Airport Mistreatment

Kiran Dhesi
Mistreatment Of Sikhs
2 min readJul 25, 2016
Above, a screenshot from Ahluwalia’s instagram after being barred from boarding his flight in Mexico City

While being treated immorally in their own country, prejudice and misunderstandings are growing against Sikhs in America. Many people fail to understand the difference between a terrorist and an innocent human. You cannot judge a whole religion for their beliefs due to the mistakes of one. No religion teaches to kill.

Muslims, Sikhs, and Arabs constantly get stopped for thorough check ups at airports. This is a safety precaution that is taken, but when the power is abused to disrespect innocent people, it is a threat by itself.

Waris Ahluwalia, a famous Sikh model and designer, was stopped from boarding his plane in Mexico City because he was wearing a turban. According to Washington Post, the Sikh American designer, model and actor says he’s grown accustomed to multiple bag searches, invasive pat-downs and incessant swabbing. After passing through two screenings, Ahluwalia was stopped by security and asked to take off his turban. Ahluwalia replied by saying, “I won’t be taking off my turban here.” The employees told him he would need to book another flight. Ahluwalia cooperated with the staff and after multiple checks, he was asked to take his turban off.

Taking off the turban is not the problem itself, taking it off in front of the public, is the disrespect. The turban holds as much importance as a cross may hold to a Christian. The turban was made mandatory by the Sikh Gurus. Sikhs have been wearing turbans since the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Of course a lot of people do not know the importance of a turban and other religious articles. That could’ve been the issue with the Aeromexico Employees as well. Issues like these could be simply avoided by giving workers educational training.

It should be mandatory so the workers realize the value a burka may hold to an Arab Woman, or the value a turban may hold to a Sikh man.

In the video above, Ahluwalia talks about 4 things Sikhs hear at airports. According to the video, Sikhs and Muslims are targets of Islamophobia. Why does that word even exist?

