Andrew McAfee Addresses Jobs, Automation and the Presidential Election

MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
2 min readNov 14, 2016

As a U.S. presidential candidate, Donald Trump promised to bring back jobs from China and Mexico. But, according to MIT IDE co-director, Andrew McAfee, not only are those jobs not coming back — they don’t even exist anymore.

Listen to the full NPR Hub Innovation broadcast, What Happened In This Election? Trump, Our Fears, and the Future, for McAfee’s fresh insights about the type of economic change U.S. voters seek — and what they may actually face.

Most recently, in a keynote address at the Dec. 1 ACS Reimagination 2016 Thought Leaders’ Summit in Sydney, Austrailia, McAfee, spoke about how the world is changing and who are the current winners and losers.

While he was bullish about the opportunities presented to the global economy during the digital age, McAfee, who is the co-director, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy and principal research scientist at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, sounded a note of caution regarding the turbulence coming towards us.

“Technological advancement presents challenges to some category of workers,” he said, “and it’s the workers in the middle who are seeing the most change.” Read the full recap and Financial Review article, here.

Additionally, McAfee addressed the CEO Council conference in Washington, D.C., on November 15, to discuss data-based decisionmaking and ‘geeky leadership,’ among other topics. Watch those videos here and here.



MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy

Addressing one of the most critical issues of our time: the impact of digital technology on businesses, the economy, and society.