Meal`n`Real — Episode 7

Nikita Korolov
Published in
23 min readOct 2, 2022


It is the final third publication we will continue summing up the results of the first half of the test. In the first publication, we analyzed the zones’ statistics, the situation in each of them, and the leaders there. In the second — we talked about the first time period, how it was for our new guilds, and the current situation around them. In this episode, we will find out the achievements of 4 veteran guilds and how the past period affected them.

The fate of all these guilds is totally different. Some are playing a very clever diplomatic game at the negotiating table, while others are constantly attacked, someone destroys everyone on their way, and there are those for whom this test has already finished.

In this episode, we will also analyze in more detail the situation between the two allied guilds that took place last week, which resulted in the end of existence for one of them on this test. And, as always, we will observe the highlights inside the game and around the project


One of the winter test guilds for which the game ended in the first month. It was a surprise for us.

The Metaguild is a strong competitor with many participants and experience from the last test and other games.

The guys decided to settle in 3 neighbor zones. TombStone, with fewer settlements, became their neighbors in the Icemarble and Jade Vales zones. In Fate Moon, the third zone, they had complete dominance. There were only a few UM6P settlements, TombStone, and single players.

Metaguild tried to negotiate with TombStone about disputed zones. More precisely, they proposed to freeze their development and activity in these zones.

The TombStone leader — UkrBot, as far as we know, did not really like this offer and the style of negotiations and decided that there would be no diplomatic relations between them.

A few weeks after the start of the test and the failed negotiations, the TombStone guild decided not to wait for the Metaguild development, not to share zones with them, and not leave them a zone where Metaguild was completely dominated. They attacked when the rest of the continent was busy with their own showdowns. CryptoCanucks from the Mortegard zone and UM6P from Jade Forest supported TombStone when they decided to attack Metaguild in 3 zones.

Jade Vales

When Metaguild was trapped on all sides, they received a crushing blow from which they never recovered. Sadly for Metaguild and us as spectators, they could not offer much resistance.

This maneuver became fatal for them.

All the time, TombStone is trying to keep the Metaguild settlements under control and with negative prosperity. Some Metaguild members sold their settlements, and TombStone happily bought them.

At that moment, the game for the Metaguild representatives was over. We are sure they will return to the next test more motivated, and it will not be so easy to cope with them.


Ready Player DAO

The most famous DAO among other participants. The guild that took part in the winter test and has experience. Guild to which a lot of attention was attracted.

Representatives of the RPD settled in the East of the continent.

They occupied four zones. Let’s take a closer look:

  • Starryhill — the zone that they share almost 50 by 50 with the 0Y representatives. Everything was calm here during the first month. But under the influence of happening around this guild, the 0Y representatives decided to seize the moment and attack them. The attack was successful for the RPD neighbors in this zone. Unfortunately, most of the settlements in this zone are in negative prosperity. After this attack, the 0Y came to the RPD embassy with a proposal to discuss places in the zone. Now the zone is controlled by 0Y.
  • Dry Grasslands — the zone where RPD is located with two strong guilds. We are talking about Degen and ordengg. Also, several strong single players here attracted much of the RPD’s attention from the very beginning of the test. In addition to attacks on strong single players, the representatives of Ready tried to damage the ordengg settlements, but all attempts were unsuccessful. At the time of writing, all the settlements in this zone have negative prosperity. This zone is under the Degen Guild’s control.
  • Coldwater — the hottest zone of the first half of the test. This zone is slightly reminiscent of the winter test activity. The RPD representatives had an advantage from the first settling in this zone. They shared this zone with single players and the ordengg guild, which they wanted to destroy from the first weeks, but unfortunately, all attempts were failures for the RPD guild. Time after time, they suffered defeat in their attacks. And just about two weeks ago, the ordengg stopped waiting to be attacked and decided to make a counter-attack. Which continues till now with the help of third-party representatives. Almost all settlements are in negative prosperity. ordengg controls this zone.
  • Braseovell — the only zone with a numerical dominance of the RPD guild. And the only zone where everything is calm for them at the moment. We want to believe that everything is under control. But we noticed several new Degen Guild settlements had been added to the zone. We are not hinting at anything, but the guys need to be careful.

