Meet the 2017 StartLabs Exec

Lisette Tellez
MIT StartLabs
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2017

It’s the Spring semester, which means it’s time for us to officially introduce the 2017 StartLabs Exec! Over the past few months they’ve put in a lot of work to decide on goals for this year, and they already have a lot of exciting events and programs planned.

Our new Co-Directors are Justin and Eswar. Both are plugged into the entrepreneurship ecosystems of MIT and Boston, and we’re looking forward to seeing the direction they’ll take with StartLabs this year! To reach them and the rest of exec directly, contact

Zoe, our new VP Finance, and her department are taking on the new project of finding sponsorships for StartLabs so that we can offer more opportunities for students at MIT and across Boston. For sponsorship inquiries, email

Our new VP Web Development is Jenny, an expert webmaster who is training her department to make the StartLabs website a go-to resource for entrepreneurial students. Any web-related questions should go to

As VP Marketing & Media, Emily will be working with her department to continue to increase the content StartLabs provides to the community through our blog, newsletter, Twitter, Facebook, and mailing lists. To share an opportunity or job posting, email

Our Team, made up of exec and 6 departments, has grown to over 30 people. A major focus of VP Internal Relations, Katherine, and her department will be to provide unique educational and bonding opportunities for the members of the Team. For questions about holding an event or workshop with the Team, contact

As VP Partner Relations, Anthony and his department will be working with our partners to host events, treks, and programs to inspire and connect entrepreneurial students with opportunities to learn and grow their companies. To ask about hosting an event with StartLabs community members, email

Through programs and events like TechGen, Startup Island, and IPO, we have met great people from other universities, and our VP Cross-Campus Relations, Max, and his department will focus on creating more opportunities for collaboration across campuses. If you’re part of an entrepreneurship club at another university, contact

Although Bishesh and I will miss running StartLabs, we are excited to see all the great things this year’s team will accomplish. Welcome, 2017 StartLabs Exec!



Lisette Tellez
MIT StartLabs

Venture at Ocean Azul & Health Coach. Excited about helping people solve problems in the world and in their own lives.