Meal`n`Real — Episode 5

Nikita Korolov
Published in
19 min readSep 18, 2022


The first month of the Mithraeum Bronze Age II test passed. It flew by quickly enough for the players and us. A lot of interesting things happened this month, from the destruction of new small guilds to veterans, from new alliances to the declaration of wars, and it can be said that the outcome of the entire test was almost determined. But let’s not get ahead and think about what does not happened yet. Everything is in the players’ hands! And we can only continue to observe everything.

In this episode, we will tell you about the most important moments of this week. How the players met the cultists on the second summon, what happened around the RPD guild, and the content our participants created. And of course, we will try to highlight the statistics for all zones, thanks to which we can see the most important changes over this period.

We got many positive feedbacks about the zones statistics from the players. It is very useful and helps them to get acquainted with each zone’s state of affairs and see its leaders. Therefore, we will sum up the results in this format every month.

Zones statistics

Daveltara Haven

There are not many changes. 2 settlements have been added to the zone, and it is still under the control of the 0Y guild — they have about 12 settlements. Several representatives of Degen Guild and single players are in the zone, and the latter are in negative prosperity.

  • Number of settlements — 21 (19 before)
  • Settlement price — 11.5
  • Zone leader by settlers — icemaster 0Y | 668
  • Zone leader by units — Sergius 0Y | 1.13k
Daveltara Haven


There are already changes here. The zone that 0Y and RPD had peacefully shared until this week is no longer so peaceful. Against the backdrop of the events with RPD in other zones, 0Y decided to attack them in their common zone. The number of settlements of these two guilds is almost equal, with several single players. Almost all RPD settlements are in a big minus of prosperity.

  • Number of settlements — 25 (24 before)
  • Settlement price — 13.5
  • Zone leader by settlers — QweReddy 0Y | 590
  • Zone leader by units — Blondi 0Y | 776


The only zone where everything is calm now for the RPD representatives. Their settlements occupy half of the zone. Also, there are Degen Guild, UM6P, and unidentified settlements here. We will monitor this zone in more detail. But according to the situation in the other zones where RPD are located, it can become hot anytime.

  • Number of settlements — 29 (23 before)
  • Settlement price — 15.5
  • Zone leader by settlers — GANGBANG | 702
  • Zone leader by units — Ready Rich | 868


As we expected, one of the brightest zones where the actions never stop. In the last episode, we told that ordengg began to destroy the RPD settlements in this zone. After several unsuccessful attempts by RPD to attack the dwarves, they became a target themselves. The number of settlements has increased by 10. There are 13 sieges in the zone at the time of writing. Almost all RPD settlements are on fire.

  • Number of settlements — 34 (24 before)
  • Settlement price — 18
  • Zone leader by settlers — FILI | 1.77k
  • Zone leader by units — FILI | 1.94k

Dry Grasslands

One more zone where the destruction of the RPD settlements happened. RPD, Degen Guild, ordengg, and several unidentified strong players are here. The RPD occupied 50%, and the remaining 50% were for the others. The most interesting thing is that now, according to the statistics of settlers and warriors, it can be concluded that Degen Guild controls the zone, but the RPD settlements were not destroyed by their hands. Redline, whose settlement was attacked for the first weeks, apparently agreed on a quiet existence because he is no longer touched.

  • Number of settlements — 32 (29 before)
  • Settlement price — 17
  • Zone leader by settlers — TiaCyr | 1.76k
  • Zone leader by units — TiaCyr | 1.42k
Dry Grasslands

Sapphire Isle

Everything is calm here, the zone is still controlled by Degen Guild with no other options.

  • Number of settlements — 21 (no changes)
  • Settlement price — 11.5
  • Zone leader by settlers — imthesource | 582
  • Zone leader by units — 831 | 987
Sapphire Isle

Lustrous Province

No changes in settlements quantity here. The Degen Guild still controls the zone. Of the changes, all single players who were last time under different banners are now under one. But they still have negative prosperity. The percentage ratio of the situation is approximately 55% to 45% in favor of the Degen guild.

