Meal`n`Real — Episode 17

Nikita Korolov
Published in
16 min readMar 17, 2023


The tournament participants started everything from the beginning after the wipe, but already with new experience and knowledge. And they try their best not to miss the opportunity to develop their settlements. There is a lot of excitement here when players want to be better than their opponent or any other player in the zone, but we also know that for many, it is important to be the best in their guild.

Guilds are an aspect of the game that we talked about in every episode last season, and all our digests were built around groups of people who play under the same banner. But this season, we changed the approach due to the stealth mode of the current tournament. Most of the guilds made no sign of their participation, and at the beginning, it was difficult to understand who was where. Some guild representatives, from time to time, still ask us, trying to find out the owners of particular settlements.

But some guilds do not hide their participation in this tournament. And Chamomile is one such guild. It is the newcomer of the last test, whose participation ended very early and caused a lot of interesting events in the game and outside of it.

So yes, you are right. This episode will be devoted to the guild, or rather two guilds of the last test. They merged, and the main part of the OWNton guild came under the banner of Chamomile.

Kenney is the Chamomile leader. He is currently not participating in the tournament but is monitoring everything through his trusted leaders. And he agreed to answer our questions. Most of which they answered together with the guys from his guild to give the most accurate and honest answers.


The Chamomile guild was formed for the Kingdom Clash project on the WAX blockchain. The main focus was always on this project. They successfully played with a larger squad of players, taking the top places in the leaderboards. Unfortunately for the guys, the project was closed indefinitely, and now no one will see their bright triumph.

Where did such a name come from? Kenney said that it came up in two minutes as a joke, but everyone liked it, and they decided to use it and immediately made the logo.

But in parallel, they decided to participate in another project — Mithraeum.

Let’s remember how it was.

12 guilds took part in the three-month test that started on August 16th. There were 4 veterans and 8 guilds of newcomers. 2 out of 8 were similar: Russian-speaking guilds with bloggers and mostly members accustomed to WAX projects. They even partially know each other thanks to other projects. It can be said that due to the lack of experience and poor preparation, the guys settled unsuccessfully. As a result, the fate of these two guilds was equally deplorable. They ended their participation quickly. In the 2nd week, the game became unbearable for them because of their neighbor in the form of TombStone. TombStone did not want to negotiate and allow new guilds to develop in the shared zones. There were negotiations, but nothing came of it. TombStone decided not to divide the pie with the newcomers and to destroy them.

Chamomile realized they could not play normally and just farmed resources and sold them on the market when they were not attacked. It was the only way for them. But they did not give up. And in any case, they put a spoke in the wheel of their offenders, making them draw their attention and waste time.

But it was interesting not only on the battlefield. There were a lot of debates on discord. But over time, everyone calmed down and understood that the next meeting would be important for everyone. TombStone continued to participate in the test and collect settlements. And two new guilds that ended the game announced their merge.

Russian-speaking embassy Chamomile

What do the guys think about their first experience? They understand they could play better, but it would not radically change anything.

We think the initial distribution of BLESS tokens was unfair, and such is a result of this controversial distribution.

Also, we asked the guild leader to answer the following questions:

In his opinion, is the end of the test fair, and did the alliance deserve so many rewards? And what does he know about the alliance now? Are they participating?

Kenney answered:

As for the alliance, they betrayed some of the guilds that were initially allied with them. Is it fair? :)

I don’t think they’ll be able to do the same this season 🙂 We understand the situation on the map and are glad these guilds are also participating in this tournament.


How did the break pass for Chamomile?

The first where they could remember how to press the buttons with the updated guild was the demo in December, a month before the tournament started. Compared to other guilds, the guys participated in large numbers, not just to look around and see what has changed. They immediately began the rapid development of their settlements to understand how they should act on the main event.

We missed you a lot! We were not allowed to play the previous season. The decision on numerous such settling was spontaneous. Some even later regretted that they did not go to the demo to earn a pretty penny 🙂

How did it happen that two guilds with the same outcome decided to unite? The first option is that a common enemy united them, but the real reason is a bit different.

