日本支付新潮流,虛擬通貨付款正夯!| ​​New payment method trending in Japan: paying via virtual currency

Published in
4 min readOct 27, 2018






【 生活消費應用 】

1. 特色家電:Bic Camera

與交易所 Bitflyer 合作。30萬日圓以下的商品,可直接掃碼用比特幣支付,享有 8% 退稅及 5% 折扣。若有集點卡,還可享有額外 10% 的點數。

Bic Camera 網站:http://bit.ly/2EGutB1


2. 百貨購物:丸井ANNEX百貨

與交易所 Bitflyer 合作。單筆消費最多可以支付10萬日圓的等值比特幣,特殊活動期間一次消費3000日圓以上,還可以參加比特幣等獎品抽獎。

丸井ANNEX百貨 網站: http://bit.ly/2PFVlC4

3. 日常消費:各式餐廳藥妝POS機

招聘生活公司(RECRUIT LIFESTYLE)與交易所 Coincheck 合作。將比特幣支付系統納入自家POS收銀系統「AirRegi」,應用於全日本約26萬個商業通路,如餐廳、藥店等零售點中。近期的通路新增約5000多個商戶,包括流行膠囊旅店Anshin Oyad、日式獨特餐廳等。

4. 生活繳費:日本能源公司

日本能源公司與交易所 Coincheck 合作,於2016年推出「Coincheck Denki」的服務,直接與日本能源公司合作,讓一般大眾透過 ResuPress 提供的加密貨幣服務支付電費,最多還可以想6%的優惠。省下的錢可以直接存於Coincheck的錢包中。


交易所 bitFlyer 與高檔汽車經銷商 L’Operaio 於今年三月正式展開合作,增加比特幣支付選項。大眾可以透過bitFlyer的數字錢包,購買最高金額1億日圓的汽車。

L’Operaio 網站:https://loperaio.co.jp/

社交娛樂應用 】

日本IT巨頭 GMO 今年八月發表新的手遊「異想天開的戰爭( Whimsical War.)」,讓用戶只需透過玩遊戲,即可獲得比特幣的獎勵。主要透過新應用程式鼓勵公眾熟悉虛擬通貨,讓用戶用自己的虛擬錢包來接收、使用比特幣,進而了解區塊鏈市場。

異想天開的戰爭( Whimsical War) 下載點:

App Store: https://apple.co/2P99WJ6
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2OuvFfh

2. 票券交易平台 :Ticket Camp

去年八月起,Ticket Camp 開始接受比特幣交易。Ticket Camp 是日本C2C的票券轉讓平台,目前有 500 萬多位會員,每月交易額約 58 億日圓,而所有比特幣的交易將由交易所 Coincheck 辦理,期望拓展Ticket Camp 的電子商務業務。

Ticket Camp 網站:https://ticketcamp.net/pr/

【 其他應用 】

1. 醫美服務:湘南美容診所

今年四月,日本 SBC 美容集團宣布與交易所 bitFlyer 合作,旗下的「湘南美容診所 (Shonan Beauty Clinic)」 74 間診所,開始接受比特幣支付。

湘南美容診所 網站 :https://www.s-b-c.net/eng/

2. 房地產交易:Itandi 公司


Itandi 網站:https://www.itandi.co.jp/




​​New payment method trending in Japan: paying via virtual currency

Guess what? With Alipay and WeChat Pay trending in China, and third-party payments gaining popularity in Taiwan, Japan has moved on to Bitcoin QR Code payment! Japan is the pioneer of Asia cryptocurrency application. From dining, clothing, living, traveling and entertainment, this new technology has penetrated people’s life. Let’s now take a look at the evolution and application of blockchain and cryptocurrency in Japan!

Why is Bitcoin so famous in Japan?

Bitcoin’s reputation in Japan is the result of a supportive government. This has directly influenced the promotion and blooming of Bitcoin in Japan.

(As of March 2017, Japan Cabinet Council passed “Cabinet Order for Virtual Currency Exchange Dealers”, recognizing bitcoin as a legal method of payment starting April 1st, 2017.)

