We’re Moving!

Just down the road, with a major upgrade.

MIT Election Lab
MIT Election Lab
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2021


When we started this blog back in the early days of the Election Lab, we weren’t sure where it would go, or what to expect. Planting our flag on Medium, where all the basic functionalities we wanted were already built in, made the most sense.

But luckily, we’ve grown an incredible amount since then, and like a hermit crab, it’s time to find a bigger shell.

It’s been wonderful writing our blog here on Medium, but we’ve finally brought all of our work home to our own website:

We’re so excited about this development — it finally means we can play around with more interactive and interesting ways to tell stories about the data we work with, and it makes it much easier for you, as a reader, to find out more about the issues that interest you! You’ll be able to browse by topic, search for a particular phrase, and even check out everything a particular author has written for us, all in one place.

Everything on Medium will stay for now, but we’ll be moving all forthcoming content to our new home. Eventually, we’ll begin to close down the old articles here, as we update content. The good news is: all of our existing articles are already there! You won’t be losing a thing with this move.

We hope you’ll follow us there!

The MIT Election Data & Science Lab is dedicated to applying scientific principles to how elections are studied and administered, with the aim of improving the democratic experience for all U.S. voters. Follow our updates on Twitter and sign up for our quarterly newsletter.



MIT Election Lab
MIT Election Lab

By applying scientific principles to how elections are studied and administered, we aim to improve the democratic experience for all U.S. voters.