Mission Impact v2.0 — Facing Time and Uncertainty

Visual representation of the learning experience so far — made by one of the students.

In this installment of the Mission Impact chronicles, I engage in a friendly (caring, critical, creative) conversation with the expedition guides created by the students involved in the experiment so far. I do this by highlighting artefacts and pieces of text from the expedition guides and proposing my own uncertainty and difficulties surrounding to those elements. As always, the texts and artefacts are unedited (including for English) as part of my commitment to the raw data. Where possible, contributions are anonymous. As always, this represents a work in progress. An assemblage of becoming-with-the-world. I hope you enjoy it and experience it as insightful as I have. Please feel free to reach out to discuss and or learn with me. This piece is a bit different and is largely based on showcasing the student experiences.

Nature in danger,
dying slowly before us;
open eyes, reach out. — Student poetry

In this piece, I am opening my eyes, reaching out. I see this conversation in a way as this reaching out. I hope that with my work, by sharing this, but also by the direct impact I have on those around me, that I can play a part in having others reach out as well.


A key element that was strongly represented in the students reflections was the degree of uncertainty they faced in regards to the educational design. In particular, what we expect from them. I would have said, we don’t expect anything at all so no wonder they feel confused. Of course, this is not true. As we expect them to connect with places, and co-learn towards a more regenerative future. ‘I feel unsure of what’s expected from me. It’s hard to find the road we need to take since there’s no guide planned out for you. With ImpactFest coming up, it seems like the most logical step to take and prepare for. I feel pressured to prepare things correctly in order to obtain information needed for my research, while it takes so much time and the outcome is unpredictable. I have this feeling that most of our time spent is leading up to a big point in time, but I’m worried that whenever this point arrives, we’re not getting the results and information that we’re hoping on getting. Especially since our data has to come from fieldwork, I’m not sure if we need more time than we have to gather information and be satisfied with the work we’ll deliver by the end of the minor. I’m definitely feeling the pressure´. The realization that not only students but all people working on transition challenges face similar difficulties is also starting to become apparent.´ It is heartwarming and at the same time scary to see that professionals in the field meet the same problems as students. In sustainability not many things are clear, every decision we make creates a chain reaction of events that influence the nature in various aspects´. There are also signs of acceptance of uncertainty amongst some of the learners including. ´I’m scared of change and changes are not necessarily a bad thing, in fact, some changes in life can be quite good and lead to very positive outcomes but that doesn’t mean I’m not scared of them anymore, the fear is still there but I have learned to let that fear go. I’m not as scared of changes anymore but little by little I’m getting closer and if this lesson has taught me anything it is that change can be scary and unpredictable, it may seem like a big risk and make me question many choices and important decisions but change brings a breeze of hope and novelty that if you accept it, with all the good and all the bad, something greater comes next, eventually. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow, even if you are not sure where it might lead you to at the moment, but winds of change are part of life and I just have to embrace it.´ Although others have also expressed that they perhaps experience an unfair degree of responsibility of having to deal with uncertainty for their group. For example, one student reflected: ‘During the last few weeks, I felt a bit frustrated with my role as the guide. I still try to find the right ways to plan the work for our team. Sometimes my plans are just ignored or the project demands change all the time that it is hard to plan ahead. In addition, we discuss things and agree on certain tasks that we want to do as a team, but then the next day they do not remember it anymore and I have to keep reminding them of things. That feels very tiring and frustrating and sometimes results in us not doing those tasks. Of course, sometimes the reason is also that we do not have enough time to do everything that we want to do or the project shifts in a different direction. I know that my task is to keep the overview of the things we need to do, but I sometimes wish that my team members would put more effort in being aware of what we have to do.’ although I suppose this experience is relatable for any of us who has ever had to do any kind of project work. Regardless of whether this was related to a wicked problem or not.

Visualization of how working on sustainability challenges is experienced by Joanna Zawada. Interestingly, this is quite like the doodle commonly used to describe design processes. Perhaps it is just a commonality of working on difficult problems that they are experienced a bit like running in circles and into dead ends.

I am climbing up this mountain

I do not know where the peak is

I am adapting to the environment

At times I fall

At times I crumble

I know it is a part of it

What happens after?

Once I reach the top?

Is it over then?

Is it just the start?

I look back

I see how far

I have come

I see how far down

I was before…

So far so good — Student poetry

A recognition of becoming better at dealing with uncertainty, however, is quite strongly represented in a number of student reflections. For example ‘This minor makes me go beyond my own expectations. Especially with Bas helping me deal with my procrastination problems. The minor and working with the stakeholders shows me more what it means to work with adults. I sometimes feel like a five year old when coming up with ideas to help people collaborate, because in the world of businessmen adults things are not always nice and shiny.’


