✨Trade your expectations for appreciation and your whole world changes in an instant✨ -Tony Robbins

Erin Sykes
Mission 360
Published in
1 min readJul 23, 2017

It is quite a different feeling, expecting something, as compared to appreciating something. In one case, we feel owed, and in the other we feel awed.

Expectation is looking forward to what we hope to gain in the future… it has no room for the present moment.

Appreciation is strictly about the here and now. We appreciate what we have, and what is around us… a far more productive place to be.

This idea takes me back to childhood when my parents would repeat ‘you get what you get and you don’t get upset’… engraining a sense of gratitude and acceptance.

This of course does not mean to stop working towards new goals, but instead reminds us that when we shift our energy intently, rather than split its focus, outcomes are naturally amplified.

