Meal’n’Real — 13

Nikita Korolov
Published in
10 min readDec 13, 2022


We want to start this episode by thanking our participants and everybody who was with us during the last test. Thanks to everyone who took an active part in the project’s life and became an integral part of it. In the previous episode, we summarized the results using statistics of the whole test. In this episode, we want to return to the very beginning of the test, which played a big role in the final result. We will mention the main questions to which we will receive answers already at the next tournament (which has already been announced and starts on January 11) and summarize a few statistics of all digests, which received a lot of positive feedback.

A few weeks ago, a three-month test ended. It was a very difficult test due to its duration. Players had to monitor the situation continuously, as a few days of stopping farming could greatly slow development compared to rivals or lose sight of something important.

After 1–1.5 months, it was already 95% clear what the outcome of the test would be. Because some guilds started very actively from the first weeks, none of the participants expected that.

So let’s turn the clock back and remember how it all began.


The test started on August 16. But before the start, we had a pretest, which was available to absolutely everyone. It allowed veteran players to remember what the game looked like and immediately made it possible to notice what had changed. Thanks to their experience, they could directly pay attention to some new loopholes for fast and efficient development in the game, which may not be visible to the eyes of a new user.

The pretest lasted three weeks. The World consisted of three zones. The two zones were very active. One was under the Degen Guild’s control, and the second was controlled by TombStone. The UM6P representatives, RPD, Metaguild, some representatives of newcomers, single players, and several Mithraeum team members also took part there. They looked for bugs and checked the game’s performance together with the players. And those two guilds that used the pretest to the maximum and were very active according to the results of the main test received prizes in 15 out of 20 zones.

Did the pretest experience help them, or is it all because of their approach to the game, which seems to be very responsible? Now we can only guess. But the result speaks for itself.

On this pretest, they fought against each other. It was interesting and fun. But on the main Bronze Age II test, they continued their alliance from the winter test in the fight against those with whom they had different views, could not, or did not want to find agreements.


Let’s go back to August 16 and the start of the test.

The following guilds took part in the test:

The representatives of newcomers were of different formats. There were experienced gamers who had successful results in other projects, guilds created by players of another game, a guild with its own game, a blogger who created a guild from his community, and stacks of friends.

After talking to the guilds many times throughout the test, we found out that many of them were in diplomatic negotiations long before the start of the test to understand who they would deal with, who was interested in cooperation, and who was not.

Due to settling, we realized that this topic was also discussed before the start of the test. Most of the guilds knew where they placed the settlements and did it very organized. But not everyone. Some, not knowing how the settling would take place, got into a cage with a shark. Some neglected all the proposals from other guilds and decided to solve everything in fact or on the battlefield.

We will not describe the game details as we did this throughout all three months of the test.

What are the main questions we can highlight? Let’s take the order in which the events took place in Bronze Age II.

Future Highlights

Let’s start with those for whom this test ended very quickly if we are talking about a full normal game. But the guys remained active and tried to cause problems for their offenders. It is about the OWNton and Chamomile guilds. After the crash by the TombStone guild and hot debates on discord, they decided to unite their guilds to join forces, have more chances in quantity and quality of players, and come up with a better plan for the test. We think this is only the first step, and the guys are considering options for an alliance with other guilds. We will continue to monitor the situation.

The next we want to mention in the chronology of events is Metaguild. One of the strongest guilds, the game for which ended in the first month of the test and was a big surprise for most. As we know, unsuccessful negotiations and poor communication with other guilds caused this. TombStone became their offender, who contributed to their speedy end of the game. What will be their new approach for future tests? From different guilds, we have heard the desire to make an alliance with Metaguild and get a powerful ally for the future. We will see who will be this ally and whether the Metaguild wants cooperation with someone. It is probably the most anticipated comeback among all those who crashed on the last test! We are looking forward to it.

Next on our list is UM6P. The guild came to this test with a principal rival represented by Metaguild, with whom they had a conflict since the winter test. But on this test, the other guild turned out to be tougher than Metaguild. With this guild, UM6P was in an alliance, and together they successfully defeated Metaguild. After that, the joy of this event among the guild and its leader was visible. But unfortunately, it was not for a long time. And the ally with whom they destroyed their enemy yesterday destroyed them after a while. It was due to a conflict that we described several times in our episodes. Tombstone decided that the UM6P are playing a strange game, and it is better to get rid of them now to avoid surprises later. No agreement could be reached. TombStone occupied the Jade Forest zone (it was under the UM6P control) and made maneuvers there. After that, the game for UM6P ended very quickly, and they put the settlements for sale. We already know from the UM6P leader — Ousboys, that Metaguild is no longer their main rival. It is interesting who it can be :) We will see whom they will contact to increase their military power.