We argued for a long time with Onton, who of us is cooler, but could not reach a consensus and decided to unite. Now we are together, and we are much stronger.

What did they receive from this merge?

We definitely made more chats on our discord ;) There are more active players who have taken leadership positions. We have progressed in internal organization and external diplomacy. There are only positive changes that make us a more interesting opponent.

The most important result that two leaders of different guilds received is not the number of players, it has not really changed, but the quality has definitely become better.

Let’s move to the tournament.


We already know that the guys have strengthened for the January event and had some contacts with other guilds.

As the leader said, they contacted several guilds before the start and started the current tournament much more prepared. He assesses their settling as good, much better than last time, but still not perfect.

But what did the guys like and what did not from the main changes of this season?

I liked the fact that there were changes. It’s nice that you heard our feedback on the previous test. Perhaps, the refusal of the market seems uncertain. Beginners from the crypto audience should first get involved in the project, including through the opportunity to “poured into a glass from the start” and check if it’s not a scam. And then involve them in the project through game mechanics and a long-term game. In any case, players should have a choice of how to earn. The last season looked more exciting and “crypto-like” with liquidity pools and BLESSes. As tactical defenders, we like the changes in the troops’ maneuvers.

The incentive system has changed in this tournament, and we are interested to hear the opinions of our players. What is better? Understand what you are fighting for and get a transparent reward in the form of a stablecoin. Or to fight for an imaginary prize with unclear value. The main character believes the project newcomers need a transparent box with dollars. Fans of the project are more interested in fighting for an invisible but likely more profitable prospect. And both of these systems of motivation should be.

Then we discussed stealth mode and the fact that you don’t fully understand who your neighbor is, which makes all your maneuvers well-considered and with great fear at first. The guys like these changes.

As for their understanding of who is playing with them in the neighborhood, the Chamomile leader said they know information about those they need to know about. There is a group of unknown people for them, but they will never meet on the map, so they are of no interest.

Does stealth mode help to play the game?

Of course, knowing the guilds’ exact location is valuable. The more values in the game, the more opportunities for trade and diplomacy, and the more interesting it is to play.

All those who participated in the previous test know that the game has become much calmer than before. There is no such big action that was. There are no cases when you can not enter the game for a day, and then you will find 20 arrows of incoming armies on your settlement that will come to you in 5 hours. The game became slower due to the increased maneuver time of the armies.

Kenney thinks calm farming is an advantage for the game because it is needed for beginners. But he personally quickly starts to get bored from farming. He likes military conflicts more.

Allies — this is the component without which it is quite difficult to be in a world full of diplomacy. So let’s remember Kenney’s words in the interview the previous season.

Negotiations with different players and guilds for participation in the next season are underway. We will certainly prepare better by engaging in diplomacy now.

Have they succeeded in getting worthy allies? Did the negotiations that took place last year bear fruits?

Yes, our negotiations were not in vain. We are happy with the alliance that we have now, and we hope for a fruitful strengthening of this cooperation in the future.

It is interesting who the guys have agreements with. But let’s remember at least one reason that made it clear to the guys that allies are needed — is TombStone. The guild destroyed more than one guild in the previous test.

Kenney said to us then:

“We are thinking about how to annoy our wonderful neighbors.”

What do they know about their offenders? Do they participate in this tournament? Are they a principal rival for them, or what was in the past remain there?

Of course, they participate. At least Snooch is a member of the TombStone guild :) Their behavior towards us and some other guilds can hardly be left in the past. I think their approach will lead them to failure in the long run.

It is an interesting statement. And we got such a funny comment on how active the guys are on the map:

Very active. We don’t sleep, we don’t eat, we follow TombStone.

Now the players are busy developing their settlements after the wipe. And we will monitor the Chamomile actions on the map.

Let’s move to the guild and its members.


Chamomile is a young guild consisting mainly of residents of projects on the WAX blockchain. The average age is 33–35 years. As they say, it’s easy to join them. They accept everyone, even spies from other guilds :) In this tournament, for example, there are a lot of newcomers.

