Unlock Taiwan: Meishan(梅山)

Mavis Yu
Missing Piece
Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2020
Green Tunnel — Bamboo Forests


As a neighbor of Alishan, Meishan is also worthy of visit. Compared to Alishan, Meishan is not crowded with tourists, which enables people to infuse the nature with a sense of peace and relaxation.

Surrounded by tea plantation, Meishan is known for its oolong tea and the gorgeous scenery of waterfalls, bamboo forests and Butterfly Lily (野薑花) river trails. For lovers of nature, Meishan offers a wealth of unique natural landscapes.

Green Tunnel — Bamboo Forests

綠色隧道 – 竹林秘境 Green Tunnel – Bamboo Forests


Aiyu Jelly

綠色小棧(古早味仙草愛玉)愛玉 Aiyu Jelly

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/gUJQ8UMH4AKFidct5

我們在梅山入住賴坤暘的家, 每一間的木屋各有特色,入住當天因為是淡季平日,賴先生更大方的替我們升級,直接入宿視野最遼闊,享有一片無邊際山景的房型。

We checked in Lai’s home when we visited Meishan and were amazed by their hospitality and cozy atmosphere in every corner of the house. Mr. Lai was so generous that he upgraded our room to premium class with the best landscape and a whole green nature from our window during low season period. We had a good time here and strongly suggested everyone to stay a night here to discover the beauty of this lovely house.

Tree House at Lai’s Home

賴坤陽的家 Lai’s Home

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/4KCyfdAGMNWNxRVH8

Website: http://laihome.idv.tw/


The room rate is counted by person. Each one pays NT$1500 for one night. This fee includes dinner and breakfast in the next morning. The cuisine here is homely, simple and tasty. We got great relaxation after awaken by sweet trills in the morning. We opened the balcony door and saw mist and clouds floating elegantly around the ridges in the distance. We blowed some tea and began to meditated, letting the morning vigor flow into our heart. In Lai’s house, people here can truly get close to the nature, receive warm care from Lai’s family and find peace in the heart.

Roof Top of Tree house


On the road to Meishan, the view of tea farms was picturesque. The locals told us that almost all. households in Meishan have their own tea farms, which form the beautiful picture of tea village.

Tea Farm at Meishan

另一個在我們必訪清單的就是 — 綠色竹林隧道。然而我們最期待的「竹林茶席」,結合這兩個元素,在竹林裡由茶藝師帶領品茗。

‘Bamboo Forests’ is another attraction we visited in Meishan. Before heading to the spot, we were extremely expected to drink tea in a bamboo forest.

Tea Ceremony


On that day, a tea artist bought us Alishan black tea, oolong tea and white tea. While making tea, the tea artist shared us with a series of tea production, including sun withering, fermentation, and multiple rolling-roasting etc. We closed our eyes, enjoyed the gentle breeze and indulged in tea fragrance. It’s just like we were monks in a temple, experiencing the soothing vibe in a bamboo forest.


The tea artist mentioned that tea ceremony in bamboo forests are more and more popular with both Taiwanese and foreigners recently. Some even accidentally discovered Meishan because of the unique activity. The concept of tea ceremony in bamboo forests is a very successful case of regional revitalization. This idea came from the local organization in Ruifeng community.

Combing with local landscape in Meishan and well-organized set of tea ceremony, the organization assisted local habitants to become outstanding tea artists, keeping providing wonderful experience for friends from all around the world.


Please be sure to make a reservation before joining the activity. You may contact Yong Xin tea industry (Rui Ming Cheung tea experience) for further information. Besides tea ceremony in bamboo forests, they also invite visitors to have tea plucking experience in their tea farm.

永鑫茶業(瑞茗祥茶體驗)Tea Art of Ruei Ming Shiang

Location: https://g.page/rmsteatw?share

Website: http://www.rmstea.com.tw/other/index.aspx?shop=rmstea&kind=12&kind2=12

Author: Mavis & Mercy

Photography: Patrick



Mavis Yu
Missing Piece

Culture/Travel/B2B Sales/Books. “The dots will somehow connect in your future. "(Steve Jobs)