Ready Player DAO is the largest DAO, not only by the standards of our participants but also one of the largest in Web3. The guild is impressive in size but disappointed with the result and approach to the game. Managing a large number of people turned out to be quite hard. They could claim at least four zones they settled in from the beginning. But unfortunately, at the end of the test, they have 0 taken zones. Now we know from their leader — therealcabrera, that he will not manage the guild in the next test round.

I passed on management to another RPD leader as the core mechanics of the game were more focused on higher spend and managing/botting multiple settlements, unfortunately, I didn’t have time to manage that, spend the money, or write the scripts. Hopefully, he will be able to.
therealcabrera — Ready Player Dao Leader

Therefore, we hope they will show sports anger and, first of all, want to prove to themselves and then to all the others that it was an incident. Big responsibility rests on the shoulders of the new RPD leader.

We saw on this test that the size of the guild is not the most important thing, but the approach and the organization of the game process.

We are looking forward to their soonest return.

The situation is different — a guild that does not have a large number of participants made a lot of noise with its high-quality game and statements at the end of the test from their leader — yanik. ordengg forced all the guilds to reckon and think about them until the very last days of the test, which shows that they are considered a very serious opponent and be wary of any unexpected action from them. We saw how they angered two alliance guilds at the very beginning but then solved the issue through negotiations. Due to their endless and very successful battles with RPD, which were not initiated by ordengg, other guilds decided not to stand aside and to get some part of the RPD zones. It led to the collapse of the largest DAO. At the end of the test, yanik said that he was breaking any diplomatic agreements with TombStone. It caused a lot of discussions. yanik decided to consolidate the words, and he duplicated the same message on discord, stating that TombStone did not comply with the agreements.

hi, there was some buzz in regard to recent publication, specifically the part where ordengg is not longer making diplomatic agreements with Tombstone this was a way to acknowledge to everybody that Tombstone can’t honour the agreements and if we will participate in next round we definitely won’t be an ally
yanik — ordengg Leader

Then two leaders communicated on the discord general chat, but the conversation did not work out. Some of their messages were deleted because of lots of emotions. It remains to wait for what will happen in the next tournament. yanik gave the audience and the participants hope that next time the game would turn out completely differently for the alliance domination. And we can believe it because they showed that they could play well and press the buttons. But this may require a good ally. Let’s not forget the yanik’s words about the best relationship ordengg has with Metaguild on this test, and this is a potentially powerful alliance that can withstand the large one.

Therefore, with great interest, we are waiting for the continuation of this situation in the new tournament and the new history that ordengg can give us.

It was the total dominance of the alliance on this test. The guys exceeded the plan by 200%. 17 zones out of 20. One guild leader (Degen Guild) showed a smart game at the negotiating table, which made it a little easier for them in the military. And the second guild leader (TombStone) showed itself as a terrible fighting machine that destroys everything and everyone in its path if something disturbs them. But due to the very aggressive TombStone game, the whole alliance is likely to be targeted, including guilds such as 0Y and CryptoCanucks. It is hard to imagine a situation where the guilds will gather to take revenge on TombStone, and the alliance will just look at this. The guys will probably start preparing for a new tournament soon in order to defend their champion status if countless phone calls and correspondence have yet to begin. Definitely, next time it will be hard for the alliance. We will find out soon what they will come up with and how they will approach the tournament.

Interesting statistics

13 episodes of digest we published during the Bronze Age II.

The general statistics of what we managed to do during this time:

  • total episodes time — 202 minutes
  • number of interviews — 33
  • episodes about the guilds — 3


Everybody will make conclusions from the past test for themselves, based on their results and experience, and some of them may be thanks to this article.

Have rest, look for new alliances, and start the game long before the start of the tournament! Everything will depend on your approach to the game, dedication, diplomatic negotiations, the desire to show results, and, of course, the desire to take revenge on your offenders.

We are always open to our audience, so write to us on discord, and we will help you with any of your questions and clarify everything that is incomprehensible to you.

Thanks to all!

And we will end this season with the words we began our first episode of “Meal’n’Real” — The end of something is the beginning of something new!