Reflection by Elke Traub

What becomes very clear from engaging in dialogue with the different student reflections, is that they are dealing with challenges. A particular one is about deciding the next steps in the research process, as they are quite used to having a highly structured (school-like) set-up where what they have to do (and in which steps) is largely determined by others. ‘With my Industrial Engineering & Management background and the projects I’ve done, it feels like everything is well organised. That there’s 1 client with an issue,a place where your research is conducted and people that are part of the process.Reaching out to those people can be done on a short notice and everyone wants to work along with you because whatever you’re trying to fix in the process, they know it will benefit them as well.’ This presents a challenging shift in roles ‘figuring out what to do next. After the scoping document you’re thrown into a situation where you don’t know what the next step has to be. Discovering this for myself was the biggest challenge. Even though I made my decisions and made steps towards obtaining data for my research, I’m aware that there are still improvements to be made.’ that has also resulted in soom poorer quality works than may be expected after ten weeks ‘After the last Team Presentation, we got a wake up call to conduct research inside of the Binckhorst, since our presentation showed that for now it has been mostly external research’. I hope they head the wake-up call.

Connecting to the regions remained a challenge for all involved, it is possible that this is an area in which a more experienced guide, i.e. a teacher-researcher as part of the crew, could play a guiding role. At least, in the initial stages of the course. I suppose this comes down to, what is it we are actually trying to teach? Is that the ability to become what one may call an ecosystem catalyst? Someone who is able of connecting and sensing with systems for transformative change? Or is that too much to ask in a single semester?

This even resulted in some demotivation ‘The past 5 weeks feel like I’ve been held back in the progress I want to make. Maybe I feel that way because I didn’t know what the next step had to be in order to get to the point I want to be at. It took me a while to realise that the continuation of our minor not only relies on the constant feedback of the people we’re working with, but also the people who will experience the change we want to bring.’. Another aspect that has led to some demotivation has been the way the assessment, and in particular the sub-competency, the system has been designed. ‘If I had to change anything, it would probably be the SC (sub-competency, for an overview of the assessment system in the course please see the post below) letters, I’ve never experienced doing them in my study, therefore, I get insecure and feel inexperienced and think that I didn’t do them correctly.

These sentiment was echoed by multiple students from a variety of programmes, indicative that this is not a skill, or part of their learning they are normally involved with.

You shouldn’t wait for time to present opportunity to act, but rather act to create opportunities for yourself and direct life in a way that fits the picture of how you would like it to be. Whenever an opportunity arises, regardless of how it’s created, you have to take this chance to create positive things for yourself or others. The future can be scary as it’s uncertainty can mean anything. Translated in another way by Antonio; Time can be scary, depending on how and what we do with it. There’s a strong connection between these 2 interpretations as they could mean the same if the future is taken as a time measurement. It’s up to ourselves to decide how the future will unfold. When thinking about what things you need to do in the future, it doesn’t matter how big or small of a movement you make. Whatever you just did is not the future anymore, but is part of the now and part of your history. It’s a marker you left behind that will guide you towards your goals and serves as a point of remembrance of your achievements.Taking the right steps is important in achieving the goals that you set for yourself. Planning out what you want to do and doing it correctly step by step makes it so that whatever you’re planning to do has a higher chance of succeeding. Albeit learning new things, doing things you love to do or trying to become better at things. Create your own path and walk on it at your own pace.Reflection of oneself is key to define your current state and helps you understand what situation you’re in. Through reflection you learn about what you want in life, what improvements you can make and the progress you’re making. It serves as a checkpoint to keep you on track, so that you don’t get lost along the way.

I think we also as tutors were too focussed on workshops, without realizing that there are more than enough other creative methods that the students could engage with. Actually acting as a limiting force on their creativity — almost choking the space they experience to do creative approaches. ‘Especially the last few weeks made clear to me how important it is to listen to the project needs and to be brave to make decisions that might seem to go into different directions than what is expected from us. I noticed that both teams felt like we have to do a workshop as all the classes were so focused on it. In the end, other creative research methods could have given us better results, but we did not explore those methods enough as we were busy planning the workshops.’ and perhaps it is not fair to expect students to raise these concerns to us in the moment. This also resulted in questioning some of the elements of the course ecology (although they were overall positively interpreted) ‘I wonder what does storytelling have to do with the sustainability? Yet here I am writing about me being uncomfortable. So, I did it, I read my story in public. It was hard. In a foreign language, in front of both my peers and stakeholders. Education I received so far never encouraged me to speak in public, even in polish. To make everything faster teachers always test students in written form. This experience was highly uncomfortable for me, but looking back I am glad I did it.’ and there were also students who were upset with their own inability to be present enough.. ‘During this phase, I have to admit I have not been able to be as present as I would like to, and it hassurely affected my and my groups performance. In terms of the group context, since we stopped going to the Binckhorst every week, plus sickness/personal matters of our members created fuzziness in the group.’

