Growing a community — MIC at MIT’s admit visit weekend

Ajay Jain
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2017
Prefrosh fill a CSAIL lecture hall to hear a Machine Intelligence Community talk

Wowza! On Saturday, April 8th, 74 MIT prefrosh filled a CSAIL lecture hall during Campus Preview Weekend 2017. These graduating high school seniors were getting a taste of the MIT firehose at “How deep is your learning?”, a rapid-fire talk about modern deep learning methods by Surya Bhupatiraju and the Machine Intelligence Community.

“We are a community of undergraduates at MIT aiming to promote and foster interest in machine learning and artificial intelligence” — MIC manifesto

We at MIC are so excited to see these students engaging with ML and AI, even before beginning their undergraduate careers. After Surya’s talk, prefrosh approached us with dozens of questions, and we were blown away by the level of interest.

The incredible event turnout — our supply of muffins and milk was almost exhausted.

MIC is a community of MIT undergraduates learning about and researching in the combined fields of AI and ML. Each week, we meet for a reading group to discuss recent ML research. MIC also hosts events, including “How deep is your learning?”, and a talk today on “How to Build a Poker AI”.

For the prefrosh and current students reading this post, there will be lots of opportunities to engage with MIC in the fall — we’re looking forward to meeting you :)

Check out the slides from the talk, find out more about MIC, sign up for updates, and reach out to us at with questions.

Special thanks to Surya for preparing this talk and MIT IEEE/ACM for funding support.

