Meal`n`Real — Episode 18

Nikita Korolov
Published in
27 min readApr 12, 2023


Another season has come to an end, so it is time to summarize the results. We want to memorialize the main moments of this period. To make a snapshot of the zones statistics and the moment when the Tournament ended.

There were a lot of changes and innovations — naming, incentive, balance, chat, marketplace, wipe, interaction with the community, and many others. In this episode, you will find all the main highlights from preparation for the main event to its end (throughout its duration). In the end, you will find two interviews with the new project moderators.

The Bronze Age III Tournament lasted 71 days. After it, the players were additionally rewarded with pleasant bonuses. There are controversial points that left some players dissatisfied, while the other part of the community considers the innovations to be very successful and correct. We still have to work on improving the game, game balance, and fixing issues.

Let’s see what we managed to do together this season.

Final statistics

Dead Land

  • Number of settlements — 39/40
  • Settlement price — 0 xDAI
  • Zone leader by workers — JASMINE | 163
  • Zone leader by units — ROHAN | 70
  • Zone penalty — 25.2% slowdown in production
Dead Land

Sapphire Isle

  • Number of settlements — 39/40
  • Settlement price — 0 xDAI
  • Zone leader by workers — ISENGARD | 155
  • Zone leader by units — GIWDEH | 86
  • Zone penalty — 20% slowdown in production
Sapphire Isle

Never Earth

  • Number of settlements — 39/40
  • Settlement price — 0 xDAI
  • Zone leader by workers — STELLAR | 171
  • Zone leader by units — U2, RACCOONITO | 100
  • Zone penalty — 15.4% slowdown in production
Never Earth

Fate Moon

  • Number of settlements — 40/40
  • Settlement price — zone filled
  • Zone leader by workers — MAAN | 168
  • Zone leader by units — GHANDY | 121
  • Zone penalty — 11.2% slowdown in production
Fate Moon


  • Number of settlements — 40/40
  • Settlement price — zone filled
  • Zone leader by workers — CHAOS LEGION | 154
  • Zone leader by units — 69 | 102
  • Zone penalty — 8.37% slowdown in production

General Statistics

  • The best zone by the number of workers — Fate Moon | 3.53k
  • The best zone by the number of military units — Dead Land | 3.54k
  • The best zone by the number of prosperity —Fate Moon | 2.73K
  • The best player by the number of workers among all zones —
    STELLAR | 171 (Never Earth)
  • The best player by the number of military units among all zones —GHANDY | 121 (Fate Moon)
  • Occupancy of the continent — 197 out of 200
  • Fully occupied zones — 2 out of 5
  • Current reward pool — 0 xDAI

Digest statistics

5 episodes of Digest we published during The Bronze Age III Tournament.

The general statistics of what we managed to do during this time:

  • total episodes time — 73 minutes
  • number of interviews — 4
  • episodes about the guilds — 1

Highlights of the Season

The most memorable moments of the whole Tournament.


It can be considered the pre-stage of the Tournament. Players could already see the main changes in the game mechanics and entrance, comparing them with the previous test.

There were two zones available for training. Quite an interesting situation happened with the duration of the demo. It is an autonomous world, and everything depends on our players. They finished the demo exactly on the same day when the Tournament started.

Players learned a lot and started thinking about future tactics for the upcoming event.


It is definitely the most important event of this season.

For all of us, this Tournament was experimental. There were a lot of changes that were necessary for us in the way of searching for the ideal options.

The main changes were:

Dutch auction

The pricing of settlements in each zone depends on the demand for them.

Settlements purchase

The players could buy the settlements for the stablecoin of the Gnosis Chain.

Reward pool

It was formed by the purchases of the settlements of the Tournament participants. All 100% of the money spent by the players went to the reward pool, for which everyone fought in the end.

Zones number

The players were provided with 20 zones with 40 settlements inside each of them on the previous test. 800 settlements in total. Many expected almost the same number of places in the Tournament. But it was decided to reduce the number to 5 zones of 40 settlements, 200 places in total. It is 600 less than on the previous test.

