Gurdwaras Vandalized In America

Kiran Dhesi
Mistreatment Of Sikhs
2 min readJul 25, 2016
As seen on, hateful racist graffiti on the walls of a Gurdwara.

While the desecration of their Guru is becoming more and more coming in India, Gurdwaras are being vandalized in America as well.

Gurdwaras are a sacred place of worship for Sikhs. It is the home of their Guru and is looked upon with great honor. People of all types of religions, castes, and beliefs are welcome to the gurdwaras and are treated with great respect.

The most popular Gurdwara that many may know of is, the Golden Temple in Amritsar, also known as Harmandir Sahib. It is constructed of all real gold and is a peaceful place to pray. There is a lot of history behind Harmandir Sahib that links back to the ruthless killings of 1984. The home of their Guru should be treated with reverence just like any church or Mosque should be.

In America, there have been several cases of vandalizing gurdwaras. The most recent one was in the State of Washington, where a naked man desecrated sacred items of worship. Jeffery C. Pittman, 44, broke into the Gurdwara on a Wednesday. He was arrested the next morning when he was wearing nothing but a sheet from the Gurdwara and holding a sword, also stolen from the Gurdwara.

In the video above, a group of teenagers thought it was a fun idea to go destroy someone else’s place of worship. A Gurdwara, where Sikhs do not even enter with shoes or uncovered heads, these teens destroyed recklessly. A place of worship should not be disturbed in such ways. Sikhs have a fear instilled in them that should not be there. No one should be scared to follow his or her beliefs, especially in a free country like America.