There are 3 bloggers in the guild now. Kenney would love to have more! They are a very young guild, and the blogging resource helps to attract new players.

Here is a list of bloggers who are currently in the guild:

We especially want to highlight Onton from this list, his dedication to the project, how often he covers it, and the enthusiasm he does it with. He clearly likes the product, and we like his content and appreciate his help in the project highlighting.

And now, it would be interesting to know how the responsibilities in the guild are shared. Organizational moments, military calculations, and economics. Is one person responsible for this?

Of course, some humor here :) It is great that the leader has such a mood, so it shouldn’t be boring inside the guild.

All the above questions are actually controlled by artificial intelligence. Even the answers to this interview are generated by ChatGPT 🙂

Maybe it’s not a joke? 🤔

But seriously, Kenney believes you cannot become the guild leader by default. Leaders are formed in battles. On this principle, their hierarchy is built, and organizational positions are occupied by those who deserve them with their activity. In making key decisions, everyone has a voice, even newcomers.

Kenney cannot tell that he is the guild leader now because he does not participate in the current Mithraeum tournament.

The role of the founder and main promoter of the guild will not be taken away from me. But I need to deserve the position of leader in any project, like any other member of our guild.

As for the atmosphere inside the guild and newcomers who are so welcome. We know the atmosphere is friendly among the core players who have been guild members for over six months. They have passed a series of tests together and trust each other. With newcomers, they have a more working atmosphere. But the more joint work, the more trust and communication on non-work topics appear.

The Chamomile guild activity

  • Kenney#7961, and Bond##9673 participated in the feedback calls with the team for product improvement.
  • KiberIvan, Onton, and Rikitiki took part in the video contest during the demo.
  • Rikitiki is one of the winners of that video contest. As a reward, he received a settlement.
  • Guild representatives create videos and podcasts on YouTube.
  • Guild members communicate with the Mithraeum team in private messages sharing their ideas and suggestions.
  • The guys are always ready to help newcomers with the answers in public channels.
  • Onton is the best content creator for the project. There are already more than 10 Mithraeum-related videos on his YouTube channel. Therefore, we add him the role of a content creator on our discord.
  • Chamomile has the most active embassy in the current tournament.


And now, we come to the main character of this episode — Kenney — Chamomile guild leader. What does he do in real life? What does he think about his guild and its involvement? Let’s find out more details together.

Kenney’s real name is Roman. He is 31 years old. He is a marketing and product analyst. Roman helps projects to find growth points based on data, creating marketing strategies. He also helps improve the product’s attractiveness and increase the conversion to sales.

Any activity in the crypto industry is like a hobby for him, and making money on this is no less pleasant than on the main job.

We remember from last season’s interview that Roman works as a marketing specialist. How did his career path begin?

Despite the need for creativity in this position, most of the work of marketing specialists is routine. For example, create 200 unique advertisements for each keyword, or negotiate with 50 bloggers from the list about advertising.

But he likes more the research work, which he always approaches with glowing eyes. Therefore, today Kenney works very closely with both the marketing and product development teams, being the link between the technical world and the world of sales.

But where does his gaming path start? What did he like to play before, and what games became significant for him?

As we can understand, he likes economic and military strategies. We all know these games: Civilization, Heroes of Might and Magic, Stronghold, etc. Roman is also a big fan and veteran of the Travian Kingdoms, like some of the guys from his guild.

What about his way in the Web3 world? It began in the summer of 2021 with the P2E hype and pyramids on WAX.

Outside work and games, he plays kickboxing and swimming. But he spends most of his free time with the family — his wife and child. It is the most important part of his life.

Let’s move on to the game. The leader and his guild have already spent over six months in Mithraeum.

We know how was the start of the summer test. But what about the tournament?

I think we definitely approached this tournament better than the previous test. It is a huge merit of the guys who became the guild’s leaders thanks to their proactivity.

They have a lot of work ahead as a guild. Roman says they need more active people who will also take on the role of leaders. They also need to increase their presence in more projects, and work on a motivation system for each participant, because participation should bring significant income. Now the guild is full of energy.