Incentive system

The players of the previous two tests were rewarded with the Mithraeum tokens. For the Tournament, we changed the system for the players’ clear understanding of what they are fighting for. To make everything transparent to them. Participants, developing their settlements, produced weapons for which they could hire an army for defense/attack or exchange them for xDAI for a fixed rate at any time while there were funds in the reward pool.

Guaranteed Funds

The team guaranteed a minimum reward pool of 5000 xDAI. If the players had not bought settlements for this amount, they would have fought for these funds at least. (presentation link)


The previous test gave us a lot of sudden and exciting battles. Some battles were so fast and unpredictable that some guilds ended their participation instantly. We increased the time of maneuvers to partially solve this and give some time to react and prepare for attacks and battles.


In the summer test, the cultists’ victory meant the end of the World and the end of the test. In the Tournament, the cultists’ victory meant a reset of the World. There was a complete reset of all workers, military units, buildings and fort levels, all the resources, etc. Only the settlements remained in the same locations. And the game started for everyone from the very beginning. But there was an advantage for members. The fixed price for exchanging weapons was increased by 5 times.

Stealth mode

Last season, all the players immediately knew the settling of all guilds on the map, the owners of all settlements, who to direct a personal message in discord. Everyone played under their guild banner. In the Tournament, it was not necessary to use discord tags. And many could not understand who their neighbors were and with whom they were dealing.

Other changes

All the changes, relevant information about mechanics, and answers to many questions people could find in our Gitbook.

Video contest

A video contest was announced during the demo. Three winners received a settlement when the auction price dropped to 150 xDAI.

The winners were the representatives of different guilds:


At this Tournament, our NFT settlement banners were listed on a new marketplace — niftyfair

The players could either sell their settlement or buy settlement for a fixed price or by participating in an auction.

In-game chat

We added a WalletChat widget, thanks to which you can immediately contact any settlement on the map.


We opened the curtain for a new design of the Mithraeum map. We showed the tournament moment but with a new-designed map. After that, we received a lot of admiring feedback.


The first autonomous-algorithmic wipe happened after a little more than 7 weeks. Players were unable to cope with the number of summoned cultists. After another 3 weeks, the players emptied the reward pool, and the Tournament ended.


Some players agreed to take part in providing detailed feedback regarding the summer test. We appreciate their responsiveness and time spent:

  • Eclipse (Metaguild)
  • Kenney (Chamomile)
  • LoriShowtime (Degen Guild)
  • Onton (Chamomile)
  • frol (TombStone)
  • Bond 007 (Chamomile)


Bronze collectible 3D NFT rings — Invictus Maneo.

The players were able to receive a limited NFT ring as an achievement of their participation in the Bronze Age III Tournament.

The only condition was to hire 100 workers in any of the epochs (time between wipes). This gave them a guaranteed win. 1 settlement = 1 ring. If you had 5 of them with 100 workers hired, then you become a holder of 5 rings.

Thank you for your activity in the game.

The rings are already on the wallets of all the winners. For those who have yet to see what the reward looks like, check it out on OpenSea.


With the competition for rings, there was another one, but not for activity in the game, but for activity in our discord. Its duration was a month. The players were given a link to monitor the top server members by the number of messages. To become one of the winners of this competition, they had to be in the top 30. Everyone could influence their place and, if desired, get into this top. What was the reward?

Project NFBeez provided 90 cubes for our community. Each of the winners has already received 3 cubes. Each cube contains 1 out of 27 NFT of the projects on the Gnosis Chain.

Here is the list of winners:

Players already share what NFTs they got from the cubes in our discord.


The first quiz on the knowledge of the game and project was quite fun. In total, about 30 people took part.

ONTON, a member of the Chamomile guild and the best content maker of the project covered the quiz on his YouTube channel.

Rules were the following:

10 questions, and whoever answers the first question correctly gets $20.

Here is a list of the winners.

  1. Eclipse | Metaguild
  2. Twitch Amininano | Metaguild
  3. dice
  4. kropp_28
  5. Tatari (Vladimir Akhtyamov)
  6. Snowman
  7. kropp_28
  8. Twitch Amininano | Metaguild
  9. Hope to the moon
  10. Eclipse | Metaguild

We received a lot of positive comments about this event, so we will definitely prepare quizzes for the new season and take into account all the nuances of the first one.

