Facts Cannot Be Twisted. People Are.

Miss Two Flowers 二花小姐
Miss Two Flowers
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2018

Recently, one of the world’s most prestigious literary prizes, The Man Booker International Prize, has been dragged into a diplomatic spat between China and Taiwan.

The official website changed the nationality of a Taiwanese nominee, Professor Ming-yi Wu 吳明益教授 from “Taiwan” to “Taiwan, China”, after receiving a complaint from the Chinese embassy in London.

Coincidentally, only a few weeks ago, a friend of mine from Sweden forwarded me a Facebook post. Promoting a petition to be submitted to Sweden government in order to justify that Taiwan should be listed as a country instead of being classified as a province of China in Sweden government’s website and official documents.

We then had a long talk sharing the hatred we received while trying to say the fact out loud.

Yes, no matter which corner of the world we live in, we are originally from Taiwan. No matter how far we are away from the country we came from, Taiwan will always be the place we call it as our hometown.

“What is that on earth between Taiwan and China?”

Going through the second decade living in Australia, meeting people from all over the world, I get asked this question, A LOT. By friends, by colleagues, by patients, by families, by students, by strangers…

There was once in a seminar about “nursing in different countries and the culture difference” I, of course, presented nursing in Taiwan. To distinguish the difference from the previous presenter from China, I briefly, at the beginning of my presentation, mentioned that Taiwan is not part of China hence the health system, policies, culture and etc. are different from China. As soon as I finished saying that line I could hear a buzz ran across the seminar room, an agitated buzz.

I heard people saying, in both English and Mandarin, “Did you hear what she just said? She says Taiwan is not part of China!”

No need to mention later how some of them walked to my face and said things not very nice and pretty. I felt sad not because what was said to me, but the way my words and the meaning of them were twisted.

It’s difficult to explain the whole history between Taiwan and China. However, without knowing the history, people can still understand THE fact.

When we declare Taiwan does not belong to China. It is not necessary that we are choosing sides in politics. It has nothing to do with politics. It is a fact. THE fact. As simple as that.

When we declare Taiwan does not belong to China. We simply indicate Taiwan does not belong to any others but the people living in it, call it as our home. Taiwan does not belong to China, either to Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, or any other countries in the world. It is a fact. THE fact. As simple as that.

When we declare Taiwan does not belong to China or any countries in the world. It does not mean that we are against anyone or any countries. It does not damage or harm our relationships with anybody, whatever country they are from. It is a fact. THE fact. As simple as that.

When we declare Taiwan does not belong to China. It does not change the fact that there are beautiful people living in China and we do cherish our friendship with them.

When we declare Taiwan is an independent country. We are simply saying that if you wanted to travel to Taiwan, visit our small but all island where was once called ‘Formosa’, you would go to Taipei Economy and Culture Office to apply for a visa. Not to Chinese Embassy, or Australian Embassy, or British Embassy. It is a fact. THE fact. As simple as that.

The fact cannot be twisted. People are. Twisted people would twist a simple fact to an ugly accusation. Twisted people would twist a simple declaration to a complex politics. Twisted people do not listen to the fact. They are too twisted to understand a simple fact.

A fact cannot be twisted. The fact is crystal clear and straightforward. People are twisted. Twisted people tend to twist a fact and interpret it in a twisted way.

When we say, “Taiwan is an independent country.” We are saying that Taiwan is an independent country. That is all.

A fact, the fact, will always be it. It cannot be twisted. What really twisted is the people, who made our world filled up with criticism, hatred, and ‘unfriend every friend who disagrees with me’.

“The ego-shell in which we live is the hardest thing to outgrow.” — D.T. Suzuki

We are living in a globe where is developing and connecting as fast as it was never been before. Even though every person is entitled with own opinions and beliefs. Please be patient and tolerant of the fact, and of those who think differently.

Let the fact to be the fact. As straight forward as it meant to be. No personal feelings. No politics. No hatred.



Miss Two Flowers 二花小姐
Miss Two Flowers

RN, Clinical facilitator, Instructor, Columnist and Mother of 2, who is dedicated to finding the art of a meaningful life, work and parenthood. 少女心的歐巴桑,實踐生活無限可能