Toughest Challenge For an Entrepreneur

by Bill Aulet

This past week, I had a reminder of the toughest and maybe most critical challenge a founder has to face. A very composed founder had worked incredibly hard over the summer to get their new startup off the ground and they were succeeding. They had real customers and they had real investor interest. Things looked great but they weren’t. As so many startups have, the executive team was not working well together. All the people involved were good people, very talented and extremely committed but it was clear after three months that despite everyone’s best efforts, there was still a lot of friction. It would have been easy to ignore the situation but we drill into the heads of our founders “good enough never is if you want to build a great company.”

The founding CEO admirably stepped up to the situation and had the difficult conversation to say they would not be going forward together. He was very logical about it and it all made sense but he was an absolute wreck emotionally and just needed someone he could talk to about the situation. He was taking it very hard. Still, he did the right thing and I encourage more founding CEOs to do this as well and let me explain why.

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Originally published at on October 20, 2019.



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