Google Forms 🚀 Slack Workflows

Mission’s new Google Forms Add-on for triggering workflows in Slack

Mike Brevoort
Missions AI
3 min readFeb 1, 2018


Missions is great for making structured workflows that run in your Slack workspace. Most workflows require data from the person who launches the workflow. For example, approvals, purchase requests, and gathering feedback all require a structured set form data.

Slack Dialogs are perfect for collecting a few pieces of data— five pieces of data to be exact 🤓 — from within Slack. However, sometimes you need more:

  1. Collecting lots of data
  2. More robust form elements (checkboxes, radio buttons, multiple choice grids, etc.)
  3. Distributing a form outside of your Slack workspace (customers, partners, prospects, etc.)

For this, Google Forms to the rescue!

Add the Missions for Slack add-on right from Google Forms

Today we are pleased to announce a Missions Google Forms Add-on, available within Google Forms to easily trigger a Mission when the form is submitted. All of the data collected is sent along and may be used within the Mission.

A Simple “Contact Us” Form

Let’s consider a simple example we can all relate to. On most websites you’ll find the standard “Contact Us” form. With Google Forms you can create this simple form and link to it from your website.

A basic contact Google Form

Once you’ve setup your form and added the Missions for Slack add-on, configure the form with a Webhook Trigger URL for your Mission.

Configure the Missions webhook trigger URL via the add-on

Then in Missions you decide which fields from the Google form to use.

Select the data to ingest into the Mission when submitted

Then we can add a single step to the Mission that sends a message to the #contact-us channel of our Slack workspace with a button labelled ✋ I can follow up! Ever wonder what happens after someone fills out one of these forms? Wouldn’t it be great to receive them in Slack where your entire team can see them, discuss them and someone could volunteer to follow-up? Everyones team does it differently, and Missions allows your team to work the way it needs to.

Craft a notification message to tell the team when a new submission has arrived

Now each time the form is submitted a message will be sent to #contact-us where your team can discuss and someone can volunteer to follow-up đź‘Š.

Send form responses into a Slack channel to act on

Oh the Possibilities!

Google Forms expands upon the Gsuite integration in Missions and there is more to come! With the Google Form add-on for Missions you can launch workflows in Slack from forms distributed to anyone.

Missions is a new messaging based workflow system for Slack that makes teams more productive by helping to coordinate activities between people to move work forward. Our visual editor enables anyone to create custom workflows for their team. Turbocharge your team today with Missions!



Mike Brevoort
Missions AI

Just like you but different. Runner, cyclist, parent. Engineering @Slack