity
  • Check for spelling, grammar, and structure before submitting. Remember this is your story exposing the truth to the world, so make it count.

Fill out the submission form or email your submission to MisogynyLeaks@gmail.com. Include your full name, phone number, email, city/state of residence, full name and any identifying information you have of the person(s) you are exposing, and company where incident occurred. We will contact you for further information when vetting the report.



MisogynyLeaks HQ

We help expose misogyny in the workplace free from retaliation.