Union Street near Swensons

Eat a Peach for Love
Missed Connections in North Beach
2 min readNov 15, 2014



aw sugar don’t you know could you not at least feel the glimmer feel the sigh the ah the oh my as you hurried past me about half way up the union street hill that connects polk to larkin i mean i do appreciate the little bit of you that you left lingering left behind little breadcrumbs of your scent for a few moments there i was the bloodhound big old droopy all nose to the ground taking you in savoring your young yearling self fresh out the gate of life taking the world by storm your long dark hair tied back in a thick braid your gorgeousness masked by some silly blue baseball cap and dark glasses but your extended gorgeousness came through like moses getting his tablets atop the mount sun bursting down upon you i was waiting for some majestic phillip glass blast of brass and bass as your fine shapely self strode up in front of me your tuchus just seemed to giggle and shout at me i could see a dimple in that wonderfully toned callipygian cleft on your left it just danced like a bunny with each step your dark dark with purple borders spandex running yoga ballet whatever beautiful reason i don’t care i simply turn religious and thank the gods and goddesses and whichever whatever other worldly entities are responsible for such things in life and that life bestows upon us wrapping your loveliness there should have been bow and glitter

i know i know i’m being so shallow i’m being so superficial i’m being so hetero normative hell i may be accused of being a bit misogynistic and yes yes even my own adult chirruns will say to me will point their finger my way almost j’accuse in that c’mon dad stop being a perve sort of way but they know and i will tell you that it’s put out there i do put it out there in only the most beneficent manner all i want to be able to do is relish in those perfections that i believe to be the gods’ gift to the world

and then you turned left on hyde and i kept climbing

to where who knows into other worlds and it’s probably for the best dirty old man that i am naughty old fella that i long to be

and i hope you enjoy the contents i hope there are ones who love you who will enjoy the contents of the sephora bag you carried in your left hand i will cherish this bright flash of you in some little tiny corner some cubby in my heart

