Grey Mirror #5 Anand Giridharadas, Winners Take All: Should Billionaires Even Exist?

This is a podcast from MIT Media Lab’s Digital Currency Initiative on technology, society, and ethics called Grey Mirror (Soundcloud, Youtube, iTunes).

In today’s episode, I interview Anand Giridharadas, the author of the book, “Winners Take All”. We chat about whether billionaires should even exist, localism vs. globalism, taxes vs. charity, and much more.

Please let us know if you have any feedback or give us a review on iTunes! Also please follow mitDCI and RhysLindmark on Twitter for episode updates. Thanks!

Disclaimers: This interview is not investment advice. The views and opinions expressed in this article are my own and do not reflect my employer :). I own less than $5000 of any given cryptocurrency, so my monetary incentive is not too aligned with Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.



Rhys Lindmark
MIT Media Lab Digital Currency Initiative

Founder of Roote, an online community of world-class systems thinkers. Apply at Writing a book, What Information Wants. Podcasting at The Rhys Show.