Such is the situation around the RPD guild at the moment. Unfortunately, in 3 out of 4 zones, it is not good for them, and no one knows what will happen in the Braseovell zone. We continue to monitor all their zones and changes there.

Ready Player Dao


It is a small guild from the winter test and one of the most influential guilds on the server at the moment. It is the strongest guild with the largest number of settlements on the continent.

If we compare the number of all the new guilds’ settlements together and the settlements owned by TombStone now, the difference will be minimal.

Let’s remember how the settling went for them.

TombStone settled mostly in 6 zones and placed some single settlements in other zones. The total number of settlements in the first weeks was about 80–90. We think that the control in all 6 zones was not included in the guys’ plans from the very beginning, but we could be wrong. The main zones they occupied at the start — Jade Vales, Icemarble, Riverhedge, Rocknesse, Demi Yonder, and Light Flatlands.

They shared 4 zones with single players and two new guilds — OWNton and Chamomile, that chaotic settled across the zones. After negotiations failed, the veterans did not waste time and started destroying one by one single players’ and new guilds’ settlements in the first week. Not allowing cause them problems and interfere with their further plans. So we can conclude that 4 zones were taken under control.

Demi Yonder

They shared 2 zones not with newcomers but with the guild from the last test and a serious competitor — Metaguild, who also had total control of the neighbor zone.

We already know that negotiations between Metaguild and TombStone failed too. TombStone, having destroyed all the settlements in the other 4 zones, taking them under control and seeing the map full of maneuver arrows, realized that this was an excellent chance to crash Metaguild. Tombstone needed support to the common with Metaguild zones for effective attacks, so they made additional maneuvers from the already controlled ones.

TombStone’s planned attack was fatal for Metaguild. CryptoCanucks and UM6P helped them — two guilds, TombStone had agreements with, one of which is part of the large alliance.

After that, TombStone already controlled 7 zones, adding the new zone — Fate Moon, where they started to create settlements after the Metaguild destruction.

Then everything was calm — reinforcement of troops, battles with cultists, and control of settlements. But last week, there was new action in the Jade Forest zone. In the zone under the UM6P control, TombStone placed 10 new settlements. And a few days later, UM6P was attacked. We will describe the cause of the conflict further in this episode. There was no surprise for anyone, but TombStone crashed the UM6P guild. UM6P did not resist and decided that their best solution would be to sell their settlements.

Jade Forest

After 48 days of the test, TombStone has 8.5 zones out of 20 under control. The whole left part of the continent is under their control. In the Mortegard zone, they allow their friends from CryptoCanucks to develop and probably will let them take some top places. Time will tell.

We will follow the situation around the TombStone guild and whether they will increase or lose their possessions, or perhaps there will be no changes till the end of the test.


Degen Guild

It is one of the main characters of this test and one of the two creators of a large alliance that shows its dominance. But the game completely differs from their partner — TombStone. Almost everything Degen Guild solves at the negotiating table, while others destroy everyone in their way. They are pursuing a very smart policy.

We noticed from the very beginning that Degen focused on the 5 zones where they placed the largest number of settlements — Dead Land, Lustrous Province, Dry Grasslands, Sapphire Isle, and Adrothra. The most interesting events related to Degen took place in the Adrothra zone. They share this zone with the ordengg, who rapidly started developing in the first weeks. Degen did not like this. Degen planned to solve this problem by force through their influence and negotiations with other guilds (RPD, Lizamix, and 0Y). We already know that they have succeeded in their plan. ordengg has stopped the development of their settlements in the Adrothra and Dry Grasslands zones.


Otherwise, everything is calm around this guild. There are small attacks from their side in some zones, but everything is under their control. We want to note that the number of settlements in the zones under Degen’s control has not changed much since the first weeks, and there are many free places for new settlements. And we have already seen in the example of other guilds what this can lead to.

It is interesting that Degen Guild has increased the number of settlements in the Braseovell zone. This zone is now under the RPD control, with whom Degen does not have an open conflict. We will see what will come out.

