Compatibility update to new After Effects

Mister Horse
Mister Horse
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2018

A new version of Adobe After Effects is available today and with it comes an important compatibility update to Animation Composer.

Important: update Animation Composer

To prevent any problems, we suggest you to update Animation Composer as soon as possible, ideally right after you update to the new After Effects.

Faster presets

In the new version of Animation Composer we updated all expressions used in our presets so they are calculated much faster than before. In some cases they can calculate up to 7x faster. They are also compatible with the new JavaScript engine so they are even faster in the latest version of After Effects. We had to rewrite pretty much everything under the hood around presets, but it was worth it!

Pre-comps use the new Protected Region feature

The new After Effects comes with a feature called Protected Region, which lets you create regions where animation maintains precise timing, even as you time-stretch your graphics. You can take advantage of this in Premiere.

How it relates to Animation Composer?

If you add a comp from Animation Composer to your active composition, you will see the IN and OUT markers as you did previously. But if you then drag that composition from Project panel to your active composition, now you will see the Protected Regions (instead of a comp without markers).

It also makes these comps usable in Premiere. If you add a comp from Animation Composer to your After Effects project, you can then import it to Premiere and work with it.

Anything else?

Oh yeah… there were two weddings in our team!

Stay tuned… More updates coming soon!

