Count on me, short video mining challenge!|跟著秘銀動ㄘ動 上傳短影音搶秘銀!

Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2018

Long-waited feature….

You can now social mine with short videos!

Of course, each new feature comes with a challenge….

Challenge duration:11/10 20:00 ~ 11/17 07:59 (UTC-8)

How to win:

Step 1: Go to the music gallery, select the song “Count on me” by Connie Talbot.

Step 2: Make a short video and upload to Lit and share it on MITH Telegram channel.

MITH Telegram channel:

MITH team will pick 4 winners, giving 20 MITH to each winner!

🏆What a beauty

🏆All about creativity

🏆You’re Lit

🏆Mining master

Which one is your target? Get your video ready!

萬眾期待已久的 #短影片挖礦 終於上線啦!


活動時間:11/11(日)12:00 ~11/17(六)23:59


Step 1: 到音樂庫找指定音樂「Count on me」

Step 2: 錄製短影片到 Lit,並上傳到「秘銀中文電報群」,與群主分享你的短影片!


活動獎勵:秘銀將選出以下四位得獎者,各給予 20 秘銀獎勵!





快鎖定一個獎項,拿起手機,跟我一起在 Lit 動ㄘ動吧!