What does Kenney think about his guild leaders? About active and responsible people of the guild.

I want to mention two main leaders of our guild

Bond007#9673 — Chief war strategist

Rikitiki#8226 — Head of Economics and Recruiting

And, perhaps, I will note Onton#6906 — outrageous and corrupt blogger of whole WAX, a know-it-all, a lover of evening panic. His resource gives us a lot of newcomers!

Kenney just monitors the current tournament. Now he only has time to follow the moments that the guild military leaders highlight. And yes, he understands there are guilds they need to learn from.

What is the hardest part of being a leader? He says the hardest is to see when the people he held some hopes lose their motivation to participate in a common cause. And then you start to think that you, as an organizer, did something wrong. We wish the guys to have fewer such moments.

What about the guild development? They will use all their resources and collaborations with other bloggers. They believe that they need to prove themselves well in any project. In their opinion, Kingdom Clash could be such a project for them, and they were going to succeed there. But unfortunately, they were not lucky with the project’s fate. But there are other places where guys can prove themselves.

We wanted to know what Kenney lacks in this tournament.

It is probably emotions and skirmishes on discord. I hope they will still be at this tournament. I think the guilds should communicate in their internal chats and the project’s discord. Without the general activity on discord, the chats look dead, and the newcomers, who come, conclude that the project is dead as well. It is a big problem. Sometimes the activity around the project is more interesting than the gameplay itself — and this is the correct approach. And then, some people enter the project’s chat every day, like a bar after work, to have fun or vice versa, to philosophize about the weighty matters. Any project should strive for such activity on its discord.

We all remember how hot it was previous season.

And what is missing in the project, in his opinion?

It is promotion and hype. There is a feeling that the project has already gained mass to test it for a broad audience so that all popular media would talk about the project, and the number of active players would be ten times higher. Arrange a real stress test for a system.

And what Kenney thinks the project does cool?

I like the scientific approach to testing hypotheses. I like the systematic decisions taken and the work with feedback from the community. I like the organization of work with guilds.

The previous test and the current tournament differ in their dynamics. There were a lot of hot battles on the test. In this tournament, everything happens quite carefully. What style does Kenney prefer? If it were necessary to choose one thing, he would choose hot battles from the previous test. But for newcomers, it is crucial to have at least some opportunity to get used. And such tournaments provide such an opportunity.

As for the work done and agreements with other guilds, Kenny believes that they could find worthy allies. They are pleasantly surprised and glad to communicate and do business. And he sees no reason not to work together in the future for a possible fight with their well-known enemy.

It was also noted that the concept of the project attracts smart people, filtering out infantile and inactive individuals.

The leader communicates with bloggers and project developers on WAX outside the guild and our project. This develops him well and makes him not sit still.

The Chamomile guild is already thinking about the future Mithraeum tests. They are already preparing guys who did not have time or decided to skip this season.

We hope that all the guild members who do not take part in this tournament, and of course Kenney, will participate in the next event.

We want to thank the Chamomile guild for their activity. It has been the most active guild during the last months. The bloggers record videos and podcasts, participate in competitions from the project, and actively take part in written feedback and on calls with the team to improve the product. We appreciate it and are grateful to them.

Here is how their leader reacted to these words:

Thank you for highlighting us! If even you say that we succeed, why not continue?! It is important that the time invested in the activity pays off in the end! There will come a time when Twitter will know about us 🙂 Who knows, maybe the Mithraeum developers will give us some ideas for our Twitter development.

We wish the guys to become stronger and make noise in our project and others.

Feed the flames
Do you have something to say? Maybe you are dissatisfied with embassies’ alliances or guild leaders’ decisions and simply want to vent out. Or you just want to say ‘hello’ to some guilds or the Mithraeum dev team. Maybe you want to mislead other players and get them into your strategic trap?

Whatever the case, fill out the form below, anonymously or under your name, and we will publish the selected pieces. It is your chance to feed the Mithraeum flames! 🔥


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