General information about the Tournament

Max reward pool — 12,000 xDAI ~

Tournament duration — 71 days

The most expensive settlements — 162 xDAI

Top 3 players who pulled out the most from the reward pool:

  • 0x63994c604affa8cc8c9e8d9a853e9615f87ce9cd
    Spent — 801 xDAI
    Earned — 4985 xDAAI
  • 0xc55845975c9b338dde4711444a67da6b37fa429f
    Spent — 61 xDAI
    Earned — 1082 xDAI
  • 0x0da100bd53cb20848f0efa001f6eed42ca8aa337
    Spent — 407 xDAI
    Earned — 632 xDAI

The wallet addresses listed above can be additional for some players.
The information may not be exactly correct.


We changed the moderators at the end of the Tournament. Hope to the moon and Bond 007 became our new moderators. They were the most active participants in our discord during the Tournament. We had two exciting conversations, and you will find interviews with them at the end of this episode.

Tournament Mystery

One player has become a mystery for many. He skillfully managed a large number of settlements and did not allow the others to live calmly.

This is Amigo. Many players are wondering who it could be. Is he a single player? Or is he a member of a guild? Is it a guild? Unfortunately, we do not know, but everyone is very interested.

Serious Talk

At the end of the Tournament the founder of the project, BohdanTheLastTriarius, posted a resonant article, “On-chain Gaming: Principles for Building Viable Systems.” ☀

In this article, he proposes considering a set of postulates and principles for building viable on-chain games.

The article has two goals — to consolidate those who agree with its statements and to provoke the necessary discussion among those who disagree.

Follow the link to read it and choose a side you are on.

Feedback Survey

The Tournament is over, but the team lacks the last detail of this season. It is important for us that the participants of the 2.5-month event share their feedback.

We will analyze in detail, learn, and pay attention to things that are visible only to the community.

We already have a lot of answers from the players, but we will be grateful to the rest of the participants if they also take part and share their thoughts.

One-on-One in the TAVERN

Mithraeum is a social game, and community is very important to us. We want our players to interact with each other and us. And thus, we added a digest section where we introduce you to different guilds, their leaders (and players), and single players, giving you more understanding of your allies and competitors with whom you share the same zone.

We want to finish this season with two exciting interviews. We talked to our new moderators — Hope to the moon, the Degen Guild member, and Bond 007, the Chamomile military leader. You have a great chance to know the guys better.

Mithraeum Moderator — Hope to the moon (Degen Guild)

Please tell us a little bit about yourself. What is your name? Where are you from? What do you do outside of the game — in real life?

My name is Vitaliy. I am 29 years old. Originally from Kryvyi Rih (Ukraine). For the last 6 years, I have been in the Purchase and Sale of game items on Steam (CS-GO, DOTA2, RUST…)

Now I’m doing the same, but less intensively. I devoted more time to p2e games because I think they are more promising in the future.

What games do you like, and what have you played the most? Which ones have become iconic in your life? Do you currently play something?

For 6 years, I did not play any games but was exclusively engaged in making money from them.

Before that, I liked to play: Counter-Strike, Dota2, and LineAge II.

In those days when there was no Internet, I went through all Need for Speed games and FlatOut. I played Unreal Tournament, Quake, all the Counter-Strike games, Half-Life, and many others…

It’s hard to say what I played more. Until the age of 23, I played everything and a lot …

Now I only play “Play to Earn” games in order to get back the money invested in this area, in which, without understanding, I invested 95% of all my money :D

How long have you been familiar with cryptocurrency? What did it start from? What do you do besides games?

I bought the first coins back in 2017, but I constantly sold them out without any waiting for growth, returning them back into circulation to earn money on in-game items.

Then earnings on games began to appear very actively on YouTube, $100 a day, and so on. It was interesting from the point of view of buying and reselling. I thought I would earn money in this experience…

The first website that seemed to be very convenient for these purposes was “Atomichub” since this site was made by the developers of the largest CS-GO skins marketplace and it was very convenient.

My first P2E game was Farmer’s World, where I successfully lost $25,000…

On the Steam market, the market goes in waves, first a decline, then an increase, and so on in a loop.

