Mavis Yu
Missing Piece
Published in
8 min readDec 4, 2021



Owing to the increase of Covid-19 infections transmitted through unidentified sources, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) raised the alert system to national level 3 in Mid-May. Time seemed to pass slowly especially when many people wondered how longer they need to stay in the house. Luckily, the CECC made conditional concession to outdoor activities after the steady decline of transmissions in July. People could finally relax their mind under the relaxed restrictions.


We soon received an invitation from Patrick’s colleague H. , planning to visit Fengguizui Qingtiangang Trail on Sunday morning. We took this trip as a warm up before we begin our yearly hiking resolution. The whole distance of the trail is 6.1 km. Please feel free to bring lunchboxes and blankets in your backpack. You may feel extremely comfortable to picnic and take a short nap on the top of the grassland.


Along the road, we saw continuous mountains decorated by lovely Chinese Silver Grass. The mountains overlooked azure ocean near Keelung. While climbing atop, visitors can see shining spray from the sea on the top of the hill. While moving on, we entered Japanese Cedar Forest. The soft sunshine danced between leaves of canopies accompanied by twittering sound. We were amazed to see the abundant geography landscapes. The view looking back was extremely spectacular.


We spent 4 hours to complete the whole trail, which was long enough for us to immerse in the beauty of nature. Though it’s not hard to take the trip, the versatile terrain could be challenging. As you felt exhausted with continuous steep slopes, plains always appeared at the right moment for climbers to take a rest. We highly recommend people who are in favor of dynamic leisures with a little sweat, picnicking or napping shall give it a try. (Catnapping is too important to be skipped no matter where you are. LOL)

小朋友都出發了,那你呢?Children are on the road. How about you?
秘密基地野餐X午覺時間 Secret place for picnicking X Catnapping
頂山-石梯嶺步道高程圖 The topographic map of Dingshan — Shitiling Trail

行程與路線|Itinerary and routes

8:00 抵達 內湖捷運站

8:00–8:30 搭乘Uber到風櫃嘴登山口

> 頂⼭768M(全程25%)> 柳杉造林地(神似阿里山森林遊樂區)

> ⼤草原(經典Windows XP重現)> ⽯梯嶺863M(全程75%)

> ⾦包裡⼤路城⾨> 擎天崗



8:00 arrived at Neihu MRT statin

8:00–8:30 arrived at Fengguizui trailhead via Uber

→ Dingshan 768m (a quarter of the trail) → Japanese Cedar Forest (which is similar to Alishan Forest Recreation Area) → Grand Grassland (just like a classic wallpaper of Window XP) → Shitiling 863m (3 quarters of the trail) → Yulu Trail (an ancient pathway for fish traders nearby Jinshan to Shilin) → Qingtiangang Grassland (Visitors can head back down by bus in front of the tourist center. )

Tip: Though the endless stairs can be scary at the beginning, you will soon feel relaxed as seeing impressive views along the road.



We got lots of unexpected gifts along the road. Without much effort, we could get a sweeping view of the mountains and sky while overlooking the valley.

“Ah, we’ve already hiked so far away from the entrance.” We felt excited to arrive at a hill without sweating too much.

標準示範:登山杖好朋友 It’s smart to bring an alpine cork with you.


The gentle breeze cooled us from time to time. Chinese silver grass also danced elegantly in the air. We soon forgot calves pain after climbing several steep stairs.




It’s amazing to see Keelung islet in Taipei! We were cheerful to enjoy the scenery of mountains and the sea simultaneously!

It’s about one forth of the trail, a good moment to take a short break!



Although we’re 20-something, we took MRT and Uber to arrive at the entrance of the trail. Can you imagine that many elder in Taiwan cycling to the entrance from the bottom of the mountain or even from their home ?! We admired them very much! They cycled at a brisk pace with brilliant smiling. We hope we can also have the energy to travel any places no matter how old we are!




Besides Keelung Islet, we also amazed by the magnificent sacred giant trees! Tens of Thousands of Japanese Cedar stood firmly. What a fantastic image!

If you wanna quickly escaped from the urban life, visiting this trial can be a wise choice!



Besides Keelung Islet, we also amazed by the magnificent sacred giant trees! Tens of Thousands of Japanese Cedar stood firmly. What a fantastic image!

If you wanna quickly escaped from the urban life, visiting this trial can be a wise choice!

大家各居一處的秘密基地 Everyone looked around to find their resting spot.


Coffee and Tea:熱水+紅茶包+咖啡
1L 礦泉水

Super supportive H & A(感謝神隊友支援!)

Our Lunch List:

  1. salmon sushi
  2. tea flavored eggs
  3. pineapple cake
  4. black tea
  5. coffee

Kind Reminder: You many bring one plastic bag to bring all of your trash when leaving.



Yammy Salmon Sushi!!!

真的好好吃喔ヾ(*´∀ ˋ*)ノ



We still remembered the gentle breeze cool our face while taking a nap under an old tree. It’s totally different from the one in an air conditioner room!

We spent our whole morning at ease though we only finished half of our journey. LOL


While moving on, we noticed strong smelling of “buffalos”! Ah ha, we saw 4 to 5 buffalo chewing grasses.

與P對看的牛, Hello!



我們在這裡發現了Windows XP的經典桌布,原來就在前往擎天岡的路上啊!

If you kept moving on, you may see bushes and the grassland.

It’s just look like the classic Windows XP wallpaper!


We felt joyful while overlooking Taipei.



Holding an umbrella, you can take a nap at any corner of the grassland.

“Just near here!” Mr. H encouraged us.

我們與雲的距離 The distance between clouds and us is so short!

很有默契的進度來到75%時,大家又覺得是時候停下來野餐Part II. 結果還成功發現視野良好的野餐地點!我們的周圍有芒草作為遮蔽,後院則是無限山景。

Finally, we finished three forth of the routes. It’s time for pinking round 2.

We took a place surrounding by Chinese Sliver grass. When looking back, we saw breathtaking view of the mountain!


Kind Reminder: Bring an umbrella with you. There were no trees on the grassland. It’s easy to get sunburn if you forgot to wear sunscreen.



We were busy to see clouds and avoid sunburn at the same time. LOL

You can see the final destinaiton, Qingtiangang Grand Grassland from here!

There were some buffalos on the grassland.

擎天岡碉堡 Qingtiangang Castle


WoW! It’s so nice to see vigorous buffalos. Without human disturbance during Covid-19, they can truly have a relaxed life.


You know what. Life can be simple.

Take a short hiking on weekends. Take a rest while feel tired or just have meals like buffalos without any pressures.

冒煙的硫磺 Smoking Sulfur



It’s interesting to notice that it’s my first time to visit this beautiful trail although I have been in Taipei for more than 7 years. (4-year study and 3-year work)

What a abundant and comfortable trail! We made a pact to visit here again, especially for those fantastic golden miscanthus in autumn.

Did you hear a voice? That’s the calling from the nature. Come and enjoy the forest with us!

“Good luck finding the spark.” — Soul (2020 film)

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SPECIAL THANKS : Henry & Annie

AUTHOR: Mavis & Mercy


感謝好天氣,感謝有你:) Thanks for the good day! Thanks for your reading.



Mavis Yu
Missing Piece

Culture/Travel/B2B Sales/Books. “The dots will somehow connect in your future. "(Steve Jobs)