Reflections on the course by Franziska Speer.

The standing out triangles represent the “doors” that stay closed when we do not actively try to contact more people. We have to be active in order to open these doors. The art work should also show that often those contacts work like a chain reaction, as one contact can give another contact and so on. In addition, the increasing size of the triangles show that the more contacts you have the more valuable the insides can get. The valuable insides are represented by the colourful second layer. This colourful layer only becomes visible when you open the door, so if you talk to people. If you are not active and do not use your network the different perspectives and insides are not accessible for you. All the doors will stay closed and you just see a white clean surface. The triangles branch out in different directions which shows that different people can lead to different perspectives, but also can be valuable for different parts of the project.

Perspectives Shifts

Floating around in nothingness or in the essence of myself, that doesn’t matter. Sometimes I feel fulfilled and joyful but currently, I feel sad and exhausted. But that doesn’t matter. I am content with the fact that what is inside is for me, not other people to see. What matters is that outside I can control what I do with my life. I can illuminate what is around me and I can do so with tools I learned. I can use all my might to break the sustainability bubble, by researching, investigating and speaking out loud about my findings. Light creates things, without it everything would be unseeable. Light creates and without the world as we know it would be dead. I have the power to create what is around me.- Joanna Zawada

A frequent theme across the reflections were shifts in perspectives (of the self and the relationship between self and the rest of the world) ‘The Earth is suffering while it’s the only place we’re we can live. The Earth provides for us, but we don’t provide enough back for the Earth. If we want to survive as a species, we have to act before it’s too late. We were fortunate to get to the point where the Earth was inhabitable for us, now it’s our task to keep it that way’ which are very much aligned with the regenerative sustainability paradigm. Or ‘The most difficult task I’ve had in the last two weeks has been managing my emotional involvement in relationships and determining my place in the world. I can either keep being a coward or I can view the world for what it is and be honest with myself and others. I made the decision to be my most genuine self and to keep moving forward.

In particular, the inclusion of dedicated personal storytelling sessions was highlighted for this subjective learning ‘the storytelling session, and I must say that it really got to me, I felt so identified, I had such similar experiences and it really touched my core, struck a nerve very deep, and that is what he narrated about “Time”. It got me thinking and they were really hard truths!!! Time passes by so quickly, time doesn’t wait for you, time doesn’t stop and it got me thinking, I should really seize moments more, live fully and though it may sound cheesy, I should start living more like tomorrow could be my last day. I have learned to appreciate and to truly be in the present.’ What is also interesting to note is that these shifts are seen as a process, which could be because of the heavy focus on process-philosophy included in the course (as well as regenerative sustainability more generally). ‘Now that I have been part of Mission Impact and I’ve made it this far, I still feel like I’m changing. I get the chance to reflect not only about my learnings and contributions to the research but also to explore my weekly experiences that go on during the minor with other people who are not in this minor and other topics that are not from this minor. I have learned different ways of expressing myself creatively and aside from all the hard work I can also enjoy myself and strengthen my relationships with my team members. I constantly dig deeper into sustainability to the point that it feels more natural to me, it has changed my perspectives in a positive way and for the future, I’ve had time to reflect on that as well and it brings me hope because it looks better than before I started this minor.’ The environment within the storytelling sessions was also highlighted as safe ‘I believe the storytelling sessions are a very good instance to come together as a group, to connect in a deeper emotional way with each other. I also believe that the teachers and tutors have created a very safe space for everyone to be able to fully express themselves, as well as not being scared to show vulnerability between them. I think that is a very valuable thing nowadays. Maybe, I would try to make the storytelling sessions different each time, exploring different ways of storytelling (not only orally in front of the class) like we do in Meaningful Play Assignments’

The days pass by, I am not the same guy.

I shall reach my potential, that for me is essential.

I will make my momma proud, I will go trough life like a thundercloud.

