Erik Brynjolfsson at the World Economic Forum 2017

MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
1 min readJan 17, 2017

At the 2017 WEF in Davos, Switzerland, this week Executive Editor Edie Lush talked with Erik Brynjolfsson, IDE Director and Co-Author of The Second Machine Age, about the Inclusive Innovation Challenge which recognizes organizations for using technology to create value for the many, not just the few. Watch the video of the interview below.

Also read Erik’s thoughts about automation and robots in this blog from the WEF here.

Later in the day, Brynjolfsson discussed the challenges and impact of globalization, economic uncertainty and automation with Bloomberg and Harvard Kennedy School Professor, Carmen Reinhart, as well as the potential for the spread of protectionism.

Erik Brynjolfsson at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week.

He also participated in a panel dicussion on Jobs and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Watch the video here.



MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy

Addressing one of the most critical issues of our time: the impact of digital technology on businesses, the economy, and society.