Mind’s Theatre

Freedom Preetham
Misty Vignettes
Published in
1 min readJul 23, 2023

A possible tale of love that blossomed.

In unspoken words and misgivings they fathom.

When all was well, the projections you cast.

Why the egg shells when there was immense trust?

Unanchored self doubt, casting shadows on chats.

Playing the victim while trying to bell the cat.

Searching for hurt in a playful round,

trying to find fault when resolutions abound.

Set the past down, it serves no purpose.

Retain the wisdom of what actually served us.

You are stronger than you think, stop the woes.

Wallowing in self-pity and endless scorns.

The victim’s role is a dangerous shroud.

Sometimes cast by a struggling heart.

It hides the sun, it hides the light.

It keeps the star from taking flight.

For in acceptance, the heart grows strong.

In taking responsibility, we right the wrong.

Instead of judgements, if the mask is shed,

You find a hero in its stead.

~ Freedom