I shall be a monster with a kind heart, It will be my art. — Student poetry

The students practicing their workshop hosting skills

One of the questions in the reflection template was ‘what does being in service to the Earth mean for you?’ the reflections that were proposed in response to this question were quite insightful. Showing a clear transformation towards a more Earth-centred worldview ‘It’s easy to life your life carefree when you ignore the bad things happening around you. It’s easy to focus on the fun things in life and forget about the costs of making that happen. We’re enjoying life now that we experience peace and prosperity, but tend to forget the meaning of it. It’s only after major unfortunate events that we start to realise the situation we’re in. Whatever we find out, the cause of it will always be brought back to humankind. It’s only in retrospect that we learn how to do better to avoid it from happening again in the future. But what if there is no future? What if we can’t learn from our mistakes before it’s too late? We’ve come to the day and age where humans have grown too powerful and the population demands more than the Earth can provide. It’s a recipe for disaster and it’s nothing short of a miracle that the pot has not boiled over. But instead of realising how close we are to the boiling point, we let it be without turning the pressure down. We don’t take the steps needed to bring things back to an acceptable level. We share the planet to which we have an abusive relationship with. No relation will last if one side only takes, from what the other is able to give. What people tend to forget that we need the Earth as it’s the only place we have where humanity can life. If this relationship were to end, it would also mean the end of humanity. There’s no other way around that matter. It’s time to take responsibility of our actions and think about solutions to treat the Earth better. It’s you and me that need the Earth, not the other way around.’ I also found it interesting that only a few of the students gendered the Earth in their reflections, as I normally tend to see feminine genders attributed to the Earth. I wonder if that is because these are young students and they are more considerate of gendering in language? Another student reflected: ‘To me, being in service to the Earth means focusing on what really matters, it means being more thoughtful and more generous towards all that Earth gives me and taking into consideration not only people but also, and mostly, nature and animals. It means cleaning after myself, it means healing and connecting with and through beings and the world. It means listening to what Earth tells me and returning what I borrowed from Earth. It means leaving things in the same state as I found them, watering my plants, giving out love, attention, and affection. It means giving more than what I receive. It means doing as Earth tells me, because Earth is wise and Earth is my home, Earth is kind to me and gives me its all. Earth is my home, it’s where I was born and it’s the only4. What was my biggest challenge I overcame in the last two weeks?. What does being in service to the Earth mean to me? amazing place where I shall be until my dying breath. I owe it to Earth, to be in service to her.

The turtle & the snail

I was walking through a park on a sunny warm day, there wasn’t any reason for me tostay at home that day. I had a lot of free time and I thought going out for a walk wouldbe a good idea. I went to the park and as I walked past a tree I heard a rough and wornvoice calling me, I didn’t know where that voice was coming from so I tried to follow it and I stumbled upon thick, big tree roots that gave way into a tiny small lake filled with willow trees around it. And there it was, there was a turtle, she was the one calling myname. I sat by the lake so I could see her better, she was very old and she was carryinga snail on top of her shell.I asked her-how do you know my name?And she said-I always see you, every time you come to the park, ever since you camewith your parents when you were a child, I’ve heard people calling your name, I’ve seenyou grow up. I’m always here, watching you. And I asked her-why haven’t I seen you then, every single time I’ve been to this park?and why are you calling me now? She replied-because I’ve seen you worried, stressed, and tired. And I want to know what has been troubling you, maybe I can help. The snail turned her head at me and opened her eyes really wide, but she didn’t say anything. I asked her-what’s the name of that snail? and why are you carrying her in your back? Oh dear, she has so many names with so many different meanings that you wouldnever be able to remember. She can’t talk much but I can read her like a book, I’ve beencarrying her for a very long time…She’s scared of walking by herself and she started climbing my back, she is also too lazy to walk on her own, it’s easier for her to be carried because it’s quicker and more comfortable on my shell. She went on-the problem is, she’s too scared to do anything on her own, she’s scared of almost everything. So on me and with me, she feels protected and safe. But she gets biggerand heavier by the minute, if I have to carry her for much longer, I don’t think I’ll be strong enough to resist her weight on me. I was shocked! That poor turtle, carrying her like baggage for years! I was determined to help that turtle and get the snail off of her…And I said to her-don’t worry, I will help you get rid of her. I tried pulling her off but thesnail was stuck and I never knew a snail as little as she was, could be so heavy! I wasnot able to help her but I thought to myself-I’ll think of a way to help them both.I told the turtle-I’m coming back tomorrow same time, same place and I’ll help you andthe snail to go your own separate ways.I went home and I started thinking about that poor old turtle, she looked so worried, sostressed and so tired. There must be a way I can help her take that snail off of her back.What would I do If I had to carry that heavy snail for so long? And then it hit me! it’s notthe turtle, it’s the snail I should help, if I help her get rid of all her fears and show herhow to walk on her own, I might even get her to talk too. But if I want to show that snail how to be independent, positive, and brave I would have to try that with my own issuesfirst. I have some work to do, I have to teach that snail how to be brave, how to get rid ofher fears, and be her better version by doing the same with me. I was determined to tryit on myself because I didn’t want to see the turtle carry all that weight on her, it was sosad. She deserved better, no one should ever go through life carrying all that weight ontheir backs.