I thought that it would be the same in this game and tried to average the purchase price in order to resell later when there was an increase…

It seemed to me that a game that has a huge audience and huge turnovers could not get rekt…

What I do besides the games will most likely not be so interesting. Everything is like for everyone else.

As we know, you tried to participate in the summer Bronze Age II test, but something went wrong. Please tell us about it.

During the summer test, I tried to make money on the resale of resources and BLESS tokens, in the end, I had only BLESS tokens in my wallet, which were no longer worth anything, and I decided to go into the game itself to see how everything works from the inside. All that I’ve managed to do was to farm some resources and understand how everything works. I didn’t get to the maneuvers because I was defeated and plundered pretty quickly and couldn’t develop any further.

Why did you decide to give your attempt a second chance?

I decided to give it a second chance to return -150$ from the resale of resources :) Well, I wanted to try all the same battle mechanics after all.

We know you are a member of the Degen Guild now. But you tried to contact Chamomile initially. What did not work with one and work with others?

Initially, I started playing alone and bought like 7–9 settlements at different points on the map, hoping that I could somehow play alone and all the settlements would not be destroyed like last time.

After I noticed other settlements next to me, I thought that I needed to start negotiating, but there was no one to talk with since there is a division into guilds but silence in chats. I thought about the clan because it was not clear who I could attack and who should not be attacked at all.

It seemed to me that Chamomile is the only Russian-speaking guild, and I need to go to them. I talked to the guys, they were deciding what to do with me. They offered options on how to implement my settlements in their strategic plans, but I decided not to rush it and think it through. After that, I received some information from Nikita about other guilds in the Medium articles, where a lot of interesting things were written about each of them.

After reading everything through, what I liked most about Degen Guild was its approach to the game. I decided that perhaps my settlements would be more useful for them and decided to find it out. My settlements also were not very useful to them, so I thought to ask TombStone, but I decided not to jump between different guilds and tried to stay with Degens. The status of a spy disturbed me, and I wanted to prove that this was not true, so I stayed with them. I didn’t quarrel with Chamomile, we still keep in touch, and at the time of the test, we made an Alliance.

You can now compare the single game with the game in the guild. What are the pros and cons for you?

It seems to me that Mithraeum is more about playing in a guild, and not about a single game. That is a game where there are wars between guilds.

Yes, you can buy 50 settlements and force everyone to reckon with you, but it’s expensive and difficult to manage.

A collective mind works in the guild Decisions are made based on the thoughts expressed by everyone, which helps to achieve a greater result than acting alone.

Each member of the guild can take on some responsibilities. Thus together, you can do a larger layer of work.

Single players are the number one goal of all guilds.

If you do not want to be shark food, you should think about which guild to join.

You participated in the Bronze Age II test and the tournament that just ended. What changes do you like, and what do you not?

I liked the idea of the reward pool — it’s simple and transparent. But it is obvious that someone will be left with nothing since all the money will be distributed among more successful players. I did not like the fact that despite the time spent, there were people who did not receive anything.

I would like everyone to receive experience, knowledge, and pleasure during the test and some kind of reward from the project for the test participation.

Rings are a cool idea. I’ve suggested adding the ability to give a 10% discount on the purchase of a settlement, 1 ring = 1 settlement.

Those people who participated and were quite active but lost some part of the invested money, in the next tests, will be able to buy settlements a little earlier than others (without rings), thus having a slight temporary advantage. (The pool itself will still consist of the money spent on the settlement, changing the order of summands doesn’t change the sum.)

I also liked the idea of the Quiz. It was interesting and brought the chat to life. It was very nice to see such a lively chat :)

Are you satisfied with your and your guild’s results in the tournament?

I am happy with how the tournament turned out. I was more fortunate than the guild because of my activeness in communication. I managed to sell the settlements and make a profit from the tournament before it was over.

And at the same time, I am not happy that some of the guild members still did not get what they wanted, despite a lot of work done and time spent.

What did you miss in this tournament?

Oh… that was enough for me — it was the most active and exciting couple of months. Could it be even more active? For all 100%. But in general, I was satisfied that I didn’t overeat the Mithraeum pie right away in my first test :D Having eaten one piece, I left the rest for the future.

