缺片單嗎?快來看這幾部比特幣電影吧!(上)| In search of a good movie? Check out these movies about Bitcoin! (I)

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4 min readOct 25, 2018



1. 依靠比特幣的生活 Life on Bitcoin




這是一部滿有趣的紀錄片。2013年7月,一對新婚夫婦Austin Craig和Beccy Bingham只用比特幣生活100天,從食品、燃料、租金到旅行,都只用比特幣搞定!





2. 比特幣風波 Banking on Bitcoin





導演也埋了滿有趣的彩蛋:電影中出現一些知名投資人,如 Union Square Ventures 的 Fred Wilson, 臉書創辦的雙胞胎兄弟Winklevoss Twins!

這部電影是2016年上映的紀錄片,適合對加密貨幣有興趣的入門者。有興趣的朋友不妨到 Netflix 追一下囉!

3. BitcoinFilm 紀錄短片

BitcoinFilm 是致力於用影片與大眾溝通「比特幣如何改變人們生活」的組織。今天與大家分享其中兩部最具話題性的影片。如果你想看到更多這樣的紀錄短片,或希望透過影片幫助推廣比特幣的話,可以到他們的網站捐款支持喔!


(1)比特幣在烏干達 Bitcoin in Uganda

在烏干達讀書的 Ronald,學費是依靠美國的家人寄給他的。但礙於傳統銀行的轉帳費時及手續費,決定採取他姐夫的建議,用比特幣來寄學費。以虛擬貨幣進行跨國轉帳,手續費與時間等成本便可降至最低,讓流程更有效率!





(2)比特幣在阿根廷 Bitcoin in Argentina




最近的新聞也表示,有兩家業者(Athena Bitcoin、Odyssey)看準阿根廷民眾對加密貨幣交易需求增加,準備在當地設立比特幣ATM,並計劃在一年內部署超過1600台。



In search of a good movie? Check out these movies about Bitcoin! (I)

Hello world! This is Eunice! Ever since I’ve started working in the blockchain industry, I’ve been longing to introduce this industry through some small talks and simple topics. So here it is, my personal blog. (Before you start reading, you can hit the “subscribe” button on the top for more interesting entries to come!)

I think most people spend their weekend in bed, perhaps with a cup of hot chocolate, binge watching some TV or Netflix (that’ll be my typical weekend for sure). Today we’d let you in on how to “get to know Bitcoin through movies”! This entry introduces movies that revolve around “bitcoin and blockchain”. Let’s get started!

1. Life on Bitcoin

Release date: 2015

Country/Region: USA

Official Trailer:

This is a quite intriguing documentary. In July 2013, a newly married couple Austin Craig and Beccy Bingham decided to live on Bitcoin for 100 days. This includes all expenses from food, fuel, rent to trips.

Craig: “We need to educate people. We have to become outstanding Bitcoin ‘preachers’!”

Austin is an actor and a audio/video consultant. Beccy is a graphic designer. While they were on the mission to live on Bitcoin, they had to constantly persuade and educate supermarkets, landlords and restaurants to come on board. This results in creating a small eco-network that accepts Bitcoin as a payment method within weeks. There were obstacles, and the gas station was the hardest to persuade of all. But luckily, they found a gas station who’d like to cooperate at Salt Lake City. They had to drive for 2 hours every Friday night after 10 pm for gas.

Craig: “It’s not just some trend. I think it has huge potential. We’d just have to see how it can be utilized as a payment method, or as a currency.”

As of right now, there are certain stores around the world that supports Bitcoin payment. But five years ago, there barely is any store that accepts Bitcoin payment. Austin and Craig definitely took on a huge challenge!

2. Banking on Bitcoin

Release Date: 2016

Country/Region: USA

Official Trailer:

This is a documentary that discussed the Bitcoin phenomenon. In addition to application services that are relative to Bitcoin, it also unveils the different attitudes of financial supervision towards Bitcoin and traditional financial institute.

The director also brought in interesting Easter eggs in the movie. Famous investors such as Fred Wilson from Union Square Ventures and Winklevoss Twins from Facebook all appeared in the movie.

This documentary was released in 2016. It is great for novices who are interested in cryptocurrency. If you’re interested, watch it on Netflix now!

3. BitcoinFilm Documentary Shorts

BitcoinFilm is an organization that communicates “how Bitcoin changes lives”. Today we will be sharing two most discussed short films. If you’d like to see more documentary shorts like this, or wish to help promote Bitcoin through videos, you can donate on their website to show your support!

BitcoinFilm Official Website:http://bitcoinfilm.org/

(1) Bitcoin in Uganda

This movie stresses on “how Bitcoin resolves international transaction and donation issues”.

Ronald, who is currently studying in Uganda, relies on the donation from an American family for his tuition. But since traditional bank transactions requires days to process as well as a certain transaction fee, he decided to adopt the advice of his sister’s husband — paying tuition with Bitcoin. With cryptocurrency, the transaction fee and time cost can be minimized, thus enhancing the efficiency of the process!

This short film also emphasized another highlighted feature: once he posted his Bitcoin address on the internet, and he’ll be able to receive tuition fee donations from anyone on the world!

By the way, One-Forty in Taiwan (a NGO that cares for South-East Asian immigrants) is now allowing Bitcoin donation since May. They’re the first NGO that has cryptocurrency as their cash flow sources.

Post Detail: http://bit.ly/2QYznKU

(2) Bitcoin in Argentina

This short film talks about how “Bitcoin resolves inflation in Argentina”. It depicts how people in Argentina retain the value of their asset through Bitcoin.

One of the enchanting feature of Bitcoin is that it is never effected by currencies distributed by the government. So if a country has an unstable currency, then a decentralized currency will be the best option for retaining the value and resisting inflation. Since most of the Latin-America region are now faced with inflation as one of the economic problems, locals distrust fiat and will thus seek for a safer currency.

Full Short Film:

Recent news stated that two companies (Athena Bitcoin and Odyssey) have foresee the increasing demand for cryptocurrency in Argentina, and therefore decided to setup Bitcoin ATM. They plan to deploy more than 1600 ATMs within a year.

News Detail: http://bit.ly/2ypyRi5

Stop complaining about there’s no good movie to watch! Ring up your friends and let’s get to know Bitcoin better through movies!




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