Unlocked Taiwan: Alishan-Part II

Mavis Yu
Missing Piece
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2020
Alishan Forest


Alishan National Forest Recreation Area covers an area of approximately 1,400 square hectare. To make good use of time, we decided to live in Alishan House located in the recreation area. Alishan House is one of the prominent historical architectures in Taiwan. It was built in 1913 during the period of Japanese occupation, serving as a club for the government and celebrities at that time. Many big wheels have ever visited the hotel including President Chiang Kai-shek and Den Kenjirō, the 8th Japanese Governor-General of Taiwan.

阿里山賓館提供服務 The service offered by Alishan House

1. 免費接駁車往返阿里山旅客服務中心與飯店:
Free Shuttle bus between Alishan Visitor Information Center and Alishan House

2. 50年代咖啡館 The 50s Coffee Shop

3. 日出火車票櫃檯代訂 Sunrise Alishan Forest Train ticket reservation (Zhushan/祝山 Station)


We were told that Baron Den Kenjirō had stayed just right next to our room. It’s interesting to share our memory with historical figures, and we felt our soul were traced back to Japanese colonial period when the light of the corridor got dimmer.


Another spot of Alishan House that you can’t miss is ‘the 50s Coffee Shop’.

The 50s Coffee Shop is located at the corner of the lobby. Dating back to 1950s, it was an elegant ballroom. And now, the 50s Coffee Shop still remained all the settings of the ballroom including lamps, chairs, phonographs and the classical Chinese garden outside the windows. Accompanied with nostalgic music and the rhythm of the rain, we found peace in books.

A corner at the 50s Coffee Shop


Alishan is very suitable for those who like hiking or those who are fascinated by railways.
Route suggestion: You may start walking from Alishan House, through Giant Tree Plank Trail to Shenmu Station. Most of the trails are easy for hiking. It’s comfortable to walk in a forest. Surrounded by the woods, walking is definitely the best way to feel the wonder of the nature.

Shenmu Station

造訪當時(2020/08/28) 水山線步道已公告將維修關閉,直到2020/12/30再度開放,為了不錯過這個難得機會,於是我們二話不說直接前往阿里山車站,搭上前往「沼平車站」的小火車,再走上水山步道步行1.6公里,走過簡易月台、仿古木棧橋(a wood-structured railroad bridge) ,爬上小坡後,終於看見水山巨木。這條步道以前是水山支線,所以沿途都可以看到過去鐵道痕跡,路線規劃平坦好走。途中也可見鄒族聖山——塔山。

Shuishan Line is going to be closed until Dec. 30th, 2020 because of maintenance. In order not to miss the beauty of Giant Tree of Shuishan, we took a train from Alishan Station to Zhaoping Station. After getting off the train, we kept walking 1.6km along the wood-structured railroad bridge and climbed up a hill. Finally, we arrived at Giant Tree of Shuishan. The scenery along Shuishan Line was fascinating. We saw lots of railways remains and the saint mountain of Tsou people — Tashan.


The surrounding clouds and the sprinkle made the line mistier, just like we were all in the animations of Hayao Miyazaki.

Giant Tree of Shuishan


It took us only a couple of minutes to reach Giant Tree of Shuishan, a tree has been 2,700 years old. The old tree stands here silently, watching the time washes away glory and decay year after year.

Author: Mavis & Mercy

Photography: Patrick



Mavis Yu
Missing Piece

Culture/Travel/B2B Sales/Books. “The dots will somehow connect in your future. "(Steve Jobs)