  • Number of settlements — 22 (no changes)
  • Settlement price — 12
  • Zone leader by settlers — PontiusPirat | 1.28k
  • Zone leader by units — nafan99 | 1.06k
Lustrous Province

Dead Land

The zone is controlled by the guys from Degen Guild. The Chamomile representatives and other single players who do not have any agreements with Degen Guild are in negative prosperity.

  • Number of settlements — 21 (19 before)
  • Settlement price — 11
  • Zone leader by settlers — NotCoolEd1 | 510
  • Zone leader by units — Kura | 678
Dead Land

Never Earth

There are no new settlements here. After the guys from Degen Guild and 0Y maneuvered into this zone a few weeks ago, nothing interesting happened here. Here is the dominance of ordengg, which has around 25 settlements.

  • Number of settlements — 33 (no changes)
  • Settlement price — 17.5
  • Zone leader by settlers — OrdSyndicate | 912
  • Zone leader by units — OrdSyndicate | 1.2k
Never Earth


It is one of the zones where the number of settlements has not changed. An equal number of the Lizamix and ordengg members, plus a few single players, remain in it. After communicating with representatives of these two guilds, we know that a diplomatic agreement was reached between them. Before which, Lisamix had the option of attacking the guys from ordengg by joining a union with RPD. But they considered that they could be next and chose the option of negotiating with ordengg. It remains for us to keep an eye on this zone.

  • Number of settlements — 28 (no changes)
  • Settlement price — 15
  • Zone leader by settlers — orden yanik | 857
  • Zone leader by units — adamg13 | 2.13k

Jade Forest

A very intriguing situation is in this zone. It was totally under UM6P control. When writing, the TombStone representatives settled in 10 settlements of this zone with nicknames HELLO UMP. We do not know what it is. Warning shot? Or already the control one? In the interview, the UM6P leader said, “We are not afraid of our alliance betraying us and we know TOMB would protect us, our alliance is a solid one and we want to keep it that way.” It seems something went not according to plan. Perhaps because of the Fate Moon zone, which the guys share after the destruction of Metaguild, or the Mortegard zone. They do not have other common ground. We continue to observe the situation with interest, and let’s move their common zone.

  • Number of settlements — 31 (21 before)
  • Settlement price — 16.5
  • Zone leader by settlers — Jack3 UM6P | 463
  • Zone leader by units — UM6P | 879
Jade Forest

Fate Moon

About 23 representatives of Metaguild occupy this zone. A couple of single players and 4 representatives of UM6P. That was the description of the zone last time. Unfortunately, Metaguild received a crushing blow from TombStone, after which it is almost impossible to recover. We have seen more than once when the settlements of Metaguild are sold, and TombStone tries to buy them. Everything has changed here. In the leaderboard, we see that in the top 14 there are 10 TombStone and 4 UM6P settlements. Whether this situation could serve what we described in the Jade Forest zone, we do not know.

  • Number of settlements — 34 (31 before)
  • Settlement price — 18
  • Zone leader by settlers — UkrBot5 | 1.53k
  • Zone leader by units — UkrBot5 | 1.32k
Fate Moon

Jade Vales

The situation is similar to the previous zone. TombStone controls the Metaguild settlements, not allowing them to develop and make a comeback. The number of the Metaguild settlements has decreased in the zone, and TombStone has increased.

  • Number of settlements — 31 (30 before)
  • Settlement price — 16.5
  • Zone leader by settlers —UkrBot3 | 1.27k
  • Zone leader by units — UkrBot3 | 1.65k
Jade Vales


The last zone where Metaguild is located and again with TombStone. The leaderboard looks like this — the first half of the leaderboard is shared by TombStone representatives, and one representative of the Metaguild is among them — Dice. While killing the cultists, the guys did not keep track of one settlement that came out in positive prosperity. When writing, 3 armies had already made maneuvers on him. Then go 2 settlements of single players being a little in negative prosperity. And close the leaderboard — Metaguild with 11 settlements, all of which are in negative prosperity.

