Meal`n`Real — Episode 14

Nikita Korolov
Published in
6 min readJan 29, 2023

The beginning of the new story

Almost 1.5 months have passed since the digest’s final publication of the last season. We suggest you remember what happened during this time.

All the players were exhausted after three months of battles, negotiations, control of their own and seized zones. Of course, they still needed to control their agreements with the allies because anyone could be counterattacked at any moment.

During the three-month test and after, the Mithraeum team was preparing for a new stage for our participants.

We communicated with players in DM and our Discord channels and provided a feedback form for more understanding of what they like or not. It was a great opportunity to share thoughts about the current game state with the dev team.

Some guilds provided us with experienced players to gather feedback, share opinions, and discuss future plans. BoogaChaka — Product Manager & Head of the Design Department, held a series of meetings. We want to thank everyone who took part in this activity:

  • Eclipse (Metaguild)
  • Kenney (Chamomile)
  • LoriShowtime (Degen Guild)
  • Onton (Chamomile)
  • frol (TombStone)
  • Bond 007 (Chamomile)

We announced the first-ever Mithraeum tournament three weeks after the test ended in early December. The start was scheduled on January 11, 2023.

We know that some guilds took this information ambiguously. They had not yet had enough rest after the test and wanted more time for a break (for example, the last break between tests was 6 months). But many took it very positively. They were waiting for the opportunity to return to the battlefield and prove to everyone that the last time there was a mistake and they did not have enough experience or the right approach. Some thought about whether they should return after hard work to prove their status as champions.

The announcement raised a lot of questions from the participants. They wanted to understand the details. The team announced some points that differed from previous tests:

  • a limited number of places (meant that there would be fewer than in the last test)
  • guaranteed reward pool with no upper limit
  • the tournament will last as long as there are funds in the reward pool

Then the founder of the project, Bogdan — TheLastTriarius, released an article where he shared his thoughts and summed up some results of the Bronze Age II test — The end and the next steps. In this article, he described the problems the players faced on the last test and explained the reason for changing the incentive for the upcoming tournament. Also, he lifted a curtain on the direction the team was moving and what the players should expect.

  • To revise the incentive model and remove the project token reward for the next iteration. Instead, it is planned to create a pool of stablecoins, which can be obtained by burning mWEAPON (mTOOL).
  • The pool will be filled by installing new settlements on the map, the mechanism of which will work on the principle of a Dutch auction.

For those who missed it, we recommend you read it.

On December 19, we announced the next-day demo start, which could be regarded as a warm-up before the tournament. The entry price would start from $10 (because we wanted to check how the Dutch auction would work). Veteran players could remember how to press buttons and be in good shape for the January battle, saw the main changes, and were able to think about their strategy for the main event. Also, it was an opportunity for new players to get acquainted with the project. The demo became a training camp for us as a team, where we looked for bugs to fix them for the tournament.

On December 20, the demo started, and another news related to this event. It was an announcement of a video contest that would last till the end of the month. 3 winners who followed the rules would receive a settlement from Mithraeum when the auction price dropped to $150.

Someone immediately started to record content, and the others decided to find out first everything the team wanted to see and the main changes. We tried to highlight those who followed the conditions and made the fewest mistakes, but everyone had them. We are grateful to everyone who participated. Here is the list of those who won:

Wait, what about the demo? There were 2 zones with a max limit of 40 settlements in each and the formal entry price through the auction to buy them. We remind you that all the money spent on settlements in the demo (as well as in the current tournament) went totally to the reward pool, for which the players finally fought.

As for the entry price, the statistics were:

  • the maximum entry price is about 15$
  • the minimum entry price is about 2$

Everything happened in a standard way. At first, everyone developed and monitored the situation, then one of the zones began to fight, and in this mode, the whole demo went through. It lasted a little more than 3 weeks until the reward pool became empty.

There were up to 60 settlements in two zones and a reward pool of about $600. As a result, the players emptied the pool, and the demo ended on the same day the tournament started.

We also have the first 1000 followers on our Twitter account. We are very grateful and appreciate it.

Let’s talk about the tournament itself, which has already been mentioned many times. It is now in an active stage and is gaining momentum. In December, we published the tournament presentation on our website. It was intended for new potential participants and explained the main changes in the new event for the veterans.

But still, the presentation gave a superficial understanding of the main changes and conditions of the upcoming event. But TheLastTriarius described more details in his new article, Bronze Age III — Tournament rules and major updates.

The main topics of the article:

  • Tournament rules
  • Settlement auction
  • Cultists & Wipes
  • Logistics (Maneuverability between settlements)
  • Gnosis Safe integration

Also, in the article, there are a lot of useful links explaining some points in more detail. Therefore, if you still do not know the answers to some of your questions, read the article.

To understand all the changes in the mechanics with detailed answers, numbers, and formulas, you should check out our GitBook, where the information has been completely updated.

Tournament news, its start, statistics, the initiative of the participants, and additional information will be published in the next episode. Additionally, we will share secret information with our audience.

Stay tuned to get exclusive information.

