Farmers Insurance Accelerates Its Impact with AI

While many companies struggle with pilots and coordination, Farmers is managing the enterprise-wide rollout of AI one chat-bot at a time.

MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
5 min readOct 8, 2018


By Thomas H. Davenport and Randy Bean

Farmers Insurance Mobile Claims Center: FARMERS INSURANCE

Insurance, which is an industry made up of data, transactions, and decisions, is one of the industries that is most likely to be affected by artificial intelligence (AI). Farmers Insurance, the California-based insurer, intends to apply the technology aggressively to its business. AI projects have proliferated around the company over the past few years, and now its leaders are viewing AI as an enterprise capability and are organizing to allow for greater impact.

Chatbot usage in insurance is on the rise.

AI is being used in a wide variety of use cases at Farmers. A recent Wall Street Journal article, for example, described the use of AI-based image recognition in the automobile insurance claims process at the company. Chatbots and other natural language processing-based tools are being used in contact centers. The potential of machine learning algorithms is being explored as part of the insurer’s s usage-based insurance program, called Signal. The company is also using automated machine learning tools to develop better predictive models. Robotic process automation — although some at Farmers aren’t sure it qualifies as AI — is being tested to automate back-office digital processes.

As at many organizations, the initial AI projects at Farmers were fragmented around the company, with little coordination. This led to the early adoption of multiple different tools and vendor relationships — sometimes for a similar purpose. Now, however, Farmers has developed a variety of coordination mechanisms to ensure a well-managed enterprise rollout of AI. One key mechanism is the AI Council, for which there are both business and IT versions. The business AI Council considers new use case proposals, which is the initial way to consider a project.

The business units themselves do not lead with AI, but rather with the problem to be solved — if AI surfaces as a means to accomplish the desired business objective then the use case is routed to the council.

In the IT AI Council, the primary focus has been on identifying enterprise tools, vendors, and data. In some cases, Farmers works with “insurtech” vendors on vertical solutions for use cases like analyzing customer verbatims with machine learning models. In other cases, for example in the development of chatbots, they use their own resources to develop solutions using widely available platforms like Amazon’s Lex. Katie Meyers, Farmers Chief Data Officer, told us that Farmers plans to develop a series of rationalized platforms in key areas of AI with an objective of progressing individual AI initiatives to a mature aggregate capability.

The IT organization’s AI Council has categorized AI projects in terms of their stage of implementation — with an eye toward moving beyond pilots and proofs of concept to production. The projects are in three categories:

  • Discovery — considering the project or technology, assessing viability, light experimentation;
  • Pilot — formal experimentation;
  • Production (or on the highway to it) — full implementation of system and related processes.

Meyers notes that there are quite a few projects in the production category, although some involve relatively simple AI technologies like chatbots. At least 50% of their projects are in the discovery phase, with the expectation that the pipeline will be continuously replenished as additional business use cases are brought forward and technology improves.

In terms of the impact of AI on human workers, Farmers has an enterprise philosophy of augmentation, rather than employee displacement. Meyers stated,

“We see the power of AI as being the machine working in tandem with employees. How do we use human skills where they are of most benefit to the customer? We are not focused on replacing people. Human interaction plays a huge part in our business and customer relationships.”

There are already some examples at Farmers of how AI is enhancing human jobs rather than replacing them. In contact centers, for example, chatbots are freeing up representatives from answering the most repetitive and basic calls. Supervisors in contact centers have historically used relatively simple tools to support the development and performance management of people who take calls. They listened in on calls for opportunities for improvement but only had time to review a fraction of a service advocate’s calls. Their goal in the QA exercise would be to figure out what reps needed to do differently — when are they making offers effectively, or using high-effort language requiring work by the customer.

Now an NLP system converts all speech recordings from calls to text. Supervisors can look at 100% of calls if necessary, but the AI system automatically identifies problematic language and interactions. As a result, supervisors can do much more effective and informed coaching with the call reps.

Dexter Johnson, who heads strategy for Farmers Service Operations, says that supervisors now have jobs that are substantially more data-oriented than in the past. He notes:

“We want our service advocates to make it easy for customers to do business with Farmers. So we are particularly focused on avoiding high-effort language. The supervisors have a dashboard that monitors high effort language for them. They can tell how many of those high-effort calls there are, compare their team to other teams, look at individual members of the team, and listen to either problematic or particularly good calls with the rep to give them some coaching. It’s already had a big impact on our service levels.”

Johnson doesn’t envision a time when AI-based agents handle all customer interactions. Humans, he notes, are better at making a personal connection with customers than machines — and he expects that will be true for a long time. For relatively simple transactions, he says, customers seem to prefer machines for their speed and 24/7 availability. But for more complex issues like understanding coverage, or explaining why a premium changed, there will need to be an element of discussion with people. That’s a division of labor among humans and machines that benefits both employees and customers.

Randy Bean is an industry thought-leader and author, and CEO of NewVantage Partners, a strategic advisory and management consulting firm which he founded in 2001. He is a contributor to Forbes, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, and The Wall Street Journal. You can follow him at @RandyBeanNVP.

Thomas Davenport is the President’s Distinguished Professor of IT and Management of Babson College, a Digital Fellow at the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, and a Senior Advisor to Deloitte’s Analytics and Cognitive practice.

This article first appeared Aug. 1, 2018, on here.



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