The next morning, I woke up feeling so much better, like a huge weight had been liftedoff my back, I kept thinking I can’t be like that turtle, she should be able to walk withoutthat snail that’s been holding her back and making her feel old and tired.I run to the park, I went through the trees, I jumped over the roots, I got to the lake, Ilooked around and I couldn’t see her anywhere, I looked all over the place, she couldn’thave gone that far, she’s a turtle and that snail made her walk so slow! I tried calling her,I asked everyone I saw passing by if they had seen a turtle walking around with a snailon her back, I described her to them but nobody had ever seen her before.I went to that same spot where I met her, I sat down and looked at the water, and thereshe was!!! In my reflection…she didn’t look old anymore, she didn’t seem tired, worriedor stressed…wait a minute, I looked closer and I couldn’t believe what my eyes wereseeing. A rush went through my whole body, I could hear my blood running through my veins, I felt different but happy, without any worry in the world! almost like a new person,I didn’t feel slow at all, and I felt so light…light as a feather. My eyes were really seeing…that the snail was gone — student reflection.

Storyboard of one of the stories.

Of course, not everything was rainbows and sunshine. And there was also a lot of valid critique about the course, me, or my colleagues. ‘I was a bit disappointed by the some classes of the second phase. I think they could have been more content planned for them or at least tell us in advance that the class will be extra working time for our teams. I think the Wednesday classes could have been more focused on the readings similar to the first class in phase 1 to support the learning process. It would have been nice to hear more from Bas how he prepares and hosts workshops. The classes were very focused on us trying to make workshops, but I think it could have been very valuable for us to hear from someone that already has more experience in organizing workshop how he usually does it, not to copy it but to learn from that experience advantage. It would be nice if we could make something like an exhibition where we could see what others created for the meaningful play. Or maybe it could be part of the storytelling.’. Additionally, my own media preference for text was highlighted (ironically I don’t consider myself a very text-heavy academic!). ‘I feel like writing is the main medium of expressing himself for Bas, and it has influenced the whole semester. Sometimes I feel like I have been repeating myself over and over. Yes reflections and analysis are very important but at some point we should move forward and do! I really liked the way week 8 exercises were prepared, it was fun! Week 6 however made me go crazy …I do not see the need for workshop to be the center of the classes for an entire phase. Also, I wish we were introduced to different methods of creative research. You said in the last feedback that maybe we could have picked another method to aim for our target group, but with workshops being main topic of lectures for entire phase, we thought we are expected to run it.’ also highlighting some potential to switch things up moving forward. Luckily, next year we will focus on filmmaking-as-metholodology instead of text.

Fighting Dragons

I would like to leave this post with sharing one of the stories of one of the participants, who has to tackle a particularly nasty internal dragon to play a part in creating a regenerative future. Like always, feel free to reach out, connect and such for collaboration. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did!

Bas van den Berg, FRSA

All the way back into the medieval times, in a small village Oof at the bottom of the mountains. Very often king organised town feasts with acts to please the crowd. He liked the competitive aspect of it and so he chose to make the acts more, let’s say colosseum like? Without the tigers and deaths of course, but with alot of fighting and conflict propelling activities (like archery, knife throwing, axe throwing, hammer throwing…a lot of different kinds of throwing). The winners could seat themselves at the same table as the King. One of the archers managed to eat with King on quite a few occasions. His name was Rogi and he really enjoyed archery. He would train day and night in order to present his skills at the town feast. Everyone was always eager to win and to be able to sit next to the king.

However, Rogi felt like the bow and the arrow did not deliver what he needed in his life.

“It’s always bows and arrows bows and arrows.” – he said. “Shoot the target get the arrow back shootagain, I cannot handle this monotony anymore. And the feasts, the King annoys me so bad, he is alwaysso demanding, but he never wielded a bow in his life, what does he know about bulls eye...” – he continued.

