What Can You Do?

Kiran Dhesi
Mistreatment Of Sikhs
1 min readJul 25, 2016
Above, Khalsa Aid serving food to families after the Nepal earthquake. As seen on http://www.gettyimages.com


It separates us all in our own unique ways. It may mean more to some than others. It defines the everyday lives of many. Why are minorities seen as such a burden, threat, or as any type of danger at all? Why aren’t people allowed to practice their religion without fear? Is it okay to treat minorities a certain way? It’s not.Groups such as Khalsa Aid, travel around the world helping people in need. Groups like these set great examples of what should be done. “It doesn’t matter in which language we pray or how we pray. God is ONE! We are all ONE!” says Ravinder Singh, CEO of Khalsa Aid. No one comes into this world knowing how to hate. Our everyday lives influence this through social media and the people around us. It is time to divert attention to help and not hate.

To raise awareness please sign one or more of the following petitions. What can you do to help the cause? Share on social media and get the word out to people who are unaware. Let’s reunite as a whole, and declare justice where it is deserved.·

· Support Bapu Surat Singh’s Hunger Strike

· Ask The UN To Investigate The Sikh Genocide

