Kickstart your Everyday!: The Humble Morning Journal

Christopher Munson
Mission 360
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2017

How many of you know that one key habit that keeps you in check? For many of you, it is probably meditation, yoga, exercise, or a creative outlet. The formation and continuation of this habit is crucial for maximizing your productivity, maintaining mindfulness, and staying true to yourself. If you do not have one or think you would like to add another, start practicing your writing. Have you thought about morning journaling?

Why morning journaling?

An important component of problem solving is sleeping! As we sleep, our subconscious constantly works through problems, relationship problems, internal problems, math problems, work problems, all sorts of problems. The benefit of writing in the morning is that you unlock and unload the twisted stream of thoughts that your brain digests while you rest. The ease of morning journaling is that there is no structure to it. Write! Write! Write! Some recommend three full pages to be the sweet spot (~750 words). With this goal in mind, tailor your morning journaling program to fit your needs. If you need to write a couple paragraphs before that epiphany has you rushing into the shower to start your day, great! If you spend 3 pages writing and still feel like you need to continue writing, go for it! Nobody is stopping you. Listen to what you tell youself. The goal is to extract your thoughts onto something tangible via pen (pen because it forces you to slow down and process your thoughts). Warning, journaling is addictive. Possible side effects include, but are not limited to…

· Reduced anxiety

· Becoming synced and centered

· Mind blowing revelations that you knew the whole time and simply had to admit to yourself

· Improved communication skills, in both speaking and writing

· Sparking creativity!

Before you start your journaling, a quick meditation from Mission 360 can help you center and decide what you need to focus on. Just remember, this is for you and no one else. Do what you need to get the most out of your mourning journal. Whether you need to pour out your concious, work through logical reasoning, do some story telling, let the poetry flow, or anything else, just remember to have fun!