What does the project lack, in your opinion?

People. The more people, the more activity and the more interest.

What do you think we do cool and correct?

Do not release the game right away, but test and improve your brainchild.

When it’s ready to launch, I’m sure it will be a breakthrough in P2E games.

I sincerely hope that Mithraeum will inspire other developers to do the same.

You had a lot of settlements compared to others. Please tell me how many and how difficult it was to manage them.

For the whole game, I had about 11 settlements. Some of them were sold, and one was even “gifted” at the beginning of the tournament. It was very exciting to manage a large number of settlements at once, and then, let’s say, the guys from the guild helped me in management.

That helped free up time for negotiations.

You are probably the most active participant in the tournament. We appreciate this. You and Bond007 have recently become the new moderators of the project. What do you think about this proposal? What does it mean for you?

I don’t know. I’ll try to keep the conversation going in the General chat as before. I did this even without status. It seems that this status, on the contrary, requires more responsibility and officiality, Now it will be necessary to pay more attention to the thoughts that I will express. I hope I can find a balance between the official and sincere expression of thoughts.

Who would you highlight in the tournament? Were there such people or guilds?

I’ll just list them, but not in order of importance: nniikk, Blacklist, Degen Guild: Tatarin, Lori, cavkie, Kura. Chamomile: Bond077, Rikitiki, Onton. These are the ones that I heard throughout the tournament. I hope to meet other active players in the next tests.

Some guilds skipped the tournament. Do you think it will be the same on the next challenge? Or will the situation change and become much hotter on the map?

I don’t know. I hope that in the next test, everyone will be here, and the war will be more epic.

Do you lack activity in our discord? Or is it better when everyone is in their own chats?

I personally lacked sociability. I think it’s not very cool when you look at the messages of the guild, and the last message was a month ago there. It seems like the game is dead. I don’t mind splitting into guilds, it’s convenient, but I would like to see life in the chat of each guild. How to motivate guilds to communicate is up to you ;)

What do you like more? Hot battles from the previous test or the tournament style of gameplay?

I think the meat grinder is better, and everyone wants to be a part of the meat grinder and not the meat itself in it :)

Was it difficult for you to understand the game? Did the gitbook help you? What else is missing from the materials for easier entry for newcomers?

It was easy to understand the game since everything was described. But you need to understand that theory without practice is nothing, and you still have to mess things up before you fully understand what and how you need to do. I probably would not add anything so that there would not be an overabundance of information. Adding new inputs before starting the test in the form of a new tab (digest) is a cool solution, and this is more than enough.

How did you find out about the project?

Mostly from Onton’s videos. That is why he is on the list of people I marked as important in this tournament.

Do you participate in any other game projects?

Yes, but Mithraeum is now my favorite project, and when the new test starts, I will put all other projects on pause and devote most of my time to this game…

What makes Mithraeum different from other projects?

That it has a future. “Eternal” game mechanics are something many games lack.

Mithraeum Moderator — Bond 007 (Chamomile)

Please tell us a little bit about yourself. What is your name? Where are you from? What do you do outside of the game — in real life?

Hello, my name is Artem. I’m from Kharkiv, Ukraine. Now I’m in Italy. In real life, I’m engaged in cryptocurrency. I mainly focus on medium-term trading, NFT, and GameFi sectors.

What games do you like, and what have you played the most? Which ones have become iconic in your life? Do you currently play something?

I like strategy games (and none other). Significant for me at the time were HMM and Travian. I don’t play anything right now, but I’m watching interesting projects in GameFi, and I keep in mind some of them I’m considering trying.

How long have you been familiar with cryptocurrency? What did it start from? What do you do besides games?

I’ve been in cryptocurrency since 2017, when it all started with the abnormal growth of Bitcoin, which was hard not to notice. Then I devoted a lot of time to the WebMoney system, which, by the way, in its ideology and applications, was very similar to cryptocurrency but centralized. Actually, WebMoney is where I bought my first Bitcoins because they made a bridge (perhaps the very first in the cryptocurrency) between WebMoney and Bitcoin.

How would you assess your participation in this tournament? Are you satisfied with it?

