React Function Components

Rubén Fernández
Missguided Tech Blog
9 min readMay 28, 2021
Photo by veeterzy on Unsplash

This post was made for developers that have certain experience building Class Components but might not have found the time to learn Function Components and the Hooks API, or that just want to learn more about the differences and similarities between the two.

If you are starting from scratch I would suggest that you head to the official documentation.


React helps us to build UIs by creating reusable components like buttons or text fields, then composing a tree of the nodes of which are instances of those components and, finally, rendering that tree.

The browser works in a similar way. When an HTML document is loaded, the rendering engine parses the HTML and converts the elements to DOM nodes and puts them in a tree called the Content Tree and renders it.

React run-time works on top of the browser operations on the DOM by creating an in-memory representation of the tree of elements and using a diffing algorithm to reconcile that representation with the DOM every time there is an update in the tree. That in-memory representation is called the Virtual DOM.

What are the advantages of using React? Firstly, React’s diffing algorithm on the Virtual DOM is super fast and only the strictly necessary changes are committed to the sluggish HTML DOM and, secondly, React Components have a rich API with which we can tap to different moments in the lifecycle of a component or update its internal state.

React’s diffing algorithm

All credits of this image go for Auth0 and Sebastian Peyrott who wrote this article on the performance of different virtual DOMs implemented in different UI rendering libraries.

React components

Historically, Function Components were relegated to Stateless Components without any internal state or lifecycle logic.

If you wanted to have an internal state to keep track of the number of clicks to the button, you would have to use a Class Component.

Luckily enough for us, the scene changed when Facebook released React 16.8 in February 2019 packed with a new API to hook into lifecycle events and internal state using function components. Enter React Hooks.

Lifecycle methods and internal state

During its life, a component instance goes through three different phases: mounting, updating and un-mounting. At the same time, every render, whether it’s the first, the last or one in between, goes through three different phases: render, pre-commit and commit.

See this amazing diagram to get a grasp of every step of React lifecycle:


Before rendering for the first time, components let us initialise the state, subscribe to data sources or set timers to name a few.

Let’s see how we can write a Class Component that initialises a clock and sets an interval to update the time.

As you can see here we’re are initialising the state in the constructor and then we are using the lifecycle method componentDidMount to set the interval that updates the time every second. componentDidMount will only ever be called once in the life of a component, just before rendering for the first time.

Now, what does that look like when using Function Components and Hooks?

Here, the useEffect hook is replacing the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method. Notice how useEffect receives a function as the first argument and an array as the second. As for useState, it replaces the state initialisation we had in the constructor of our Class Component. Only here, the initial value is not assigned to this.state, instead, it is passed as the only argument to useState.

There is a big difference in the way the state is updated too. With Class Components, we use this.setState and the state is a map of key-value pairs. On the other hand, useState returns us an array with the current value of the state as the first item and a setter for that value as the second. That setter is what we use to update the value.

Several built-in hooks receive a callback function for us to put some logic as the first argument and the dependencies list that indicates to which variables the callback logic depends on as the second. In this case, our interval logic doesn’t depend on any variable, thus we pass an empty dependencies list.


Let’s add some functionality to our clock so that we can stop it with the click of a button.

We’ve added several things to make our clock stoppable:

  • A new state boolean attribute called isRunning indicating whether the clock should be running or not, initialised to true.
  • A button hooked to an event listener to toggle isRunning between true or false.
  • And a componentDidUpdate lifecycle method call to act on the isRunning state change and stop or restart the clock.

As you can see, in the Class Component, componentDidUpdate is called immediately after updating occurs. This creates an opportunity for us to act upon any props or state changes (updating the DOM, retrieving data, etc). In this case, we are stopping or restarting the interval that updates the time. So, we are basically undoing what we set in componentDidMount and then setting it all again depending on which conditions on the previous and current state are met.

Let’s see how we solve the same problem in a Function Component.

Here, firstly, our isRunning state is added as a separate piece of state with its individual value and setter.

As a rule of thumb, it’s good to group pieces of state in a map if they affect the same UI effect.

// Example
const [style, setStyle] = useState({
color: 'red',
width: '100px'

Secondly, we’ve used the useCallback hook to create the event listener to stop or resume the clock every time we click on the new button. Notice how we are using our state setter setIsRunning inside the callback and how, instead of a value, as we did for setTime, we are passing a function updater as its argument, not unlike we did for the Class Component.

const toggle = useCallback(() => {
setIsRunning(isRunning => !isRunning);
}, []);

Instead, we could define our handler as follows.

const toggle = useCallback(() => {
}, [isRunning]);

But that would have two disadvantages:

  • We would have to provide isRunning in the dependencies list or else the callback would get stuck with the state value of the stale closure from the first render (check this article by Netlify to know more).
  • And, as we are adding isRunning to the dependency list, every time isRunning would change, a new reference to the toggle handler would be created, thus forcing the re-render of the button receiving toggle as the value for the onClick prop.