After weeks and months of struggle Rogi had finally decided. Sitting in his wooden chair, his eyes glowed up. “I’m done. I quit archery”- he said. After making that decision he ran outside to bathe in the warmth ofthe sunbeams. He took a deep breath looked around and thought “With all this time, there is so much to do! I can do whatever I want!”As the summer was coming to the end, the temperatures lowered, the clouds took over the sky and people began to fall sick more and more often. “From this point onwards, everyone shall remain insideunless thee has to do the groceries, then shall thee wear a face cloth.” Rogi thought a while, and concluded “staying inside a warm home with everything I need? Say no more mister King”. And so hewent about his business. After months of, what first seemed a heavenly idea, Rogi’s life took a grey turn. He felt like a very mediocre Midas, everything he touched was just ok. After a long while like this Rogi’s general performance just dropped to the lowest. He felt like there is no point. “life is good now, right?”-Rogi said to himself, “Teach a few kids how to shoot an arrow, an adult from time to time. Earn a few coins and drink some beers.” As he finished that sentence he was troubled. He found peace in the ease of life, but distress in his future visions. He didn’t want to be ‘That guy that teaches my kids archery’ for the rest of his life. People were no longer longing to work with him. He knew that he had to do all kinds of tasks, but he just couldn’t and he did not know why. Until he heard of a dragon that has lately been taking advantage of this village...The dragon of Sloth was a creature so mighty, his venom would make you procrastinate so hard, you would start undoing thing you already did. He chose the weakest links in the town and fed on theirlaziness, apathy, vice and indifference. His power was so great, while feasting on those characteristics healso weakened the village with it. However his greatest threat was the opposite of sloth. The dragon was not strong per se, no one was able to slay it because they never managed to begin. “I’m a experienced archer, I can probably beat that dragon”- is what Rogi thought. He went to local monks to nourish him about the arts of getting the stuff done. The monk smiled and said: Make a planning Stick to it Get things done Rogi lifted his eyebrow “Well... That will probably work out. As he entered the cave of the dragon Rogi thought of the plan he made for this fight just as the monk told him to. ‘So what are you gonna do? Scroll me to death with that?’- dragon replied as he smirked full of arrogancy, pointing with his head towards his hand where Rogi held his bow. Rogi, confused, looked into his hand, only to see that his bow was turned into a phone with Instagram already open. ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!’- Rogi screamed in agony as his thumb started to scroll on hisown. ‘Must! Resist!’, but he couldn’t. Hours pass and as the sun sets, Rogi is still scrolling through his Phone. He fell asleep. When he woke up the dragon was gone. But Rogi knew that it was not the end. Ashamed he did not want to return to his village for a long time. In this time Rogi didn’t only deal with his defeat, but also with his future. Deep inside he knew that he cando it, but just doesn’t know how. He remembered the stories of witches and wizards and figured that maybe they would have a magic solution to his problem. So he headed towards the castle of Aaf an old abandoned castle that has been taken over by dark mages and witches. Upon his entrance he asked for the most skilled witch or wizard. And so he was taken to the highest chamber in the castle to meet Pas, a wizard known for his healing, fighting and researching abilities. Behind a big cauldron, a grand wizard was brewing a mixture. ‘ah Rogi, I was expecting you’ Pas said as Rogi was entering the room. They had a chat by the wizards fireplace and so the night fell. Wizard ordered Rogi to practice a few techniques before he faced the dragon once again. After weeks of work Rogi finally entered the dragons layer ‘And here you are again have you learnt nothing? ‘ the dragon smiled and spew his venom. After the toxic cloud learned Rogi was holding his phone high up. ‘I have outsmarted you dragon. I downloaded the anti-procrastination app!’- Rogi shouted excitedly. ‘Do you really think this can stop me? I have years of experience in this industry. ́ - said the dragon as he smirked and threw a spell on Rogi who in that instant felt the urge to do things that were not moreimportant than what stood in front of him.

‘Think of what the grand wizard said, focus on your future goals, on what is important at this very moment.’-Rogi mumbled as he hid behind the rock. After these short reflections he picked up the sword he found next to him and threw it to the dragon cutting one of his limbs. As the creature slowly crimpled to the shadows, Rogi planned his next attack as he knew this was not the end of this Saga.



Bas van den Berg
RLE — Regenerative Learning Ecologies

Educational activist, researcher, futurist and practitioner. Based in the Netherlands where I try to co-create regenerative learning ecologies.