I assess our participation as excellent. I am satisfied with the results. Our players have expressed themselves not only in confronting but also in defeating local leaders.

Kenny said that you are one of the guild leaders of this tournament, who took charge and was responsible for the military actions. Please tell us how much work you had at the tournament and how difficult it was to control and calculate everything.

Yes, I took responsibility for the military actions because I played quite a lot in the previous test even after our guild was essentially out of the game, and I was one of the savviest players in this matter at the start of this tournament. There was a lot of work, even too much. I had to do it even at the cost of my main employment. It is quite difficult to control and calculate everything, especially considering that we had to explain various non-obvious game elements to beginners.

Are you waiting for the next Mithraeum test?

Of course, we are waiting. It is hard to say who will take part in it since the ratio of the financial result and the time spent on this tournament satisfied too few people. But we will look at the conditions of the new tournament and then decide on participation.

We are not sure about the guilds that participated in the tournament. Therefore, we want to find out if your principal rivals from the previous test took part. If so, how did your relationship develop? If not, did you take this absence with relief or with frustration that you couldn’t try to give a decent answer?

After the previous test, we had only one principal rival — the TombStone guild, because we did not cross with others as a guild. The TombStone guild played in this tournament, although they disguised themselves in every possible way. We figured out that there was a big multi-account player who was playing from the start, it wasn’t that hard. We assumed it was them, but we didn’t care who it was since the goal of this tournament was to show that we could play as a guild, at least on the same level as the rest. During this tournament, we presumed to give a tough and aggressive response to any actions against us. As a result, it turned out that we were the only ones who not only defeated them in almost all conflicts but also managed to rob them before the end of the event, while other known guilds asked them for peace and even paid off so that they would not be attacked and given them at least a little time to farm in peace :) As for the relief or frustration regarding someone’s participation or not, I can not speak for each of our members But for me personally, I don’t care about the distinction of the guild and its past merits — if their actions are directed against us, our retaliation will be swift.

What do you need to improve for the next event as a guild?

I think we need to improve the interaction between the participants and work with our team. Unlike other guilds that have originated from friends and friends of friends, our players are mostly money makers from the WAX blockchain, who are used to quick returns on invested funds and are essentially individualists. Many of them do not understand the need for teamwork and some temporary personal losses for the success of the whole team.

Is Chamomile going on a well-deserved rest? Or are you currently participating in other projects?

We have quite a few players in the guild, and some of them are constantly finding and researching new projects. But we are not currently present anywhere as globally as in Mithraeum, simply because similar projects are still at very early stages, but we are keeping an eye on them.

What did you miss in this tournament?

Free time and a couple of crazy players like me for quick and unexpected raids behind enemy lines :)

What was missing even more was the market system from the previous test, with liquidity pools for participating in which players were rewarded with BLESS tokens that could be used to buy new settlements. This economic loop in the previous test allowed even a single player to make a good profit from the project, and I really liked it since I played part of that test solo.

What does the project lack, in your opinion?

It lacks a large active audience, chaos, and unpredictability that many small guilds or a lot of single players can create. I think it makes sense for the project management to think about attracting and protecting newcomers in the early stages. Otherwise, the game risks being mothballed among veterans.

What do you think we do cool and correct?

Cool and correct is the development process itself and a large number of tests with the participation of real players. Mithraeum is one of the few projects I know that does not collect money in any form before releasing a product but rather conducts full development and tests before entering the market. In addition, I like the very approach to the game industry that I see in the founders’ articles. The mechanics of fighting the inflation of game assets through the threat of a wipe are especially interesting. It is very interesting to see how it all will work in “military” conditions.

How many settlements did you have in the tournament? Was it difficult to manage them?

It was not so difficult to manage 3 settlements, but I would not refuse some sort of automation. There was an offer to use a bot, but firstly, in my opinion, the creator of the bot asked for a very high price. Secondly, the bot still develops the settlement more slowly than a human, and during this tournament, especially after the wipe, time was crucial, so I had to abandon this idea.

You are probably one of the most active participants in the tournament. We appreciate this. You and Hope to the moon have recently become the new moderators of the project. What do you think about this proposal? What does it mean for you?