People who are familiar with Bitcoin would know that Bitcoin Founder, “Satoshi Nakamoto” may be just a assumed name — we’re unable to confirm if he/her is a Japanese for sure. But the dynamic of Bitcoin in Japan is second to none. With the legalization of Bitcoin transactions, more and more stores have been supporting Bitcoin as a method of payment. As of right now, even some “clinics” have also joined the trend!

Daily Supplies and Necessities

1. Featured Appliances: Bic Camera

Partnered with Bitflyer, the exchange platform. You can pay with Bitcoin via QR code for products below ¥300,000 and receive 8% tax refund and take 5% off. If you have a loyalty card, enjoy an additional 10% points reward.

Bic Camera website: http://bit.ly/2EGutB1

Live Demo Footage:

2. Department Stores: Marui Annex Mall

Partnered with Bitflyer, the exchange platform. Pay up to ¥100,000 equivalence of Bitcoin per transaction. During special events, transactions over ¥3,000 are qualified for lucky draws of Bitcoin and prizes.

Mauri ANNEX Mall website: http://bit.ly/2PFVlC4

3. Commodities: POS machines at restaurants and drugstores

RECRUIT LIFESTYLE department store has partnered up with Coincheck, the exchange platform. Bitcoin payment system is integrated to their POS cashier system, “AirReqi”. This is utilized in approximately 260,000 commercial channels, such as restaurants and drugstores. There has been an additional 5,000 commercial channels recently, including the trending capsule hotel Anshin Oyad and uninque Japanese restaurants.

4. Bills and Payments:Japan Energy Corporation

Japan Energy Corporation has partnered up with Coincheck, the exchange platform. “Coincheck Denki” service was released in 2016. With the direct partnership with Japan Energy Corporation, people can pay their electricity bills through the cryptocurrency service provided by ResuPress and enjoy up to 6% off. The money saved can be directly deposited in Coincheck wallet.

5. Automobile Dealer: L’Operaio

The exchange platform bitFlyer has officially partnered up with high-end automobile dealer L’Operaio this March. Paying with Bitcoin has become an option. Purchase automobiles up to ¥100 million via bitFlyer’s digital wallet.

L’Operaio website: https://loperaio.co.jp/

Social and Entertainment Applications

1. Smart Phone Games:GMO

Japan IT tycoon GMO released a new smart phone game this August — Whimsical War. Users can receive Bitcoin rewards simply through playing this game. This encourages people to familiarize themselves with virtual currency through this brand-new application. Users will be able to accept and use Bitcoin with their own wallet and thus further understand the blockchain market.

Download Whimsical War:

App Store: https://apple.co/2P99WJ6

Google Play: http://bit.ly/2OuvFfh

2. Ticket Exchanges :Ticket Camp

Starting from last August, Ticket Camp is accepting Bitcoin transactions. Ticket Camp is a C2C ticket exchange platform, with more than 5 million members and a daily turnover of approximately ¥5.8 billion. All Bitcoin transactions are currently processed through the exchange platform Coincheck, with the potential of expanding Ticket Camp’s E-commerce businesses.

Ticket Camp website: https://ticketcamp.net/pr/

Other Applications

1. Cosmetic Surgery Services: Shonan Beauty Clinic

This April, SBC Japan announced their partnership with the exchange platform, bitFlyer. Its 74 subordinate clinic, Shonan Beauty Clinc, is now accepting Bitcoin as a method of payment.

Shonan Beauty Clinic Website: https://www.s-b-c.net/eng/

2. Real Estate: Itandi

A real estate corporation named Itandi in Japan is now accepting Bitcoin as a method of payment in addition to Japanese Yen starting from this year. Product prices are subject to Bitcoin exchange rate and are updated timely.

Itandi website:https://www.itandi.co.jp/

Though the application of cryptocurrency in Japan are more well-developed than other countries, there are some concerns that come with. Cryptocurrency attacks are now an emerging epidemic, and a safety mechanism should be addressed. Looking forward to Taiwan’s major break through on cryptocurrency applications, as well as bringing in more conveniences and perfections of life through blockchain application!

Try paying with Bitcoin next time you visit Japan. Don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences with me!

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