Unlocked Taiwan: Alishan-Part I

Mavis Yu
Missing Piece
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2020
Sea of Clouds, Alishan


It’s cosy to go on a road trip along the lush green routes to Alishan in a breezy autumn day. Our itinerary started in Hsinchu city and headed down to Chiayi city. We followed the route sign, finally reaching a lovely mountain village, Fenqihu. If you notice delicious smell after getting off your car, that means you definitely arrive at the right place. Fenqihu located along Alishan Forest Railway is famous for culinary delights called ‘bento’. Dating back to 50 years ago, visitors to Alishan could only bring lunch from Chiayi city since there weren’t any shops or restaurants on the mountain. However, the weather in Chiayi city could be 30–35 Celsius degree in summer. Foods were apt to turn sour when people got to Alishan after 2 hours by train. Regarding this, more and more ‘bento shops’ operated their delectable business in Fenqihu. People now visit Alishan can stop by Fenqihu to enjoy their fresh and savory lunch.

Tomahawk Roasted Pork & Stewed Chicken Thigh, NT$180. Grilled Chicken Thigh, NT$160.

Fenqihu Hotel 奮起湖大飯店

Address: 嘉義縣竹崎鄉中和村奮起湖178之1號

Tel: 05–2561888


Fenqihu is also the biggest station along Mt. Ali forest railway. We were lucky to see the train pulled out in front of us after lunch.


We kept walking along the slope a little bit. A lovely green corner caught our attention. It’s a café sold many flavors of drinks, including Alishan Aiyu Jelly, Japanese Matcha and Coffee from Ethiopia. (and also Alishan Coffee, of course!) After a shower in the afternoon, it’s chill to have a cup of hot latte, drift off and wait for a train passing by spontaneously.


Address: 604嘉義縣竹崎鄉165–2號

接著我們進入阿里山森林遊樂區,整個園區是車輛管制,需要買票進入,如果開車入園還須額外的停車費(NT$100)。響應電子票券系統,如果從網路上先買好票,出示QR Code,還可以免收停車費。

We entered Alishan National Forest Recreation Area. The park was subject to traffic control. If you drive to Alishan, visitors are asked to buy park tickets at the entrance with extra NT$100 parking fee. Taiwan government is now encouraging people to use online booking system. If you buy e-ticket online in advance, with a QR code, you may get in the park without parking fee.

Mianyue Station, Alishan

阿里山國家森林遊樂區 Alishan National Forest Recreation Area

Address: 605嘉義縣阿里山鄉2鄰17

線上訂票 e-ticket: https://forestpass.welcometw.com/tour/bGg3

Author: Mavis & Mercy

Photography: Patrick



Mavis Yu
Missing Piece

Culture/Travel/B2B Sales/Books. “The dots will somehow connect in your future. "(Steve Jobs)