And lastly, we’ve added a couple of things to our useEffect hook. Now we set the interval only if isRunning is true. And, also, we are returning a callback function from within the if statement. That callback function is what in React Hooks lingo is called a clean-up function and it does what it says, it cleans up whatever we’ve set in the useEffect callback; in this case, the interval. In other words, the useEffect hook along with its clean-up function replaces the componentDidUpdate lifecycle methods of Class Components in a very convenient way.

useEffect(() => {
if (isRunning) {
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
setTime(new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
}, 1000);
return () => {

}, [isRunning]);


As you may have noticed, we’ve purposely left out the necessary logic to properly unmount the Class Component. What happens with that interval if the component gets unmounted from the DOM when the interval is still running? Well, then we have a callback that is setting a time state of a component instance that is not mounted anymore thus we have a memory leak (this great Egghead video showcases the issue). Let’s fix it!

Now we are clearing the interval whenever the component is unmounted by using the componentWillUnmount lifecycle method. So, how do we do that in the case of Function Components? Well, we already did:

useEffect(() => {
if (isRunning) {

const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
setTime(new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
}, 1000);
return () => {
}, [isRunning]);

As the clean-up function is called every render, we don’t need to care about any specific logic to unmount the component. As you can see, all three lifecycles we’ve seen, componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate and componentWillUnmount, are synthesized by the useEffect hook and its clean-up function. This is commonly the case. It’s very rare to find a component needing an unmounting logic that does not go accompanied by its counterpart mounting and updating logic.

Avoiding unnecessary re-renders

React is fast and React devs don’t usually need to care about re-renders. But if you have ever developed a heavy component you might have taken the hard path of avoiding unnecessary re-renders with the help of console logs, debuggers and the React Profiler. Let’s go back to the ClicksButton component and see how we can optimise it.

What happens if the ClicksButton’s parent node re-renders for some reason but it provides our instance with the same props (className, style and children)? Our component would be forced to re-render because there are no checks in place to determine whether the props are the same or not.

Class Components give us the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method to bail out of re-rendering. It receives the next props as the first argument and the next state as the second. And that’s all we need.

As you can see in that very ugly shouldComponentUpdate we are shallowly comparing all three props and, also, the state clicks. If all of those are the same as before we return false and stop the rendering process.

If we are only doing shallow comparisons of previous and next props and state, React gives us a very handy class that implements the shouldComponentUpdate method for us that we can use in place of Component. It’s called PureComponent.

So, how do we avoid unnecessary re-renders on Function Components? React provides us with a function to cache the result of our Function Components and return the same result if the same props are provided to the component. That function is called memo and it receives our Function Component as the first argument. See how we can accomplish the same results with it.

If we were to need more nuanced re-render control, the memo function accepts a second argument in the form of a function that receives the previous props as the first argument and the next props as the second. It does not receive previous and current state as shouldComponentUpdate would, but most of the time you only want to check for props equalities and you always want to render when the inner state of the component has changed.

Custom hooks

So what? You may argue… It’s clear that writing Function Components using Hooks entails a lot of learning: new API, new ways of working, syntax might not be that clear as hooks are juggling with closures in a way that is not immediately evident, etc.

Well, the main advantage of Function Components over Class Components besides the unification of the mount/update/unmount logic with useEffect is the possibility to create new hooks, functions that you can directly use in your Function Components and that might be as simple or as complex as you may need. Let’s see an example.

In this simple hook, we are retrieving data from an endpoint and setting an interval to get fresh data every 50 seconds. This hook can be used in any Function Component.


Before finishing I would like to emphasise that although I am very biased towards the use of Functional Components. I recognise refactoring perfectly working Class Components into Functional Components, just because they are the new shiny thing, might not be a very good thing to do from the business perspective or the engineering perspective for that matter.


  • Function Components with Hooks are quite a re-vamp of the way we used to work when writing Class Component and it might be difficult to make the switch.
  • The API for dealing with mounting, updating and unmounting logic is much more synthetic with useEffect.
  • Everything you do with Class Components can be done with Hooks.
  • You can encapsulate logic in custom hooks and re-use it in as many components as you wish in a very direct manner.
  • You’ll probably save some lines of code if you go functional.

