Day 38: Supplication

Missio Dei Chicago
Missio Dei Lent
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2017


Friday, April 7, 2017


“Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”

— Philippians 2:12–13 (ESV)


GOD is always working in and through us. HE calls and gives us HIS SPIRIT, who empowers us to lean into the leading of HIS voice. So we may be HIS Shalom — makers here on this earth.


“We thank YOU for the many ways of ministry that are faithfully
practiced in praise of YOU beyond our range of acceptance,
for those more radical than us,
for those more cautious than us,
for those in traditions strange to us,
for faith families who care in ways other than our own.

We pray this day for all those who stand in need of ministry:
for the sick and the dying,
for the powerful who are bewildered,
for the poor who lack so much we take for granted,
for the brutalized who wait for relief.

We pray YOUR mighty SPIRIT upon us,
that we may more fully engage our baptism,
that we may accept the costs
that belong to our life with YOU,
that we may embrace the joys that only YOU can give.

Move us beyond ourselves, our favorite cliches,
our tired resentments,
our worn habits,
to YOUR newness.

Make us light, make us ready, make us open,
that we may become a resounding doxology
through YOUR passion and into YOUR victory.

We pray in the name of JESUS crucified,
the LORD of the church.

— W. Brueggemann, Move Us Beyond Ourselves

For Families:

PRAY: As a family, ask GOD to open your eyes to see people who are hurting and lost around you; to tune your ears to hear how you can be a help to them; to increase your imaginations in how you can help them; to expand your boundaries and do things that are hard and uncomfortable in order to help them; and to expand your hearts to love them just as GOD loves you. And do this not to make a big deal of yourselves or get praises and high-fives, but to show people JESUS.

