Getting to Know Misty: Feature Videos

Because videos are worth way more than a thousand words

Donna Thomas
2 min readMay 22, 2018


We’re building a library of quick videos about Misty II and her features. Check out what we’ve posted so far and subscribe to the Misty Robotics YouTube channel to be notified when new videos are published.

With high-end cameras, integrated DSP and GPU, and an onboard neural processing engine, at lot of thought has gone into making Misty II one of the most capable and expandable vision platforms in its class. Our latest video does a quick-but-deep dive into Misty’s computer vision capabilities:

This video presents details on the design and development of Misty II’s expressive neck and arms, as well as her extensively tested track-drive system:

Did you know that Misty was designed to be easy to customize? Last week’s video highlights the various simple ways — from magnetic attachment points to USB and serial ports to Arduino™ to 3D printing — that you can modify and extend Misty II’s hardware:

Previously, we posted a comprehensive component walk-through for Misty II by founder and Head of Product at Misty Robotics, Ian Bernstein:

And if you missed it, you can still catch our first feature video on the various ways that you can program Misty:

Special Offers for Educators

We believe that Misty II is perfect for education and that having a sophisticated, powerful robot in the classroom will accelerate kids’ technical learning. So for educators and STEM groups, we’re offering a special referral program as well as quantity discounts and the ability to pay via PO. You can chat with anyone on our website, and we’ll help you set up your order.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Misty Robotics YouTube channel to get to know Misty II from the inside out!