Degen Guild


We summed up the results of the first half of the test. We have analyzed all the zones and described the situation around all the guilds.

We can already state that the game for 50% of old and new guilds is probably over. Of the new guilds, 4 out of 8 remain, and from the old ones, 2 out of 4. But we do not know how fate will develop in the second half of the test. But it seems that the future of all zones has already been sealed by 95%. We saw that the strength and diplomacy of a small alliance from the last test grew very strongly on this test. Many did not even expect this and could not think that the game would turn out this way.

We offer to observe the World map and get acquainted with who controls each zone now.

The position of forces after the first half of the test.


Last week we highlighted the clash between two allied guilds. We are talking about TombStone and UM6P. As a result of the conflict, UM6P finished their game on this test and started selling their settlements.

But what happened? Yesterday they were destroying Metaguild together, and today they are fighting with each other. We asked the leaders of these two guilds to clarify this situation.

TombStone Discord

Ousboys — UM6P Leader

We’re definitely out of the game sadly because we thought we could trust blindly our ‘allies’ but it turns out that they were too hungry to care, they wanted us to give out the settlements in Mortegard zone because apparently it’s their zone also, we did give them 4 settlements and asked to keep 2, that did backfire on us because now we are short on 4 settlements on mort zone and 4 also on fatemoon who stopped the development, it sadly was not the greatest idea and i take the blame for it.
They asked us to give those 2 accounts also even if they were accounts that were very well developed, and we gave them the accounts, but after that they started finding more excuses to start a fight, like ( you partnered with Chamomile and you added bad people to your clan ) anyways, we know all of that were excused to fight us, they then bought lands in our zones as a threat and stopped discussing with us, after few moments they attacked and our best move was selling the settlements to them and going out of the game waiting and thinking of the best scenarios for the next test.
They invested so much, thus I’m not so sad that they will take most prizes but i promise you that this will backfire on them, we’ll see what’s gonna happen.

KyivBot(UkrBot) — TombStone Leader

At the end of the first test, one of our players met the UM6P leader and developed a certain relationship. I was familiar with the UM6P leader. But the end of the winter test was the beginning of war in my country. So I was not up to active communication in the game. For the second test, we created a big alliance, and UM6P were very happy to join it, also because of fears about Metaguild (they had a conflict in the first test, where they accused each other of treason)

On the second test, everything was fine in our relations while Metaguild was alive as the main enemy of UM6P 😉 (unlike us, where they were a random opponent due to settling and diplomatic shortcomings on their part primarily, but not an enemy 🙂)

But after everything was over with Metaguild, the strange actions of UM6P and their illogical behavior appeared.

1. They did not want to place settlements where it was agreed with the alliance on additional prizes for them.

2. They actively developed their settlements and armies outside the controlled zones (in our zones), grossly violating the basic rules of our alliance. For example, TombStone stopped developing the settlement in the zone controlled by Degen in the first days. ordengg even transferred their settlement to us, which was in “our” zone.

And no negotiations persuaded them to behave adequately, although many of them were.

This strange behavior made me ask our intelligence to start working in their direction. And study the reasons for such actions and their plans. Even then, I held the first consultations with our allies. And intelligence provided an amazing report.

3. Under the UM6P banner was a settlement of one of the Chamomile leaders (!), who had already imperceptibly created a huge army (Bobby UMP). I remind you that we have an official war with them.

4. Also, under the UM6P banner were two settlements of dikanevn (who had contacts and relations with OWNton / Chamomile) and a couple of other players’ settlements, where there is no direct evidence that these are also Chamomile members, but a lot indicates this.

So, our ally (!) used our alliance to develop the settlements of the guild, which is our official enemy.

5. Refusal to freeze the development of settlements not in their zones and their aggressive militarization now had a completely different look.

6. Also, their leader’s very strange demagogic communication style, where resentment and illogicality mixed with familiarity.

7. Intelligence concluded that the guild leaders have no control over the situation (they cannot place settlements where necessary, they are not able to freeze development in foreign zones, and counterintelligence does not work), or these are openly hostile intentions.