I like Mithraeum. Currently, this is the number 1 project for me in GameFI. Therefore, I am glad to take part in its development to the best of my ability. I see great potential in it, and of course, participation at such an early stage inspires me.

Who would you highlight in the tournament? Were there such people or guilds?

Well, of course, I can’t help but highlight our ally Metaguild and their military strategist @Twitch Amininano#7044. I was very pleased to communicate, plan and execute our wily plans with him. I was also happy to meet the RPD guild, which I’m sure we’ll get along with in the future.

Some guilds skipped the tournament. Do you think it will be the same on the next challenge? Or will the situation change and become much hotter on the map?

It all depends on the conditions of the tournament. As I said above, the ratio of time spent and compensation this time did not suit many. By and large, the players are testers, and they want to be rewarded for the test. It is probably better to do as before in the future tokens of the project, as this leaves the testers with the opportunity of increased rewards, or give the players a choice, for example, make 2 pools of rewards, one with xDAi and the other with Mithraeum tokens.

Do you lack activity in our discord (where you actively participated last season)? Or is it better when everyone is in their own chats?

I think the format where everyone communicates together is much more fruitful for the project than the one that exists now. As a matter of fact, this is the second battlefield after the gaming one, and this format significantly increases the activity and involvement of the players. I saw this in Travian when I played it (maybe I said it in vain since such a format greatly increases the workload on moderators).

What do you like more? Hot battles from the previous test or the tournament style of gameplay?

I would not say that this tournament was much calmer than the previous one, but the new logistics allowed the defenders to prepare for the attack. This is a big plus because veterans are the ones who behave more aggressively, so the new rules are somewhat a step towards protecting newcomers, which I welcome.

Was it difficult for you to understand the game? Did the gitbook help you? What else is missing from the materials for easier entry for newcomers?

The gitbook is quite enough for me because I am an example of the old school, so it is easier and more convenient for me to perceive the text. Many players now, as far as I know, perceive video guides better. Maybe you should think about creating them.

How effective was the merge with the OWNton guild, in your opinion? Have you thought about recruiting some good small guilds from other projects for the future?

I think this merger has been effective and beneficial for both guilds. There are several quite active players in OWNton’s guild (including himself) who performed skillfully in this tournament. As for attracting players from other projects, we do this with varying degrees of success.

Are you satisfied with your alliances and negotiations in this tournament? Will they be saved for the next Mithraeum event? Could you tell your main ally of the tournament?

As I said above, our main ally in this tournament is Metaguild. I am completely satisfied with our alliance with them. I think it will continue in the future. In general, we are open to alliances, cooperation, and negotiations with all the old guilds that have not violated their agreements and with all the new ones that will come to the project.

How did you find out about the project?

I first learned about the project from OWNton’s video. This gave momentum to the further detailed study of Mithraeum.

Do you participate in any other game projects?

Not at the moment, but I am keeping an eye on a few of them and waiting for a good entry point.

What makes Mithraeum different from other projects?

Approach to development and market entry. I am also attracted by the idea of an “eternal” world in which one can build a long-term development strategy and eventually implement it. This is still quite rare in crypto games.

Final words

Thanks to everyone for your efforts, enthusiasm, and time spent.

Your participation in the Tournament was valuable to our development team, as you helped identify bugs and issues that we will fix soon.

We want to thank those of you who have been active this season. In the game, in communication, and in social networks. Those who created content related to the project and shared their ideas. Special thanks to the guilds, their leaders, and those sincerely interested in improving the game. To those who have always been responsive and willing to help. Together with you, we improve this product every day so that, as a result, it turns out to be of high quality and worthy of wide attention.

Use the break time between events to your advantage. Have rest, look for new alliances, and start the game long before the start of the next test! Everything will depend on your approach to the game, dedication, diplomatic negotiations, the desire to show results, and, of course, the desire to take revenge on your offenders.

We are always open to our audience, so write to us on discord, and we will help you with any of your questions and clarify everything that is incomprehensible to you.

If you have any thoughts about improving the game or the product, be sure to share your ideas in a special channel on our discord.

We are waiting for all of you in the next season, which promises to be very interesting.

Thanks to all!


