Tech Entrepreneurs Are Using AI to Make the World a Better Place — Here’s How

Tareq Aljaber
MissingLink Deep Learning Platform
6 min readJun 11, 2019

Thanks to the pioneering work of innovators in the tech industry, Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are poised to revolutionize the way we live and work. AI is making the world a better place, and MissingLink recently held a meetup on “How AI is Changing the World — For the Better” at the MIT Media Lab in Boston, MA that brought together some of the people who are using this technology to help people live healthier and fuller lives.

Helping people is not a zero-sum game; it’s something that shifts the boundaries of society’s limitations. Tech entrepreneurs across the world are using AI, machine learning, and deep learning to help people in need, but the potential for AI to save lives goes far beyond the capacities of a single organization. MissingLink hosted the Boston meetup to facilitate open communication among the innovators who are using advanced technologies to address some of the world’s most pressing issues.

Leveraging the Power of AI to Help Those in Need

AI is already being used to make the world a safer and healthier place. Yosi Taguri, CEO of, understands this personally.

While his mother was suffering from aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, he found it incredibly difficult to get the information that he needed from the medical specialists surrounding him and his family. “I was looking for a doctor that would be able to look on that CT scan on MRI and tell me what do we see here?” Yosi shared with the participants at the recent meetup event. “I was willing to pay any amount of money in the world just to have 10 minutes with a doctor.”

In this moment, Yosi saw a problem — and as an engineer, entrepreneur, and father, he was determined to solve it. While the shortage of experts in medical care remains a serious challenge for our healthcare systems worldwide, he knew that technological solutions could help ease the burden on the doctors and nurses that work hard every day to save human lives. In furtherance of our mission of making the world a better place by finding new and better AI applications, MissingLink leveraged its position as a thought leader in the cutting-edge world of deep learning to bring together some of like-minded innovators who share our vision.

Fortunately for us all, the talented team at Iterative Scopes is doing just the sort of thing Yosi had hoped for; they are using AI to improve the reliability of colon cancer diagnosis by applying computer visioning technologies to colonoscopy procedures. As Evan Wlodkowski, head of Regulatory Affairs and Compliance at Iterative Scopes, explained, Iterative Scopes is building software that provides real-time lesion detection during colonoscopy procedures. This improves both the patient care and the outlook for individuals at risk of colon cancer, the second deadliest and third most prevalent cancer in the United States

Evan was not the only presenter at the MissingLink meetup event saving lives with AI. DeepCure, a company that has discovered a way to use machine learning to reduce the cost of developing new drugs, explained how they are helping medical researchers find cures for some of humanity’s most terrifying diseases. As Kfir Schreiber explained, it takes over 15 years and upwards of $2 billion in resource investments to get a new drug ready for the public. DeepCure can shave this down to a mere fraction of the time and cost required, which provides great hope for the development of new vaccines and treatments that can be made cheaply and easily.

Even the event’s host, the MIT Media Lab, is developing software that can help health centers pull meaningful, valuable data and analysis from private patient records without compromising privacy. As MIT student and Media Lab Research Assistant Neo Moshenvand explained, the brightest young minds in tech are developing Split Learning technologies that allows for effective analysis of tons of potentially sensitive data without risking personal privacy or intellectual property.

AI technologies have evolved to a level of sophistication that finally allows them to be effective instruments of positive change. Innovation in this space has been incredibly exciting, and thought leaders like MissingLink are pushing tech entrepreneurs to break new ground. “We are still only at the tip of the possibility of what could be done,” explains Yosi Taguri, MissingLink CEO, “It is my mission, and our mission at MissingLink, to empower companies that change the world to make it better.”

Tech with a Purpose

AI is saving lives in places other than hospital rooms and doctor’s offices. As Sean True, Director of Machine Learning at, explained how the company uses AI to improve jobsite safety risk detection. Their technology analyzes the mounds of monitoring data construction companies have on their job sites to identify potential hazards and lower the risk of on-the-job accidents.

Beyond the many potential applications of advanced health and safety technologies, there are a lot of social and economic challenges that AI can help address. For example, David Morczinek, CEO and co-founder of Airworks, another tech company developing solutions for the construction industry, is taking jobsite analysis one step further by using drones to improve the cost and speed associated with planning, assessing, and estimating construction jobs. Airworks’ aerial drones can collect 20 million data points each day, and the company’s AI-powered software can label and process this massive amount of data in just 30 minutes. This technology can help improve the quality and reduce the cost of civil engineering services across the country and open up development opportunities in areas once unfavorable for development.

Opening Up New Opportunities With AI

The world is getting smaller by the minute. World travel is no longer a faraway dream, it’s an increasingly accessible goal. And thanks to Hopper, which provides predictive travel booking based on billions of flight and hotel price data points, the cost barrier to free travel is even lower. As Matt Dinallo, Data Scientist at Hopper, explained, the company used 15 trillion flight and hotel price quotes collected over a five-year period to develop technology that can accurately predict volatile booking prices. And for companies looking to build an international workforce, Cloud Factory has built a cloud-based, on-demand digital workforce providers that create economic opportunities in developing nations. Altogether, AI innovators are finding solutions to some of our most challenging problems — and the thought leaders at MissingLink are leading the pack.

MissingLink Brings AI Innovators Together For Positive Change

MissingLink is a deep learning platform to train your model more frequently, at lower cost and with greater confidence. Whether you’re using Tensorfow, Keras, PyTorch, or another popular framework, MissingLink lets you easily manage experiment, data and resources all in one place. The possible applications of this technology are boundless. It is being for everything from improving the interpretation of medical data to accelerating time to market for new products. But there’s no way we can cover all of the bases, which is why we invited people from across the tech industry to show and tell what they’re doing with AI to make the world a better place.From improving disease detection to providing realistic pathways towards addressing our most pressing environmental threats, AI, machine learning, and deep learning technologies can help us improve our lives in countless ways. MissingLink is proud among the innovators blazing new paths forward in improving the world with AI, and we take our role in the marketplace seriously. This is why we are planning on holding more meetups on How AI is Changing the World — For the Better in the near future, so reach out if you you’d like to participate and be part of our future event. We will be holding our next meetups in New York City and San Francisco, and you can always contact MissingLink directly to request a demo or learn more about our work in AI. Until then, for more of MissingLink’s thought leadership on AI and deep learning, check out our blog or follow us on social media.

Originally published at



Tareq Aljaber
MissingLink Deep Learning Platform

Head of Marketing and growth hacking @ Former: Macromedia ,Adobe, Atlassian & Microsoft. Co-founded @iGitSocial @Klippings.