8. Also, they had an ex-player of Chamomile, who stole (!) BLESS tokens and then offered in channels to advise how to hurt TombStone (Alex).

We have provided information to our allies. Degen, ordengg, and CryptoCanucks.

We received their understanding and support in our further actions.

If talking about the operation against the UM6P itself, it was a very strange operation.

It can already be considered complete, so I give the following facts:

1. When one smelled trouble, the guild leader refused (because he really did not know and did not control, or betrayed (?) the uncovered enemy agents and gave us the go-ahead to destroy it)

2. A significant part of the UM6P guild, by the beginning of the active military phase, started negotiations on the transition to our side (which also says a lot about the guild)

3. The guild leaders said to ordinary players — FIGHT. But put their own settlements for sale (!) (we bought the best of them in the first conflict hours or days))

The decision to exclude UM6P from our alliance was correct. There was no leadership and structure in the guild. Collaborating with our enemies, they betrayed us. The guild consisted of 4 groups that did not respect and did not protect each other, but rather the opposite. Our alliance does not need such “friends.”

Once again, I would like to thank the allies who had been understanding of our problems in the South.


The most memorable events of this week.

This week MatchboxDAO hackathon that we partnered with was started. We invite experienced developers and crypto enthusiasts to participate. The prize fund is $2000. If you are interested in becoming a part of on-chain games, follow the link to get familiar with the terms.

Fully settled
This week we have the first completely full zones with 40 settlements inside. These are the Fate Moon and Jade Forest zones.

We listened to the community and created a Telegram news channel for their convenience. It will duplicate the main information related to Mithraeum. So subscribe and follow the project in the most convenient way for you.

Telegram news channel

Last week we did not announce that we changed the format of guild embassies. Now it will be in the form of forum channels. The old embassies have been removed.

The new format of embassies

One-on-One in the TAVERN

Mithraeum is a social game, and community is very important to us. We want our players to interact with each other and us. And thus, we added a digest section where we introduce you to different guilds, their leaders (and players), and single players, giving you more understanding of your allies and competitors with whom you share the same zone.

In this episode, we will get acquainted with two single players and tell you how the game turned out on this test for them. We talked to two single players. One of whom is well-known to many because of his activity on Discord and interesting conversations. The second speaker was previously a member of the Lizamix guild. He had five settlements. But this week, he became a single player whose settlements started to be destroyed one by one. We asked guys almost the same questions to know more about how their game developed in the first half of the test.

AndreyHappy — Single player

Please tell us a little more about yourself. Where are you from, and what do you do outside of the game — in real life?

I was born and grew up in Russia in a Ukrainian family. I have been living in Vietnam for the last 5 years.

My professional activity is group and personal training in topics in which I am an expert:

- effective thinking

- family relationships

- career

- proper nutrition

My services are not cheap, so people from several categories most often contact me:

- businessmen

- IT-specialists

- crypto enthusiasts

There are also more exotic professions, such as bloggers, martial artists, strippers, and webcams, but, of course, not they introduce me to the cryptocurrency world 🙂

How did you find out about Mithraeum?

Yanik, one of the leaders of ordengg, told me about this game. I trust his opinion in the crypto world. So I decided to enter the test.

After the start, I met two more friends from the offline world here. Unfortunately, their settlements are far from mine.

This is your first acquaintance with the project. Please tell us what you think about the game. What do you like about it? Was it difficult to understand the main mechanics? And what do you think needs to be improved?

I have never played Mithraeum before or strategy at all. Therefore, I can not competently discourse on what can be improved.

First of all, various decorations and animations come to mind. Then, the game will freeze if overloaded with graphics. Therefore, I will keep my amateurish advice to myself.

I definitely missed the ability to communicate with players in the game chat. But I suppose the developers had reasons to choose Discord for these purposes.

You settled in the Lustrous Province zone. How did you choose where to place a settlement? Random? Or were there some criteria? How many settlements do you have?

I initially planned to enter the game as an Aavegotchi player. But I wasn’t in the developer base, so they didn’t give me BLESS tokens. I had to get it myself. As a result, I started 4–5 days later than the start, and BLESS tokens were only enough for the settlement in 2 zones. I chose the one where the guilds were at a greater distance from me.