  • Number of settlements — 26 (no changes)
  • Settlement price — 14
  • Zone leader by settlers — UkrBot2 | 1.02k
  • Zone leader by units — Paribus Owl2 | 1.08k


Only 1 settlement has been added to this zone. Nothing interesting happens here from the first week after TombStone decided to destroy the settlements of new small guilds and single players. Who, in their opinion, could cause them inconveniences in the future. There is total TombStone domination here.

  • Number of settlements — 23 (22 before)
  • Settlement price — 12.5
  • Zone leader by settlers — Despair Main | 582
  • Zone leader by units — Kroppstadt | 1.02k


The zone has increased by 3 settlements. Otherwise, this zone is without any interesting events and is under the control of the TombStone guild.

  • Number of settlements — 27 (24 before)
  • Settlement price — 14.5
  • Zone leader by settlers — ZALUZHNYI | 630
  • Zone leader by units — Paribus | 1.31k

Light Flatlands

There are plus 3 new settlements, and no fun here. The situation is similar to the previous zones. Total domination of the guys from TombStone. Of the changes, only the settlement name of one Chamomile member caused questions and some disputes that we observed in discord between Bond007 and kropp_28.

  • Number of settlements — 25 (22 before)
  • Settlement price — 13.5
  • Zone leader by settlers — Bandera A | 1.01k
  • Zone leader by units — UkrBot4 | 779
Light Flatlands

Demi Yonder

It is the last zone under the TombStone’s control, where they also placed 3 new settlements to strengthen their positions. Everything is calm, so we move on.

  • Number of settlements — 23 (20 before)
  • Settlement price — 12.5
  • Zone leader by settlers — nICE1 | 1.09k
  • Zone leader by units — nICE1 | 1.42k
Demi Yonder


At the moment, the zone that seemed to be the center of large guilds battles and a graveyard for many armies looks quite peaceful. Everything is calm after the situation when the alliance of Degen and 0Y decided to put pressure with maneuvers on ordengg. We noticed the development of Degen settlements, and the guys from ordengg have stopped. It looks like this is one of those diplomatic agreements that the guys came to.

  • Number of settlements — 28 (no changes)
  • Settlement price — 15
  • Zone leader by settlers — Lori1 | 890
  • Zone leader by units — Tatarin | 779


The zone where it is unclear what will happen and what the leaderboard will look like at the end. There is the largest concentration of guilds — 5 guilds and single players. 9 new settlements have appeared here. Most of them are occupied by TombStone. We continue to follow the situation.

  • Number of settlements — 28 (19 before)
  • Settlement price — 15
  • Zone leader by settlers — Paribus Fron | 1.13k
  • Zone leader by units — hilanded | 881

That is all for the statistics and changes in the zones over the past time. We noticed a lot of differences, and there are preconditions for further changes. In the next episode, we will try to figure out what happened during this time in more detail, describing how we see it from our side.

It is important to note that there are too many free places in some zones, and there are max 2 months left before the end of the test. From the situations that happened this week, we see that this can be very dangerous for anyone, especially for a small guild.


The most memorable events of this week.

This week was the second cultists summon in all the zones. The guys have already adapted and understood how to deal with them. We want to note the good work of our players. Many guilds had started maneuvers to the cultists’ settlements in advance to attack them from the first minute. After the first week, the situation is the following:

  • In 15 zones — all the cultists were killed
  • In 2 zones — the cultists are in the battles
  • In 3 zones — they were not even touched

Our players content
Hyper Dodge
continues to release Twitter threads as promised.

This week he shared his thoughts on two topics. One is about specialized armies, and the other is about Economic Warfare. Let’s wait for him to continue.

Twitter thread
Twitter thread

Resest, who recently started streaming on YouTube in the Ukrainian language, announced a settlement raffle in the game this week that he has developed for the whole week. The conditions were quite simple — subscribe to his YouTube channel and Twitter account and leave any comment. We wish good luck to everyone who took part.

Even a month has not passed
We have already mentioned the situation in Jade Forest in the zone statistics. TombStone created 9 new settlements in the zone under the total control of UM6P. It looks strange — between them, it seems like an alliance. We continue to monitor what is happening.

