Unlock Taiwan: Qalang Smangus II & Cinsbu (司馬庫斯&鎮西堡)

Mavis Yu
Missing Piece
Published in
7 min readAug 1, 2021

歡迎光臨上帝的部落 — 司馬庫斯

Welcome to “God’s Tribe” — Qalang Smangus


To catch up with a tribe tour at 4:30 p.m., we kept moving on after lunch break. With Balan’s full assistance, we finally arrived at our destination and could not wait to join the tribe tour!

So many people join the tribe tour!
Culture Tour by Lahuy.


Our tour guide, Lahuy, was one of the villagers in Qalang Smangus. He also had a great sense of humor like Balan. While listening to Lahuy’s introduction of the tribe history, we were all astonished by every villager’s persistence, passion and great love towards this beautiful land. It’s no doubt that Qalang Smangus is a naive wonderland. While capital society is all the rage nowadays, people in Qalang Smangus can still keep their integrity, helping each other without asking anything in return.

The Elementary School at an altitude of 1,620m.


Lahuy also benefited from the symbiotic system. He felt grateful to complete his master’s degree with tribal support. After graduating, he then dedicates himself to facilitate community development and aboriginal cultures preservation.


Based on《Acts 2:44–45》, “And all that believed were together, and had all things common ; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. “ , Qalang Smangus has built up a collective governance community, for instance, joint lands, tribe mutualism and resources sharing. This system unites villagers to stand together and preserve their traditional culture for generations. Qalang Smangus emphasizes the importance in child development and education. In order to ensure educational right for children, they offer sound welfare, e.g., tuition free and daily meals for tribal pupils ; scholarship and rent for those who pursue high education in the cities. As for the elders, Qalang Smangus also offer a regular allowance.

Smangus Hotel

Besides lands, cultures, welfare mentioned above, people can see the spirit of collective governance realized in school, restaurants and hotels. They have tribal elementary school to nourish their next generation ; they operate their own restaurant and hotels not only to share tasty tribal dishes with visitors but also to keep job opportunities for the locals. Qalang Smangus subtly strikes a sustainable balance between ecology and economy.

Smangus Restaurant


巨木群步道 The Trail of Giant Trees


One of the biggest advantage to stay in Qalang Smangus is to directly go to the Trail of Giant Trees the next morning. Compared with those driving from the bottom of the mountain, we were glad to save plenty of time and energy for hiking. The whole distance of the trial is about 5 km. (Round Trip: 10km) Managed by the tribe, the trail is flat and safe. People can enjoy a leisurely amble in the morning.


We sauntered through bamboo forests, bubbling streams and lush green forests. In addition, there were a lots of scenic overlooks along the trail from the top of the mountain. Among these viewpoints, scree slopes was the most representative. At first, we were excited to see the spectacular scene. However, we immediately shook like a leaf when looking down to the deep valley. If you are scared of heights just like us, we highly suggest you to step forward quickly while passing through this area. Though the rock pavement is quite wide and safe, some people may need time to face their fear before moving on.

Literally, the Breathtaking view.


There are 2 toilets for visitors to take a rest. Please take the trash with you whenever you hike. In that case, you can not only help the tribe to maintain the environment but offer kindness to other visitors.


Till the end of the trail, we arrived at the giant trees region. The high density of giant trees reveals how healthy the forest is. We were amazed by the power of the mother nature to nourish these titanic trees for more than one thousand years. We greatly appreciated Qalang Smangus’s effort to protect this forest, which allows us to have these benefits.

#鎮西堡 Cinsbu

上午巨木群步道結束後,我們預留下午的時間要到另一座山頭 — — 鎮西堡。那裡有座名副其實的森林小學「新光小學」。小黑說,在他還唸小學的時候,整片山頭就只有新光小學,來自司馬庫斯(山的另一頭)的同學們,每週都會徒步往返5到6個小時。遙遙上學路,小朋友們在上課日放學後都直接留宿學校,等到禮拜六上午再返家(小小年紀就這麼獨立!)。還好現在司馬庫斯也有自己的小學,求學之路變得輕鬆許多。

After our trip to the trail of giant trees, we spared an afternoon to another top of the mountain — Cinsbu. Hsin Kwang elementary school, located in Chinsbu, is a very famous forest school that deserves its name. Balan said Hsin Kwang was the only elementary school when he was a child. All of his classmates from Qalang Smangus from another top of the mountain walked to the school for 5 to 6 hours back and forth every week. Since the road to the school was far away, many children tended to stay at the dormitory after school and return home till Saturday morning. Luckily, Qalang Smagus has built their own elementary school after several years. Children’s path to the school nowadays can be much easier.


Balan was born in a chief family of Qalang Smangus. His mother was from Qalang Chinsbu. After chatting, we learnt that his parents’ marriage leaded to the alliance of Qalang Smangus and Qalang Cinsbu, bringing stable peace for decades. Balan caught up with his relatives while we were visiting Hsin Kwang elementary school.


We were glad to meet Balan by coincidence for his sake to learn different perspectives of Qalang Smangus through his personal life experience. He has abundant knowledge in hunting, mountain climbing, brook wading and wild camping. He also has a great sense of problem solving. He had ever eliminated the obstacles during power outage before Jianshih township officers arrived. We admired him for his versatile skills. However, for Balan, this was merely a part of his life. Growing up in a chief family, Balan is used to communicate with the elders in mother language. (“Some teachers in the forest elementary schools are not quite familiar with mother language now. “ he joked. ) He must pride himself on putting these good tradition into practice in his daily life. There are still many interesting stories about how he cleverly solve life duties. If you plan to visit Qalang Smangus next time, I hope all you have a chance to hear these stories in person.



Mavis Yu
Missing Piece

Culture/Travel/B2B Sales/Books. “The dots will somehow connect in your future. "(Steve Jobs)