We know the game was not very successful for you. Please tell us why and what you faced as a single player. And how are you doing with the game now? Is it already finished for you till the next test? Or are you still in it?

Initially, in this test, I planned to study the basic mechanics in order to fully play in future rounds as part of some guild. Degen Guild helped me to assess my strength in settlement development and try myself in battles.

I do not claim prizes this time. It would be impossible for a single player surrounded by two large guilds.

Now I do not play, and I do not produce anything not to give 70% to the invaders. A couple of times a day, I pass by a laptop with Mithraeum and buy / sell resources if I see a profitable rate. There is still time ahead, and the multiplied resources can be useful.

Have you tried negotiating or contacting those who maneuvered to your settlements (with Degen Guild)? If so, how did it happen, and what did not work?

Of course, I tried to negotiate with Degen Guild. It turned out that the leaders of this guild were incapable of thinking a few steps ahead.

Seeing a strong player in their zone, they fear him and therefore follow the basic animal instinct — to attack and destroy. They do not realize that there are solutions in which you do not need to spend a lot of resources on war or lose hundreds of units, but you can get a strong ally.

If the bosses of the Milan football club thought the same way, they would not have bought Andrii Shevchenko but tried to destroy him))

What is the result of such a tactic? Usually, some players in such a guild are gradually disappointed with their leader and leave for wiser competitors.

Have you thought about joining a guild? If so, which one?

Not many people know that the employer does not always choose the employee during the interview. If the employee is a level significantly above the market, then it is he who decides in which company he wants to work.

Of course, during the game and communication on Discord, I chose for myself a guild that is worthy of me. Now I see several options, but the final decision has not yet been made.

How would you characterize the guilds you have experienced, interacted with, or observed?

Ancient people began to build their primitive states many thousands of years ago. And the first strategy that came to their mind was to attack, rob, and kill “outsiders.”

Much later, they invented the slave system.

And only millennia later did more progressive forms of government appear, in one of which we live.

Unfortunately, most of the guild leaders with whom I crossed paths think at the level of leaders of wild tribes who have not even thought of slavery yet. And when they think of it, they are unlikely to be able to implement it. To expect civilized and more beneficial decisions for themselves is an absolute utopia.

I noticed an interesting pattern. Often, a person with the talent of a negotiator is assigned as the main diplomat of the guild. But this is almost useless if the leader, who makes all the decisions, is deprived of such a talent. As a result, he does not understand why it is necessary to negotiate at all. Or he simply does not keep his word. And this cancels out all the efforts of his own teammate.

Will you participate in the next Mithraeum test? Do you have any plans for this? Would you like to join some guild?

Yes, I am going to play in the next round.

In addition to 3 of my old offline friends, I also made new online acquaintances here, because of which I want to return — Bond007, Kropp_28, and even one of the Degen Guild, whom I will not name, not to frame him to the guild bosses.

It is always a pleasure to communicate with good people. Outside the game as well.

What games do you play, and what are you interested in?

I adore games that require maximum and almost sportsmanship. Favorite boss battles are those after which you breathe like a runner after a hundred meters.

I played through Dark Souls 2 and 3 as a naked character, never using magic, armor, and shield during the game.

Completed Nioh 2 without ever using:

- healing elixir

- magic

- transformation into a monster

- shooting and throwing weapons

- any enhancements

It is the ability to defeat superior enemy forces due to skills that I lack in Mithraeum. But this is a strategy, and this does not happen here.

How long have you been familiar with cryptocurrency, and how did it start?

I got acquainted with cryptocurrency thanks to the Aavegotchi and STEPN projects.

But I am happy to help people and see how my clients become wiser and more successful yearly while working with me. Therefore, I do not plan to plunge fully into the crypto world, but I will remain in my main activity. But I think a modern person needs to understand cryptocurrency and how it works.

What makes Mithraeum different from other games?

The main difference from other games is the need to constantly communicate and build diplomacy with a large number of players. I consider this a huge advantage of Mithraeum. I am sure this game will have a great future. What I wish for us all.


