MITH ERC20 X Binance DEX Token Swap Announcement |關於秘銀 X 幣安移轉至幣安鏈公告

Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2019

MITH is thrilled to announce an “ERC20 to BEP2 Token Swap” is scheduled after the “MITH Trading Airdrop” on June 11.

111,400,000 MITH (ERC20) will be relocated to Binance chain. More swaps from MITH ERC20 to BEP2 will be further announced. This process involves burning ERC20 MITH and unfreezing BEP2 in the same amount, total supply of MITH will not be changed. All current MITH holders on VAULT and Binance will not be affected.

This token swap can be found below or on

為了進行瓜分 14,500,000 MITH Binance DEX 交易賽,幣安將於 6/11 交易賽首日移轉 111,400,000 ERC20 MITH 至幣安鏈主網,移轉的 ERC20 MITH 將會傳送至 秘銀代幣合約地址 進行銷毀,移轉秘銀幣與幣安鏈發幣交易可以在 與 上查詢到,而所有秘銀存放於幣安交易所、VAULT 與個人錢包的持有者將不會受到影響。

