MITH Staking and Earning Revamped| 全新的秘銀鎖倉與秘銀定存

Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2019


Dear MITH Community,

We are revamping MITH staking by providing MITH holders a simple and direct way to stake and earn MITH, without having to make social posts. Just deposit MITH to start earning — it’s that simple! Furthermore, we are expanding how MITH holders can better earn cryptos by enabling access to decentralized finance (DeFi) opportunities without the headaches of managing DeFi yourself. Many of you in the community have provided valuable feedback — we thank you for your support as always, and hope you like these changes.

Announcing Steaker

Steaker is a digital assets management service platform. Utilizing professional risk diversification, Steaker assists clients in investing their digital assets in well-known DeFi/CeFi/Staking projects to earn interest. Starting late December 2019, MITH holders will only need to deposit their MITH into their Steaker account to start earning MITH. You can also access DeFi opportunities on Steaker. Steaker is a MITH-forged company, led by our newest MITH Foundation Council Member, Wilson Huang. We’re proud of what Wilson and the Steaker team have built, and look forward to the contributions that Steaker will bring to the MITH Ecosystem. This new plan will go into effect in the coming weeks — please be sure to follow Steaker official website or Medium for details.

As part of this change, we are terminating our partnerships with PiePie and Yeemos effective November 15th, 2019. Users who have earned MITH via social mining from these partners can continue to access VAULT to spend and manage their MITH.

Thank you for your support,

Jeffrey Huang



公告全新 Steaker 服務

Steaker 是全新的數位資產管理代辦平台,將客戶的資產利用專業的風險分散機制,協助客戶將數位資產投放在業界知名的 DeFi / CeFi / Staking 項目,讓客戶獲得穩健的報酬。並且從 2019 年 12 月下旬開始,秘銀幣持有者只要存入秘銀幣到 Steaker 帳戶中,就能開始賺取秘銀幣,或者是也可以利用秘銀幣直接申購 Steaker 的去中心化金融方案。

Steaker 也是秘銀鍛造基金的合作夥伴,由秘銀基金會的最新成員 Wilson Huang 所創。我們很榮幸看到 Wilson 與 Steaker 團隊打造的服務,也很期待未來 Steaker 為秘銀生態系帶來的貢獻。有關秘銀與 Steaker 最新的合作計畫將在幾週後公佈,請持續關注 Steaker 官網Medium 相關公佈渠道。

在這更動之中,我們也將在 2019 年 11 月 15 日結束 Piepie 和 Yeemos 的合作關係,已經透過這兩個平台社交挖礦獲得的秘銀,用戶還是能繼續使用 VAULT 做花費與管理。


Jeffrey Huang