Channel new-settlements on Discord

Strengthening positions
Similar to the highlight above, Tombstone also began strengthening their positions in their own zones, adding 11 new settlements in several zones for the day.

Channel new-settlements on Discord

Local psychologist
We mentioned this situation in the description of the Light Flatlands zone. There was some dispute between two members — from Tombstone and Chamomile regarding the banner name of the representative of the red hoods. After a while, a single player without a tag turned on for a more detailed analysis. He played the role of a psychologist and had a very long conversation on this topic.

No respect for veterans
We observe how the veteran guild and the most famous DAO among all participants — RPD, were destroyed in 3 out of 4 zones where they are located. Their fate in the fourth zone we will know later. Whether it will be the situation of 3 other zones or not. We saw how ordengg attacked them in the Coldwater and the Dry Grasslands zones. After that, almost all their settlements are in negative prosperity. Also, they received a severe blow in the Staryhill zone from the 0Y guild. Therefore, things are not going well for the guys.

Starryhill zone. RPD settlements after the 0Y guild attack.

In addition to the situation described above.

We saw that the representative of 0Y came to the RPD embassy and asked who he could discuss the peace treaty in the Starryhill zone with.

Ready Player Dao Embassy

Feed the flames

HAHAHA, there are different rumors that the alliance is cracking, and there are lots of dissatisfied.

One-on-One in the TAVERN

Mithraeum is a social game, and community is very important to us. We want our players to interact with each other and us. And thus, we added a digest section where we introduce you to different guilds and their leaders (and players), giving you more understanding of your allies and competitors with whom you share the same zone.

In this episode, we will continue our acquaintance with guild members. We talked to two members of new guilds — dudendy, the ordengg representative, and Meme Man, the Mortegard leader. We asked guys almost the same questions to know more about these guilds. So let’s see what came out of it. I want to say right away that this is not the last time we communicate with them or with representatives of their guilds. So we will still have the chance to know the guys and their guilds better.

dudendy — ordengg Representative

Could you please tell me about yourself and your guild?? How did the idea for creation come about? What do you do outside of the game — in real life?

ordengg was founded by well known in Aavegotchi community. The idea dates back to ancient times when we played a lot of PC games and dreamed of creating our own game someday. I would highlight the following our objectives: 1) Alway play a Good Game with dignity and honor to our opponents 2) Contribution and creating tools for blockchain games that we like 3) Develop our own onchain game. Our biggest priority right now, stay tuned for news ^^

This is your first acquaintance with the project. Please tell us what you think about the game. What do you like about it? Was it difficult to understand the main mechanics? And what do you think needs to be improved?

My first experience with the game was very positive, I think Mithra has a huge potential. Understanding the main mechanics was not too difficult since we are all experienced gamers. What I didn’t like in this test round is that’s a big alliance between guilds, but it’s more about play style, not the game itself. Looking forward to seeing some long-term painful war between 2 big sides in the next rounds.

Did the settling go according to the plan?

We didn’t have some specific start plan that’s why we were expanding in all directions later.

Tell us a little about the structure you have for playing Mithraeum. Is it all run by one person? Or is it several people, and each has its own role?

If we talk about settlements development — since we all play the first time we took a strategy to instantly share some useful information between all players to make our “moves” more efficient. If we talk about the war — all our armies were managed by 3 different war chiefs who gives orders to other players and develop the strategy.

What is your role? Will you play by yourself? Or just observe and manage?

I’m leading ordengg participation in this round. Playing by myself since I enjoy the game pretty much. Also, I want to leave special thanks to our darkforest players which are the main part of our success.

Please tell us more about the situation when representatives of Degen Guild and 0Y maneuvered to your settlements in the Adrothra and Never Earth zones, but there was no battle. What was that, and how was everything decided?

We had some conflict of interest with Degen guild in Adrothra zone since the beginning. After some time they did a great diplomatic job and united OY, RPD, Lizamix against us to strike our settlements at the same time. Shortly after the attack, we make a diplomatic agreement with Lizamix and later with Degen finding a compromise in our situation. We potentially could repel the attack but Degen has a monster behind their back — Thombstone which we knew if they attack us from the west we have no chance to survive. Also according to our information UM6P guild are also in a big alliance so it would be stupid from our side to try to fight a raid boss that consists of 6 guilds.

In the Coldwater and Dry Grasslands zone, RPD repeatedly tried to destroy you, but you always gave a decent response by killing their armies. Last week we saw that you went on the counter-attack. Could you tell us more about that?

RPD did a great job in developing their settlements but their attacks were not well organized. That helped us to resist, became stronger, and destroy RPD settlements in Coldwater and Dry Grasslands zones after.

You share the Boccatopia zone with Lizamix. Do you have any agreements?

Yep, they look like good guys but they were afraid of our expansion. We live in peace now :dove:

Do you have friends among other guilds? Or an alliance with someone?

We didn’t want to have any alliances from the beginning to feel how we can play the game without them. I would say that we have 2 good friends:

a) Tombstone — we are both mostly Ukrainian communities and as you probably know — Ukrainians nowadays are united as never. I also like the vision of these guys and how much they contribute to the game and community

b) Metaguild — we are tied by Aavegotchi game and already have some history

Who do you consider a competitor, and who should you be afraid of?

We are not afraid of anyone. We prefer to make love not war but in case someone wants to compete with us — we are ready to release the Kraken :octopus:

How did you find out about Mithraeum?

Thanking this gentleman we are here

What games do you play in parallel with Mithraeum?

Aavegotchi, Darkforest

What makes Mithraeum different from other games?

I would say huge diplomatic aspect.

Meme Man — Mortegard Leader

Could you please tell me about yourself and your guild?? How did the idea for creation come about? What do you do outside of the game — in real life?

So our guild is mainly just a group of friends from another P2E game who got together to just have some fun in the world of Mithraeum. Personally though im a uni student who just focuses on class work for now.

This is your first acquaintance with the project. Please tell us what you think about the game. What do you like about it? Was it difficult to understand the main mechanics? And what do you think needs to be improved?

Overall with the game i feel like its pretty nice. Its not super complex which can be considered both a good and bad thing. For example when i joined up i only took about 5 minutes to learn the mechanics of the game but there wasnt any intricate mechanics for me to master.

Did the settling go according to the plan?

I feel like everything generally went according to plan other then the initial rollout where several of us got confused on how the cost of settlements would scale.

What is your role? Will you play by yourself? Or just observe and manage?

I mainly manage the guild i am a part of (mortegard) and although i do play along with the rest of the guild i do get busy so i try to prioritize running the guild over my own settlement.

Could you tell us more about what is happening around you and your zone? If I’m not mistaken, you have representatives of 5 or 6 guilds in the zone now.

Our zone is pretty crowded yeah, generally we dont have anything against other guilds settling within our province as it encourages better cooperation between guilds as well as being close to allies that can help out.

Do you have friends among other guilds? Or an alliance with someone?

Why yes we do! generally we also like to be as friendly as possible and not go out on raids.

Who do you consider a competitor, and who should you be afraid of?

Honestly i wouldnt say anyone is a competitor, why cant we all just be friends and work together to prosper?

How did you find out about Mithraeum?

Honestly it was through an airdrop done for the mortegard holders and thats how i found out about the game.

What games do you play in parallel with Mithraeum?

Mainly mortegard, its a pretty decent P2E game but also more traditional stuff like CK2.

What makes Mithraeum different from other games?

I would mainly say the polish on the final product (espically on the art) is impressive espically for the P2E sector.

We want to thank the guys for their responsiveness, answers, and consent to participate in our new experimental column. I am sure we will have many exciting things ahead in the game and beyond it. Good luck!

Feed the flames
Do you have something to say? Maybe you are dissatisfied with embassies’ alliances or guild leaders’ decisions and simply want to vent out. Or you just want to say ‘hello’ to some guilds or the Mithraeum dev team. Maybe you want to mislead other players and get them into your strategic trap?

Whatever the case, fill out the form below, anonymously or under your name, and we will publish the selected pieces. It is your chance to feed the Mithraeum flames! 🔥


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