Adam g — Single player

Please tell us a little more about yourself. Where are you from, and what do you do outside of the game — in real life?

I am from Russia. Outside the game, I study crypto-projects, games, and NFT.

How did you find out about Mithraeum?

I learned about the game from the chat on Telegram.

This is your first acquaintance with the project. Please tell us what you think about the game. What do you like about it? Was it difficult to understand the main mechanics? And what do you think needs to be improved?

Yes, this is my first acquaintance. The game blew me away. I liked that you did an on-chain project that is not similar to what is currently on the market.

There were no difficulties. Some things are learned through practice — for example, PVP or understanding how it would be better to develop from the beginning.

I think that the PVP mechanics should be improved. For example, it is not logical that you can attack a leaving player. Or at least it should work somehow differently. It seems strange that battle can occur at a great distance or on the move.

You settled in the Boccatopia zone. How did you choose where to place a settlement? Random? Or were there some criteria? How many settlements do you have?

I chose based on price. I was lucky to be one of the first to place 2 settlements that cost me 5 BLESS tokens. Then I bought 2 more right there and 1 in the Daveltara Haven zone, but I almost did not develop it.

As far as we know, you were in the Lizamix guild. Why are you not anymore?

I started playing solo and joined because of the close location. I thought that they would be a little more active. In the beginning, they were. In general, part of the reason will be in the next question.

This week, we saw how the representatives of ordengg maneuvered to your settlements and forced them into negative prosperity. Why did it happen? Tell us in detail.

I think the whole point is that I continued to develop my army. Not long before that, the Lizamix leader wrote to me and asked me to stop the development of troops because the allies of ordengg were concerned about this. I found that strange and unreasonable. If they or we were attacked, how would we defend ourselves? I wrote to the ordengg leader about this, but he did not answer me. I continued to increase military forces, and after a couple of days, I saw ordengg troops gathering in my direction. Lizamix did not support me. Otherwise, they would have risked being broken, which is understandable.

But it seemed strange that besides me, they attacked another Lizamix member — SergunyaX. When he asked the Lizamix leader a question on their discord, he replied that he was saying that we should not have developed an army. But this player did not have many troops, and he did not accumulate prosperity. I do not know for what reasons he came under fire. Therefore, I lost any trust/confidence in the Lizamix leader.

Have you tried negotiating or contacting those who maneuvered to your settlements? If so, how did it happen, and what did not work?

Considering that I had previously written to their leader and remained unanswered, I decided not to try to negotiate and would try to fight back. I got a little fan and military experience. It was interesting :)

How would you characterize the guilds you have experienced, interacted with, or observed?

I do not really follow politics and what is going on in the game. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems that TombStone is showing itself well. I’m not sure how things are developing. According to my observations, they fight a lot. Observing the map, I see mostly their attacks.

Will you participate in the next Mithraeum test? Do you have any plans for this? Would you like to join some guild?

I plan to participate in future tests. Probably I will find a guild before the start if I play.

What games do you play, and what are you interested in?

Basically, it’s MMORPG or shooters. I am a fan of playing lineage 2. The main vector is still aimed at crypto gaming. After all, here we really own something. At least we believe in it. I would highlight phantomgalaxies, bigtime, blankos, aavegotchi, sandbox, superior from galagames looks cool.

How long have you been familiar with cryptocurrency, and how did it start?

In cryptocurrency, I have been since the end of 2017. I started with trading and arbitrage.

What makes Mithraeum different from other games?

Interesting full-on-chain game. In many games, the blockchain often plays a different role, or they are boring clickers.

adam g

We want to thank the guys for their responsiveness, answers, and consent to participate in our new experimental column. I am sure we will have many exciting things ahead in the game and beyond it. Good luck!

Feed the flames
Do you have something to say? Maybe you are dissatisfied with embassies’ alliances or guild leaders’ decisions and simply want to vent out. Or you just want to say ‘hello’ to some guilds or the Mithraeum dev team. Maybe you want to mislead other players and get them into your strategic trap?

Whatever the case, fill out the form below, anonymously or under your name, and we will publish the selected pieces. It is your chance to feed the Mithraeum flames! 🔥


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