tech media isn’t doing a good job reporting the truly interesting stuff

Miten Sampat
Published in
1 min readJan 28, 2013

Too much of the tech media is obsessed with reporting the financial events around companies, rather than the products/services and innovation that occurs at these firms.

Sure there is a need to report fund raises, M&A, companies going bust etc, as they are pseudo indicators of market validation (or lack thereof); but that is only a portion of the story. I’d love to hear more about how the privacy model being proposed by the latest social network will enable users to have greater control over their data; or how this little startup innovating in imaging could change the way high-resolution pictures are captured on smartphones.

Before blogs and tablets became mainstream, that kind of reporting was typically done in long form magazines, such as the Wired Mag or the ACM’s Queue magazine, and the new age publications aren’t quite there yet. Even the Wired magazine is still focused on getting its content published through a packaged magazine, rather than an ongoing ephemeral stream.

PandoDaily, TheNextWeb and a couple others are doing a decent job, but there is a lot more room around reporting the latest and greatest innovation in the labs at great schools like Stanford, MIT, and others.

what do you think? … are there tech news outlets that do this particularly well in your view?



Miten Sampat

engineer. inventor. lesser half of @monagandhi. currently leading Corp Dev @TimesInternet … producing CO2 since 1983