TypeOrm Single Table Inheritance

Martijn van de Brug
MisterGreen Engineering
2 min readJun 27, 2019
The datamodel we want

At MisterGreen, an EV leasing company, we enable customers to configure a Tesla and a lease contract.

Contracts need to be signed. We want users to be able to sign through an electronic signature or by payment signature. The electronic signature is just a written signature, but done digitally. The payment signature is a €0.01 payment to verify you/your bank account.

Either way, a contract needs a signature, no matter the implementation. We want to use inheritance, but also store our data in a relational database.

Inheritance in a relation database

Congratulations, you decided to Program to an interface, not an implementation, but now you need to store your interface implementations in a relational database.

We are going to solve this with Typescript and TypeOrm’s single table inheritance.

Single table inheritance is a method that saves all implementations of an interface to one single table in the relational database. It will look as follows:

id | type           | signedBy | imageUrl   | transactionId
1 | ElectronicSi.. | Elon M.. | https://.. |
2 | PaymentSigna.. | Martij.. | | aE670Bffw

Single table inheritance combines all fields from ElectronicSignature and PaymentSignature in a single table:

  • id , signedBy are from the Signature interface, and thus inherited by ElectronicSignature and PaymentSignature
  • imageUrl is only needed for ElectronicSignature , because it needs the image of a human signature.
  • transactionId is only needed for PaymentSignature
  • type is just an internal column where TypeOrm stores the entity name.

How do we do this in TypeScript land?

We use TypeOrm to do the magic. I left out the contract > signature relation in this example for simplicity.

Implement the Signature interface as abstract class:

@TableInheritance({column: {type: 'varchar', name: 'type'}})
export abstract class Signature {

id: string;

signedBy: string;

Implement ElectronicSignature . Notice the @ChildEntity annotation and the extending of Signature :

export class ElectronicSignature extends Signature {

imageUrl: string


We do the same for PaymentSignature :

export class PaymentSignature extends Signature {

transactionId: string


Now we can just use TypeOrm’s repository to query the table:

getRepository(ElectronicSignature).findOne({id: 1})

Or, if we don’t care about the type of signature:

getRepository(Signature).findOne({id: 1})

That’s it! Checkout my more detailed example on Github.

Oh, and don’t forget to order a Tesla at MisterGreen.nl


Alternative options for inheritance in a relational database:

