International Women’s Day 2021

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3 min readMar 8, 2021

Today (and every day), we’re proud of the amazing women who are an indispensable part of the Mistplay team. In honour of International Women’s Day, we’re sharing their thoughts on the complexities of navigating the workforce as women.

“Recruitment in a very male dominated industry can be a challenge. A lot of people end up talking down to you…I’m very lucky to have grown up with a strong mother who taught me that other people’s opinions of you are none of your business. At the end of the day, anyone who underestimates you is only doing themselves a disservice.” — Skye, Recruiter

“I’m very happy that women have more and more job opportunities, more and more choice, and an increasing right to speak in this era. The mobile gaming industry involves mental work, so it reduces the difference between men and women, allowing women to say what we want to say and to do what we want to do! To freedom!” — Chaonan, Sales Executive

“Whitney Herd (Bumble CEO) is a strong role model for me. After experiencing a similar situation in a toxic male dominated work space I found her power to create something female oriented and ridiculously successful to be very motivating. What’s even cooler is that she’s the youngest (female) self-made billionaire and youngest woman in history to take her company public.” — Bella, Senior Account Executive

“From all my experiences as a woman working in tech, Mistplay has been the most inclusive. I have never been afraid to speak my mind and was even encouraged to provide my opinion more often.” — Thanuree, Product Manager

“At university, I was part of a very encouraging tech community which featured many women in leadership roles. Having entered the industry, I’ve noticed that there are far fewer women in engineering roles; instead, many end up in product or consulting roles that are less technical. While our society can be proud of the progress we’ve made thus far, we still have more to accomplish. When we think about gender equality, we shouldn’t be looking at it from a company level. Gender equality will really only be achieved when every team and all leadership positions have equal gender representation.” — Ailish, Product Manager

“In a previous job, one of my male coworkers had to change teams and I was preparing to meet the new teammate who would replace him. My male coworker asked me if I would prefer a male teammate over a female, so I told him that I don’t care, as long as the new teammate is good at their job. He called me a feminist. I realized that we easily judge people by gender rather than talent in the workplace, and being fair causes you to be perceived as a feminist. I know that he didn’t mean to sound sexist, but still I believe that such stereotypes should be avoided, especially at work.” — Eunhyeon, Account Executive

“I can already tell the entire team here, especially all of the amazing woman in every department, are a force and are so empowering! I can already tell how much they all focus on lifting each other up and supporting each other, all the while being total innovators. I can’t wait!” — Riva, Executive Assistant




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