Gen Z decides what’s cool in SA

Samantha Steele
Mission Succexy
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2023

Find out what’s hot with the youth market in 2023, from brands to TV shows.

The first rule of being cool is you don’t talk about being cool. You either are, or you aren’t. Cool, I think, is a bone thing. You feel it in your bones.

And who, you might ask, is determining these ephemeral and amorphous movements? Who is the Dictator of Cool, side-eyeing beloved trends of yore? As every generation finds, it’s the same culprit: the youth of today.

Roughly shouldering Millennials and Boomers to the side is the new, feisty, money-spending, value-having, decision-making Generation Z. This cohort was born between 1997 and 2010 and has now entered the market, determining what rocks and what doesn’t. The elusive ‘cool’ factor is so much more than TikTok hearts — it, in many ways, comes down to not just the present, but the future too. The youth and their values, likes, dislikes and passions are a barometer of coolness and an indicator of current and future trends; which heavily impact brands and their decisions.

A micro-example of this is the Prime Energy drink. Checkers’ launch of the brand in SA was met with a frenzy of influencer-fueled demand, selling out in just 90 minutes. Now that the craze is over, it lies unsold on shelves.

Lucky for us, the Sunday Times GenNext Awards ferreted out the ‘cool’ from the chaff in this wide-spread group (63.3% of the population in SA) through the beauty of data! Sunday Times GenNext Award winners are chosen based on the results of a research study with Yellowwood that surveyed more than 7000 young people across the country. “The Sunday Times GenNext Report reveals that the South African youth market is becoming increasingly influential, and their preferences and behaviours often shape market trends,” writes Yellowwood.


Between the Sunday Times GenNext Report, Meltwater’s 2023 Global Digital Report, and wearesocial’s Digital 2023 Global Overview Report, we’ve winnowed out the main drivers of this generation and how brands can engage with them. “Authenticity and emotional connection are what differentiates brands,” says Hadlay Mclean, senior digital communications strategist at Yellowwood. Sarah Lewis, Senior Marketing Manager at Meltwater explains further, “Gen Z is the most socially conscious generation yet, and they’re looking to brands that share their values. If you want to attract Gen Z consumers, you need to show them that your brand is committed to making a difference in the world.”

  1. Socially conscious and values authenticity. They are more likely than previous generations to support brands that are aligned with their values and that are transparent about their practices.
  2. Experiences over possessions. They are more likely to spend their money on experiences, such as travel, events, and food, than on material goods.
  3. Digitally savvy and prefer to consume content on their own terms. They are comfortable using a variety of devices and platforms to access information and entertainment.
  4. Entrepreneurial and wants to make a difference in the world. They are more likely to start their own businesses or work for social impact organisations.
  5. Creative and expressive. They are using social media and other platforms to share their ideas and connect with others.
  6. Optimistic about the future. They are hopeful about the potential of technology and social media to make the world a better place.


As voted by Mzansi’s youth, Nike reigned supreme as the Coolest Brand Overall, taking home three top honours from the 76 categories, and further cementing its status as a youth icon. Apple and Samsung followed closely behind, placing second and third overall.

Categories where MultiChoice Group shone:

Coolest TV Channels

Mzansi Magic
Moja Love
MTV Base

Coolest Local TV Programmes/Series

Skeem Saam
The River
The Wife

Originally published at



Samantha Steele
Mission Succexy

Word-smithery, feminism, and body confidence all wrapped up with cake. Featured at Forbes Women Africa, Daily Maverick, Mail&Guardian, Marie Claire and others.